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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I am still really disliking Mimi this season. She could not go sit with the Birmingham moms and then when the Jackson Dancing Dolls were the last to perform in the field show category, I forgot the exact thing she said something about how they were the main event, which is probably technically true, but I hate her discounting the other girls from Birmingham and the baby dancing dolls. It just rubbed me the wrong way. I have to admit to liking Dana (Faith's mother). She seems a bit more logical than some of the other moms. Hell, Selena is a bit more logical when she is not talking about her kids.
  2. I will be the unpopular one who does not like Barbara. Her up speak/vocal fry annoyed me and I could not get past it. Then again, I liked Pranjal, so I have no idea what that says about me.
  3. I saw the promo for the new season starting in September. It looked like Kate and Ben were back, but I could not tell if anyone else was. I will be sad if Amy is not back as well.
  4. You are probably right. I kept thinking it was like Liz Lemon on 30 Rock, where she believed she was being bullied, but it was her that was actually the bully.
  5. I admit to laughing at Tamra saying Kelly sounded like an owl during the whole "Whoooooo, whoooooooo, Whoooooooooo?" exchange, especially with Shannon replying "you, you, you!" after Kelly spoke each time. It was so ridiculous.
  6. These were my favorite moments in the episode. I will be at my table for one with thinking that Heather does not want Terry to stop working or anything to that extent, but just not do everything that is thrown his way or just schedule things better. I like Heather so it does not bother me if she does not have a storyline. I did enjoy the reaction shots of Heather in the background of all the fighting. I did not think Shannon's guests were there to set up Kelly, because one made a comment when she talked to Kelly the first time about how she (Kelly) was not with her husband at the time they originally met and nothing really happened when she said it. Also, prior to the fight at the party I did not think Shannon liked Kelly, but I did not think she hated her to where she would set her up. She went to Kelly's party last week and they seemed to be okay, not great, but okay. I did think Nina was actually telling Kelly and Vicki where Vicki's purse was when they first entered the area with Shannon, Tamra, and the other two. Then Tamra stirred the pot and everything went crazy. Oh Tamra, I was liking you this season too, but I did know that would probably end sometime. It was inevitable. I thought both Shannon and Kelly were acting horrible during their fight. Shannon going to grab David and telling him that Kelly and her husband were being mean was like a kid tattling. I like Shannon when she is away from her Vicki friendship, so I hope she goes back to that Shannon and less screechy Shannon. I cannot stand Kelly. I do not get why she cannot understand why Shannon does not want to be friends with Vicki and how she should forgive her. She brought it up to Tamra when they were shopping. I feel like Kelly wanted a reason to get into it with Shannon and that is why she is saying it was a set up. Kelly was the one to bring up the history of her and her husband's relationship to the other women at Meghan's in an earlier episode. Vicki, while Brooks is to blame for the faux cancer story, so were you. You lied and you can say in every episode that you did not, but you did. You would still be with Brooks if he did not leave you and you would still be lying, like you continue to do. You called Brooks on the phone to tell him you do not deserve people thinking you lied, how you are the victim, and that it all happened nine months ago and they should all just move on. You are not the victim, you are still lying, and you lied about your boyfriend having cancer to gain sympathy and casseroles I am fine with no one ever forgiving you. The whole Shannon, David, and their kids talking about if David had wet dreams was so horrible to watch. I was hoping Shannon would shut it down, when David was standing there embarrassed and stammering awkwardly.
  7. I think Bite and Nars have really nice creamy lipsticks. Bite is a bit more long wear for me, but I love the formula and textures that both brands have.
  8. Jonathan Groff! My Melchior and King George the Third the second! I agree. I wish they got to kiss before the end as well. I thought they were going to since they seemed to acknowledge that they were attracted to each other earlier than some of these movies. I also liked that Hilarie and Victor's characters knew each other over the course of a couple of months or so, since it was mentioned that they were staying at the villa for the summer. I really liked this movie. I would probably re-watch it if I caught it sometime again. I haven't felt that way with many Hallmark movies lately. Most of them have been just okay for me.
  9. So much of this. If I was Teresa I would not trust Jac at all. Jac seems like the type who wants to know all the dirt and then she will use it against you the second she gets mad. The editing of Jac ranting about Teresa and the phone call to Chris cracked me up. I knew Jac was obsessed, but it was so over the top. I liked how disinterested Chris looked throughout the whole sequence. I liked seeing Delores and her family. I liked them so far, though I initially liked the Manzo's and the Wakile's when they first appeared. I know, I am hanging my head in shame. I am still on the fence about Siggy. I did like hearing a bit more about her background, but I am still not sure about her. Kathy and Rosie add nothing for me. I liked Rosie when she first came on with Kathy back some seasons ago, but have not like her for awhile now. She always seems "on" to me or just angry. What do they want from Teresa? A storyline? Drunk Melissa is much more entertaining than actual Melissa. I have to admit I laughed at Antonia saying "boutiques suck". I am just going to assume she meant Melissa's boutique sucks, even if that is not what she meant that is how I am going to take it, because I am pretty sure she would be right if she intended it that way.
