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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I would probably agree if I was in your boat. That said, I thought season three was really good. I enjoyed it a lot, but I can see how the BBC taking a long time to air it and screwing with the schedule would be irritating and hamper my willingness to watch it. I have had the same experience with other shows and not caring about the characters anymore as well, so I get it.
  2. So true. I have to admit that I understood the distraction comment about Kendall and Kylie from Caitlyn. They probably were a distraction for Caitlyn. She could immerse herself with them (She was probably a more involved parent to them than her other kids, which is not saying much), and forget about things. It sucks for them to read that, but Caitlyn has always been more about herself than anyone else. I always thought the truth was somewhere in the middle of both Caitlyn and Kris' accounts about the hormones and gender issues bit of the story. Anyway I just do not see Rob and Caitlyn doing their own things as going against the family. I feel like Khloe is going to go all Caroline Manzo about the "fambly" bullshit. If she does not want to get over it that is fine, but the continued bitching about it just seems bitter at this point. I feel like it is mostly Kim and Khloe that get all over the top with their reactions about things Vanity Fair and this Rob stuff are the more recent examples. There are probably others, but I cannot remember off the top of my head. It is crazy when Tyga is the unlikely voice of reason in the episode.
  3. I agree. It will be interesting to see how it plays out. I do not feel that strongly one way or another about Mykelti getting engaged. If it works out that is great, and if it does not I hope she learns from it. I am not going to judge Tony, because I have seen very little of him and he looks like a regular guy to me. I have said before I enjoyed college, but if Mykelti does not and is happy working at a pawn shop with her husband-to-be working in a bank that is fine with me. I do think she is immature and impulsive, but if she is set on getting married nothing is going to stop her. As much as I hate the adults I do hope for the best for the kids.
  4. I guess I will never see the big deal of Caitlyn's comments in Vanity Fair. I think Caitlyn and Kris are both at fault for the various reasons their marriage ended, but they cannot put episode after episode of Kris being horrible to Caitlyn (and I am sure it went both ways, but Kris' shit was shown) then act like Caitlyn is bashing Kris with comments that anyone who watched the show could see. I just saw Caitlyn's comments as being pretty minor and I do not even like Caitlyn or Kris for that matter. Those last few years that Caitlyn was on KuwtK there was a lot of animosity between her and Kris. I think they both played their parts in it all. Khloe needs to either get over it or not, but the continuing bitching about it is ridiculous at this point. If Caitlyn and Rob want to do their own things so be it. Aren't Kylie's lip kits basically the same as the Colour Pop ones?
  5. I loved that comment! Kourtney had some great lines for Kim and Khloe at the end of last weeks episode too. I agree. Also what was the talking head where she blamed Caitlyn for something and now Rob as well? I forgot what the quote was, but I thought it was ridiculous. I really only think that Rob should have told Kris after he got engaged, if he wanted to keep it a secret beforehand. I do think if he told anyone in that family that none of them would have kept it quiet. They would have all told each other. Hell, Tyga actually was pretty reasonable about the whole thing, especially more than Khloe and Kim. I also do not get why some of them are mad that Rob asked Chyna to get engaged in front of her family. Hell, they are probably more supportive than his at this point (well, besides Kris, sort of). Maybe Robs feels better being away from certain family members. Kris' ridiculous fur coats were great to laugh at. Is North's hair actually that long? She had her hair in braids on the plane and her hair looked quite long. In some ways I feel like Kanye wanted the family. Like the whole big Kardashian family. I always thought Lamar kind of wanted that as well.
  6. Me either, especially the younger kids. How old is Savannah? I also thought some of the kids were just saying they were open to it to pacify their parents or trying to be polite a not diss their parents decision. During the younger teens/kids segment I kept saying shut up Aurora. Who was the boy on the end of the same couch as Aurora, next to Gwendolyn? He seemed to have Kody's number a bit. I feel like Caleb is being polite when he says how much he likes Kody. I think he likes not living near him. Though I would never expect Caleb or really any of Kody's kids to really hate on him on camera in these interview shows. I actually feel like Mariah is the only one showing actual real emotions about the whole Catfish debacle. The adults are glossing over it all saying everything is getting better, but I like that Mariah is not totally playing that game. I got the impression that there were things Mariah could not or possibly would not say to answer some of the questions asked. I guess for me, it looked like she wanted to say more but would not. I do not think I am making any sense. This. So much of this. Like you said, she was preyed upon by a crazy woman, but she was having an emotional affair. I believe she would have jumped ship if Sam was actually real. All those emails, texts, photos, and whatever else were very telling that this was not just a "friendship". If she actually owned this all I would feel a bit of sympathy for her, but I am so over Meri. She keeps claiming it was a friendship and it was more than that. Also, Kody (and I am not sure about the other ladies, because I flipped the channel for a bit) saying he has not heard or read the voicemails and texts seems like bullshit. Oh and Meri claiming she was never going to leave, because of the children. Please.
