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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. He probably told her he was going to the gym, or would that be too obvious to Anna that something hinky was going on? Why do I feel like a Lifetime movie based on the Josh Duggar scandal(s) is in the works?
  2. Mine is a kids show that I want to say was from the 80's since that was when I was a kid and watched it. It took place in a department store and there was a male mannequin who came to life either when his hat was removed or put on. I cannot remember for certain. I think someone says magic words or something. There was a lady who worked in the department store, a puppet mouse, and a puppet man who was the security guard. I cannot think of what the name of the show was.
  3. Me either. I really liked Breaking Bad and Saul, so I thought I would enjoy Better Call Saul, but I do not. I too think it is dull. I do not mind slow moving shows, but I guess I wasn't that interested in it.
  4. Of course you can come sit by me, but I will warn you that I like Clara (hated her story last season), but agree with everything else on your list.
  5. Maya on Girl Meets World. I liked her during the first season and still like her friendship with Riley and those moments, but everything else just bugs me. I do not think she has charisma or generates chemistry with every character, except for inappropriate chemistry with Shawn. I think it is too much of a good thing, since I liked her at first, but this season seems to be overkill. I think Sabrina Carpenter is on par with the rest of the actors on the show and Disney Channel.
  6. I too, hope Camryn does not get the captain spot, but feel like this whole other girls get a chance to shine while Camryn sits on the sidelines is for when Camryn inevitably gets the captain spot. I could have sworn there was another co-captain that Camryn battled a season or so ago when it seemed like all the various captain positions, besides Kayla's, were up for grabs. I think Christiana got some position. I wondered why that girl wasn't being featured as someone to take over Kayla's spot. I really liked both of the girls that were featured tonight that we have not seen before. The captain solo girl and the one that lead stands. Though I felt sorry for the girl who lead the stand battle since they lost, and that gives Mimi more ammunition to say that Camryn should have lead.
  7. I was okay with not saying goodbye in that instance. Jeff said something like call the person and call me back, which I too, took to mean they were done and Gage would call back after he reached out to whomever. It sounded like that was all that needed to be said and Jeff did not have anything else work related to say. It would bug me though, if often I had more to say and he just hung up. I think what makes it awkward for me to watch is that when someone screws up or does something Jeff does not like and he gets mad, his cutting remarks and anger are on full display of everyone who works there, or he vents to the various people who work for him. It is never approached one on one, and rarely in a calm manner.
  8. Mine has always been Haley, followed closely by Phil and Lily.
  9. I am on Gage's side with this one. It did not sound like Jeff was joking. Then Jeff wondering why later Gage is upset and saying he was joking. I feel like Zoila can dish out all her insults, but cannot take it when people get fed up and throw it back at her. Wasn't there several seasons ago where Jett, who seemed to be very laid back, or maybe it was Gage, said something back to her and she went in her room to cry? If Zoila talked to me like she does Gage, there would be problems. Though, Jeff does not do anything to help the situation and sometimes egging her on.
  10. I am torn on the Rhonda issue. I do think a lot of people have been in her place when a friend gets a boyfriend/girlfriend, gets married, has kids, or meets new people, but I also think that it is good for Caitlyn to have other friends. Obviously before Caitlyn went public Rhonda was the person she confided in and hung out with, but now she has a new group of friends and she does not focus so much on Rhonda. It sucks, but it probably wasn't healthy for Rhonda to focus that much on Caitlyn either. I thought Caitlyn was oblivious to Rhonda on the trip, because she was excited to be hanging out with other trans women and talking about those issues, and with women who went through similar and not so similar things. I did not see it as her being intentionally distant to Rhonda. Though I have no idea what their friendship was like before Caitlyn went public. I did not mind Caitlyn's comment about Kris in the Vanity Fair article, because from what I saw on "Keeping up with the Kardashians" it seemed accurate. How many times did Kim, Kris and some of the others bash Caitlyn, but now it is not okay for Caitlyn to comment on Kris' treatment of her and how she felt? Hell, Caitlyn was married to Kris for a long time I think it would be strange not to mention her in some capacity.
  11. Ugh with going there with Maya/Lucas, but I always thought if they wanted this show to be more Boy Meets World-ish they would have Riley and Farkle get together. I love the Maya/Riley friendship, but am growing tired of the other Maya storylines. I think I would like it if everyone just remained friends at the end of the series.