  10. I am the same way with lipsticks and also have way too many shades of red. I prefer matte reds. Kat Von D's Everlasting Liquid Lipstick in the color Outlaw is one of my holy grail red lipsticks. I love Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetic's Lip Tar in Stalker and Black Dahlia (not a red, but one of my favorites to wear). Kat Von D's Lock it foundation, Hourglass Immaculate liquid powder foundation, and Dr. Jart Black Label BB cream are a few of my holy grail products. A couple of drugstore holy grail products for me are Simple Micellar face wipes and Burt's Bees lipsticks.
  11. I did not mind the teen girl, because that seemed to be her character's story annoying at first and then found a hobby and was pretty good the rest of the movie. I thought the whole cast had a nice and easy chemistry with each other. I enjoyed Summer Villa. It was predictable, but I liked it. I never liked Hilarie Burton on One Tree Hill or White Collar, but I enjoy her in these Hallmark movies. I too, was glad they did not really do a triangle with the French guy and that her dating him was basically over before it started.
  12. I just assumed that Ashlyn does not want to act stupid on camera, especially if she does get fired or leaves. She seems to be a more reserved personality, so I can see how it might be embarrassing to be put on the spot. I do think Jeff probably should have gave her a time limit on how long she can consider moving to a full time employee. It seems like he left it open ended. I hope this show gets more seasons, because I would like to see Jeff and Gage with baby. I think they will both be good parents. First time parents always have to figure it all out when the baby arrives. I do not like Zoila, but she even seemed happy for Jeff and Gage. I do hope they hire a nanny and not rely on Zoila the whole time. I have wasted a lot of time watching the Glow Sharks commercial over and over.
  13. I agree. Bryn is probably better off with proper lessons. I started asking around Bryn's age, then later snowboarding. I am from Michigan also, after college I moved to Chicago. I agree about Michigan's crappy snow. I concur about potty training. My niece was in potty training mode, because she had to be potty trained to go to pre-pre-school. She is on the younger end because of her late August birthday. She watched an episode of Daniel Tiger about using the bathroom and that made it all click for her. It was like a light switch. I always think Jules seems so scattered as a parent. Raising kids can make you have crazy days, but Jules acts so helpless and like she is doing everything for the first time, when she probably is not doing it for the first. I guess it is not surprising she hired someone to potty train her kid in two days. I am amazed at the no accidents part. My niece rarely had accidents, but it did happen a few times when she misjudged how soon to get to the bathroom. In one of the earlier episodes of this season didn't Carol say that Adam wanted kids? I can see that being an issue in the future if that is in fact true or he does not change his mind.
  14. I was a bit surprised that Jules' nanny was not helping with potty training. Then again, she is probably too busy standing in line at sample sales and blowing out Jules' hair to potty train Rio. I have never had any official skiing or snowboard lessons when I was a kid. My brothers briefly showed me how and eventually I got it, but there was a lot of falling in the meantime. So maybe that is what Bethenny meant about not having ski lessons and then again maybe not. Dorinda and her step aerobics saved this episode for me, but I did like that there was not really any fighting in this episode. I feel like Lu is happy that she is engaged, but I also, feel like she is acting way over the top happy about Tom and her engagement. She is just too on for me to really believe her extreme happiness. I do not think I am making any sense.
  15. Oh you know she is already writing an album of songs about this drama. I am guessing the first single will probably be in the ballpark of her song "Mean". I do not think any of this will stick to Taylor. It is fun to watch now, but she has an enormous amount of fans. I have a hard time seeing any of them jump ship. I guess I will take some of her fans questioning her a bit, since I really think that is all I am going to get.
  16. I like the Parks and Rec scene during Leslie's election where the whole gang is walking out onto an ice rink and the song "Get on Your Feet" starts and stops. It always makes me crack up. I need to look up which episode that is.
  17. I really do not believe that if Taylor said she did not like the lyric(s) that Kanye would have actually pulled them. I would imagine a Kanye rant would follow. Though that did not happen so who knows. I do not have a dog in this feud. Taylor lied, but I do think recording the conversation is a bit shady, even if it is legal.