  7. Hee! For me, I think that Sam Page as Dr. Rapist is a role of his that made the biggest impression on me. He pops up a lot in so many television shows that I have watched over the years, but the Mad Men role is what sticks out the most for me.
  8. Hee! For me, I think that Sam Page as Dr. Rapist is a role of his that made the biggest impression on me. He pops up a lot in so many television shows that I have watched over the years, but the Mad Men role is what sticks out the most for me.
  9. I stopped watching Unreal after the first episode of this season. I realized I do not like any of the characters on the show, and I really do not care what happens to them. I thought the first season of Unreal was amusing, but never thought it was that great of a show in the first place.
  10. Oh I remember Annie Claus is Coming to Town. I gave it a try because of Maria Thayer. I loved her as Tammy Littlenut in Strangers with Candy. If only Jerri Blank made appearance in Annie Claus... Though that would have been a whole different kind of movie. I was never a fan of All Things Valentine. I did give it a try when it first aired. I have never been fond of Sarah Rafferty. I used to like Sam Page, because he would pop up in all sorts of things, but ever since he was Dr. Rapist on Mad Men I have a hard time not associating him with that character.
  11. Me either. I just assumed she was not entirely sure they would show up. Though I could have missed something. My Game of Thrones UO is that I am not a fan of Arya. I liked her in the books and I like Maisie Williams as well, so I am not sure why I am not wild about her in the television series. Another Game of Thrones UO is that Sansa has been one of my favorites characters since the start.
  12. I enjoyed this book. I do love me some Eric Ripert. I kept thinking I should get the audiobook, because I could listen to Eric Ripert read anything.
  13. I remember seeing Barry Watson pop up on a few episodes of Hart of Dixie, Gossip Girl, and Masters of Sex. The actor that played Martin seems to have pretty steady work. I did not watch it, but I believe he had a regular gig on Teen Wolf for awhile and I know he was just cast as Superman on Supergirl. I cannot remember the guy who played Lucy's husband's brother, but I see him pop up a lot on various shows.
  14. Hee! I guess judging that Meghan is actually pregnant it is already more interesting than robo-baby.
  15. I am surprised that Mason, Penelope, and North could even recognize members of their family, mostly Khloe and Kim, in those old family photos scattered around the hotel room. So much plastic surgery makes them almost unrecognizable.
  16. That is going to be a lot of trees to paint. This is how I see Caleb's behavior as well. I think his behavior around Kody is partly humoring him and just being polite. Caleb seems pretty laid back and he (and probably most of the older kids) probably let Kody's ridiculous behavior slide because they are not around him as much. Sometimes I think Kody's man crush on Caleb might be about Caleb reminding him of his younger brother that passed away, but really what do I know. I felt for Maddie a bit when she asked Kody to marry them and he basically had a non-reaction. Caleb talking about his mother and Maddie comforting him and finishing Caleb's thought when he could not get the words out was nice. I believe Maddie is headed back to school. She mentioned on Twitter that she has started the packing process for their move to school in Laramie. So she and maybe Caleb seem to be headed back to school. I loved college (MSU! Sparty on!), but it isn't for everyone. Mykelti tried it and maybe she will go back eventually, but I am fine if she does not. At least she does have a job. I do not know if her boyfriend does. Mykelti does seem happy in Utah. I do not think marriage is the best route at this point though.
  17. I may have missed something, but I got the impression it was really only Kody who did not eat pork (and possibly others), and that it was not something the whole family practiced. I thought it was like the coffee thing, that some drink it and some do not. It is their choice. While Kody was having his pork tantrum, I loved Logan's reaction to it. I also, liked that everyone seemed so blasé about all of Kody's tantrums. During Kody's "I am the general" speech, I loved the look on Logan's face. It also looked like Caleb was laughing a bit. I think I laughed more at the kids just eating and basically ignoring Kody while he was ranting.