  12. This. I hated how Mimi thought Camryn was entitled to the captain spot. Something about those two rubs me the wrong way. I know that it will probably end up that Camryn will be captain, but I wish she wouldn't. I enjoy soft spoken Christiana more than Camryn. Wasn't there another co-captain that we saw Camryn battle it out against last season? She wasn't one that they focused on, but I got the impression that she had been co-captain under Kayla for some years. I miss Kayla leading battles, because she had some spark while she lead. So far Christiana is the only one who had some spark and I know Miss D isn't going to make her captain. I miss focusing on Sunjai too.
  13. Didn't Jeff a season or so ago pay for a boob job for Vanina? Am I misremembering?
  14. I bet her defense will be that the toys are for poor, sick children, and that she thought Target was helping with the donation by putting said toys on a shelf where Kim could reach them, because as Monty stated Kim is a giver. Or she will just use that "100% pain" excuse.
  15. If Channa forgot something occasionally it would be one thing, but it sounded like she forgot a lot of stuff repeatedly, and it seemed to be Jeff's stuff. I would have sympathy for her if I thought it was actually a mistake, but with that amount of stuff that was not at the shoot sounded a bit hinky. I do think Channa signing a waiver to appear on the show while intentionally sabotaging Jeff gives me some doubt, but people do stupid stuff all the time. Who really knows, maybe it was a member of her staff that was screwing with things. I would assume that Channa would be cheaper to keep on than Jeff, but I do not work in that industry so I do not know. I also wonder if they will keep with Jeff's idea of shooting at locations or go back to the studio.
  16. Small voice....I like Jeff's design aesthetic. I think George would have had more input in the design, but from what it sounded like with his wife and Jeff that he was busy when they were going over details and shopping for furniture. George was probably working, but it could explain why he did not have much input in the design and such.
  17. I assumed that Michael calls Brandon at work where he possibly might not have caller ID and that is why he answers "hello it's Brandon", or maybe, he just answers his phone without really looking at who is calling. Sigh, I do not know, but there has to be some reason. It seems so random. I did laugh at Brandon thinking a small wedding is 50 people, not 500. I do not mind Tori or Carlin. I enjoyed the last episode with Tori at college. Yeah, it was Crown College, but I am just glad this family lets the girls have some sort of education or skills. Lawson getting his wisdom teeth out and everyone teasing him was fun. Was it Trace that he asked if he wanted to play basketball as they were trying to get him out of the car?
  18. I was disappointed too. All those times watching My Little Pony and buying various My Little Pony stuff with and for my niece was finally going to pay off. Not so much.
  19. I am indifferent on Laurel on Arrow, but I always thought they should make her more bitchy or a villain, because I thought that Katie Cassidy plays bitchy better than good girl.
  20. Didn't Alton Brown write some sort of Fanifesto? I do not remember what was on it or if it was actually a joke, but I thought it was a bit overboard writing it down and sharing with his fans. I met Alton Brown ( and Michael Ruhlman) at Michael Symon's Lola probably midway during his "Good Eats" run. He was nice then, but I think he comes off as smug hipster now and cannot stand him. My sister-in-law was on "Cutthroat Kitchen" but never really commented on Alton Brown when she tells about it.
  21. Heh. My sister-in-law met her husband on a legitimate online dating site. She said she used a picture that she did not think she looked good in, so when he saw her in real life he would think she looked better. I had to laugh at that. Crystal did have a bit of the crazy eyes. I always find it hilarious when the catfish gets all self righteous when the start of whatever relationship is with a giant lie. I was kind of hoping that crazy Jacqueline from the previous episode was the catfish.
  22. People hate Major? I like him too. I thought they really did well in making Major his own character and not just Liv's ex/love interest. I pretty much like all the main characters on iZombie though. I like Rachel Zane on Suits. I always have. Though I do mostly enjoy her interactions with characters other than Mike, but really do not mind their interactions either.
  23. I do not know how she broke her ribs, but I am guessing she is in 100% pain. I wonder if it included a three......no probably five......wait, make it seven day hospital stay?
  24. I have a subscription to Birchbox, which I really like. Most of the samples I get I like, though I am pretty realistic that there is usually a dud(s) in every so many boxes. Not every box is going to be a hit, but overall I enjoyed what I got each month. I thought they did well with what they sent based off the questionnaire that I filled out. I have reviewed the products to get points, which gives a bit of a discount on buying products off their site. I have a few close friends that also get Birchboxes and sometimes when we get something that we did not love we will give/trade it with each other. So that helps too.
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