  18. This. I want Vicki off my television screen, though I am aware that will probably not happen. Vicki believes she did nothing wrong and keeps offering lame apologies. It would seem she does not know what she is actually apologizing for. It is amazing that she thinks that way, but it really is not, because it is Vicki after all. In the first episode she said she was devastated when Brooks left. It sounded to me like she would still be with him if he did not leave on his own. That says a whole lot about Vicki to me. I have to admit I prefer Shannon when she is not Vicki's friend. I think that is part of the reason I did not really warm up to Shannon in the past. I am fine with her saying she does not want a friendship with Vicki, but I am also fine with Heather just being cordial to Vicki as well. I did like that she pointed out that there are always strings when it comes to Vicki. I do not mind Meghan, so I do not mind her IVF storyline. I laughed when she told Vicki that they were never friends. I also liked Heather hanging out with her kids, even though it was a short scene. So did Tamra forgive Vicki and go back to being friends with her? Oh Tamra, I was actually liking you this season but if you are going the Vicki way I am probably back to not liking you soon. Though it was probably inevitable that I would go back to not liking you, so I guess nothing is really lost. Kelly saying that she does not like seeing Vicki ganged up on, because she has been that girl in the past. Sigh, I normally do not like when one person on any of the Real Housewives shows is ganged up upon by all, but in this case I feel like Vicki deserves it, especially since she believes she did nothing wrong. She just wants some casseroles! I do think Kelly can make her own opinions about Vicki, but she cannot discount the other ladies feelings about Vicki and why they have those feelings. I cannot imagine that she would respond well if one of her friends lied about their significant other having cancer. If she wants to be Vicki's friend so be it, but the other women have the right not to be. Oh if Vicki was on good terms with the rest of the ladies she would not be wasting time on Kelly. She would probably be a bitch to her, because Vicki never seems to like anyone new.
  19. The one good thing I will say about the episode was Reign was cute. That is all I got.
  20. Though Kim and Kanye were not lying about the whole Taylor Swift drama, I wish they would get over her already. I am sure this is going to start more drama. Also Kim, being right this one time does not absolve Kanye on his other various dickish ways and the ways you justify his behavior.
  21. I agree. Jac keeps saying she wants to be Teresa's friend then she says the opposite and makes fun of Teresa in a different scene. In Jacqueline's world Teresa should have come to her house immediately after Teresa's release to repent and beg for her friendship, never mind Teresa has family and actual friends I would imagine she would rather be around, especially during the holidays. Also forget the fact that they were not even remotely friends when Teresa left to serve her sentence. It is almost like Jac wants to be friends with Teresa when she is alone or sometimes with Chris, but when she is around a bigger audience she acts like she does not. One of the things I agreed with Teresa about in the last season was her not wanting to be Jac's friend anymore. I think Delores was right about Teresa saying and acting like everything is fine. I always thought Teresa portrays that everything is good when it isn't, at least on camera and to the other ladies. I would imagine behind closed doors and with real friends she might be honest. It is like she says what she thinks people want to hear. I also agreed with Delores that Teresa does not talk about her feelings and Jac does. I will be by myself in saying that I am fine with Teresa distancing herself from Rosie, Rich and Kathy. I cannot remember if Teresa was in a good place with them before she went to jail, but I really do not care if Teresa gets on with them or not. I like Rosie when she is around JoeGiu, but find her tiring otherwise. Rich still seems so thirsty. I hope the new woman can have different storylines besides Teresa. I feel like the past so many seasons of this show everyone's storyline has been Teresa. I feel like Rosie, Kathy, Jac, and even Melissa a bit are still using her as a story. Stop talking about Teresa a get a fucking storyline! JoeGo is the worst with his misogyny. On the plus side, there was less of JoeGo's incessant sex talk.
  22. I concur with your whole post, but this stands out. I agree that none of the characters have any real depth. It is disappointing, especially with Riley and how they keep making her into an idiot. I would never believe Cory and Topanga's daughter would be as naive and idiotic as the writing keeps showing us. I will be at my table for one when I say that Sabrina Carpenter is on par acting wise with the rest of the cast, but she gets more to do to actually showcase some skills. Though I might be biased because I have been over Maya since season two.
  23. Me either. So are Jeff, Gage, and Zoila all living in half of the house? I love Matt. I am glad he is still around and seems to have more responsibility. I am glad for all the house porn.
  24. I concur. I also think that sometimes people just want to vent about whatever their situation is. Not that it is going to change things or they really want to change things, but get it off their chest, move on, and possibly go back back to it again some other time. I know I do.
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