  18. This. All of This. I crack up anytime Kris waxes poetic about Robert Kardashian like she never ever cheated on him. I felt weird for Kendall and Kylie with all the talk of the Kardashian family trips to Vail and how those trips were the best thing ever. It also felt like Kris was trying to erase Caitlyn's history with the family as well. Though Kendall and Kylie seemed fine, so what do I know. I was with Kourtney with the whole Rob engagement thing. I always love someone calling Kim a bitch. So yay Kourtney! Why would Kim and Khloe think Rob would tell them about getting engaged or even thinking about asking Blac Chyna to marry him? They are not in a good place so why would he? I feel like Kim and Khloe would be mad if Rob told them he was going to propose and they would be mad if he did not. It feels like a no win situation for Rob. Also, why is it such a crime that he did it with her family instead of his, because I do not see that to be an issue. He probably gets along better with them than his family right now. Oh my brother got engaged to my sister-in-law and my family did not know it was going to happen. I mean, we figured it would happen sometime soon since they were together for awhile, but my brother kept a lid on it until after he asked her. We were all fine with it. The only person I think he should tell after is really Kris at this point. I sure as hell would not tell any of the K's beforehand, because they cannot keep their mouths shut. Well, unless it benefits them. Kim in her talking heads saying that she wished Rob was there, I kept thinking sure you do Kim. Kim grabbing her coat before she answered the door made me laugh. That coat is not going to help you Kimmy.
  19. I basically did as well. I did not like any of these women. Usually for me, there is at least one woman that seems a bit more sane than the rest or at least amusing to watch. It isn't even like RHONY where I go back and forth on all of them depending on what goes down in an episode. None of these women clicked for me. I actually liked a few of the Potomac women most of the time. Hell, I even like some of the more hated housewives like Heather Dubrow, Bethenny, and Kandi, but for some reason was not a fan of any of these women. I concur. I kept waiting for a tear to fall since she was just so upset. Though none of the women really could get any tears out.
  20. Maddie tweeted this a few days ago. Maybe she (or both of them) are headed back to college soon. Maddie B ‏@MaddieR_Brown Jun 15 I have started the packing process to make our move to school in Laramie. I am just staring at everything like "how do I pack that!?" Some of the wedding pictures that she posted on Twitter/Instagram show some boho elements. I would not call it full fledged bohemian or anything, but there are some elements involved. Judging from the group picture I do think Mariah, Mykelti, and Aspyn look nice.
  21. Oh I agree that they probably still have chaperones. I just thought that maybe the ride to pick Ashley up and back that they might have been alone for a bit. Though I could have missed seeing another person with them. When Nathan and Ashley went on the carriage ride in NYC, Kelly did not seem concerned at all. I feel like with the Duggars Michelle would have sat in between them for the whole ride and Jim Bob would reiterate why in a smug, condescending way.
  22. It looked like Nathan and Ashley drove in by themselves (though I could have missed spotting a kid), when I am guessing Nathan picked her up from the airport. If this was Duggar universe they would need a chaperone. Also, when Bobby said that the whole Bates clan would probably end up reading the texts, I got the impression that it was because of nosy/gossiping parents or siblings and not that Tori and Bobby had to group text.
  23. I cannot stand Taylor Swift, but I agree with you. Her and her team are very smart with how she is portrayed. I cannot really imagine her approving the lyrics Kanye wrote, because she and her team are careful with her brand. I thought the original reports when the song was released said that Taylor kind of told Kanye it was not a good idea to use those lyrics. I imagine she could not really stop him from using those lyrics either. With that said it feels like Kim ( and probably Kanye) are beating a dead horse. This part of the Kanye/Taylor feud seemed dead and buried why are they bringing it up again?
  24. I agree. Bryan is Danny's boss. People do not always like their bosses, but know better to just bite their tongue when they disagree. I was fine with Bryan telling Danny (and I think he told some of the other deck crew) to stay out of the Hannah and Ben drama. I do not think that Bryan necessarily conveyed that well, since he was drunk, but I understood it. I know it is probably an unpopular opinion but I do not think Bryan is a horrible boss or at least as horrible as they try to make him out to be. A mean drunk? Yes, but he seems to be an okay boss. Isn't this his first time being in charge, so hopefully he will learn from this. I do think Bryan is a dick sometimes to Danny, but in a way I think Danny deserves it a bit. I think that Bobby and Julia both flirted with the other, but Bobby is the one that came away with a crush and a bit of hope that she might be into him. I really liked that Julia just sat Bobby down and spoke to him concisely about how she had a boyfriend and she wanted him to back off. I was also fine with Bobby saying that he is just kind of avoiding her for now. If that is how he is going to deal with it so lines are not crossed I am fine with that. Maybe they will figure out just being friends before the charter season is over. I have to admit I was okay with Ben's CYA move to go tell the captain, probably because the captain thought very little of it all. I thought that Ben might have thought Hannah might throw him under the bus and that is why he did it. Danny is always a bit over the top for me. I do think Bobby and Danny are in a tricky situation to party and be the wingmen for the guests. It is why I did not care that Bobby sat on the sidelines. It just seems like it could be potentially an awkward situation. I do like this group overall. They all have made mistakes or overstepped guest boundaries (Danny), but I do feel that they are all pretty competent in their jobs, which is nice to see.
  25. Hee! I am so excited to see the outcome of this subplot. The suspense is killing me, because this show seems to be like watching paint dry.
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