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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. But he baked her a cake. Did he bake the cake for Jinger or is it damage control for the usual Jeremy is a douche canoe posts? I did not want to actually watch it. I was hoping taking a break with their podcast would limit their other social media posts.
  2. Jack could be hit or miss with me, but I did enjoy his relationships with Riley and Mac. I did like him with Maddie too. The character worked better for me with the team than Desi. I was another one that thought they would pull the Jack faked his death card, but nope.
  3. So no one has suggested grifting as a topic for their podcast? JillRod could be a guest.
  4. Hahaha! Can you imagine Gordon Ramsay dealing with Meri? Meri would say something about her walls being up and how it isn't a safe space. If she has a dedicated LulaNo spot at the inn, Gordon would have a field day throwing that garbage out.
  5. My favorite musicians are usually of the indie/alternative/singer/songwriter sort. I do sometimes enjoy songs from other bands/musicians. It just depends what clicks with me. I do love musical theater so I gravitate toward cast recordings as well. My favorite musician, that I go see anytime he is in town, is Glen Hansard. He is fantastic live and tells some great stories.
  6. This. Jen would be my favorite if she just snarked on Brooks for the duration of the show. I understand wanting your parents to be there for big events, but the way Brooks was carrying on about his dad not being there was so over the top. Brooks, your dad has a job in another state to help fund your fashion line of one tracksuit. I wish his dad responded that he has already seen Brooks' one design. I should duct tape my name on a tracksuit then I would be a fashion designer. It is that easy! Then I can have a fashion show with six people wearing the same thing. Apparently that is how it is done.
  7. Jeremy's next post will be that he had chocolate covered strawberries for all three meals.
  8. I think Eddie still seem pretty competent. Isn't his usual gig being a tugboat captain or something like that? How long was he away from yachting? I believe it was mentioned in the first episode, but I forgot what was said. I admit to cutting him some slack because overall I do like him.
  9. I have never warmed up to the character of Desi. I think the actress is fine, but just do not care about the character. I thought I would warm up to the character eventually, but it has not happened. I admit I was disappointed that they cast someone in the same age range as a majority of the cast, probably because once I saw who they cast to replace Jack I knew they would do a romantic pairing with Mac.
  10. I feel like Jill's definition of porn could include so many things or instances that are in fact not porn. Maybe the group of guys that Jill claims to have "bullied" poor Timbits were surprised that Timmy has never seen porn, a sex scene, or whatever falls under Jill's incredibly loose definition of porn. Like was mentioned upthread that if it was actually shown to Timbits during class and the professor did not care I would assume a majority of the students are adults and can look at as much porn as they want. Didn't Timmy write something on Jill's social media about porn or am I getting that confused with a Duggar or Duggar adjacent?
  11. I love your whole post. Isn't Deer Park Funland now Michigan's Adventure? Deer Park Funland was before my time, but Michigan's Adventure is in my hometown. Another Michigander echoing the sentiments of leaving us alone.
  12. Hee! Don't forget Felicity, who apparently has captured the hearts of their fans everywhere! I could not stop rolling my eyes reading their book synopsis.
  13. I am jealous. I do not think it will ever come to Roku.
  14. I'm sorry, but I do not know what the plots of the other books are. My niece has read them. I should ask her. She was excited that the third book came out a couple weeks or so ago. I enjoyed the show. It was light and fun, which I am all for lately. I liked all the main characters, though Langston was definitely my favorite. The ages of the actors did not bother me, because I have watched way too many "teen" shows where the actors are older than their high school character that they play. I guess, I would say I am used to it. I admit to being fairly easy to please with my fluff television show watching these days.
  15. There are three Dash and Lily books, so it is possible for another series or so.
  16. My nephew was around Spurge's age when he would refer to my brother by his name, mainly because he heard my parents and other family members during the holidays call my brother by his name. My nephew thought it was hilarious. My brother and sister-in-law thought it was amusing at the time. It wasn't a big deal.
  17. I do not mind Shane either. I always thought he just seems awkward around the cameras. I will be at my table for one in liking Gina. I enjoyed her most of last season, and am really liking her this season. She seems to be self deprecating.
  18. I thought the same thing. I missed Avery's introduction, so I wondered where he was from to see if that added anything to the possible grandma has COVID timeline.
  19. Did Jinger draw money in the artwork picture? If so, I would think Jeremy would love that. As for the picture at the gardens, did they get someone to follow them to take pictures again?
  20. I can see why this was funny. Too bad I am at my table for one with not liking Regis. I always hated his schtick.
  21. I have always hated the Halloween show. It is basically a bunch of costume changes with lame skits. It always falls flat for me. It does seem to be very popular though. It just isn't my cup of tea.
  22. I am probably misremembering, but was not there a Twitter exchange between Derick and someone wishing Jill and Derick were back on the show and Derick replied with something like maybe or we'll see? Like I said, I am probably not remembering it right. I think if they had an offer they would be back onscreen in a heartbeat. Of course, Derick contradicts himself all the time, which is why I take so much of what he says with a grain of salt. That said, I do not believe anything Jim Bob says either. I do not believe either of their versions of anything that went down.
  23. Yup. If the person came back from rumspringa and decides to get baptized into the church then they will be shunned if they leave. If they do not get baptized into the church they do not get shunned. I will add that rumspringa usually lasts around two years, but I believe it can vary from each Amish community. I rolled my eyes at the world traveler stuff as well.
  24. I think Felicity texted "Your pocket squares make your butt look big," to Jeremy in toddler speak.
  25. This. I thought the same thing. The main characters seemed to dislike each other and then further along in the movie they basically tolerated each other. There wasn't really much that made it seem like they were attracted to each other. I kept thinking that I missed something, because they were acting like friendly acquaintances than two people falling for each other.
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