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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I think the next new episode airs on 27th. I could be wrong though.
  2. Can I ask how your experience with Differin was? I think I would like to try it. I have heard good things, but I have also heard some horror stories about it so I am a bit hesitant.
  3. I loved watching everyone get along. The dance moves and everything at Myrtle's Plantation was fun to watch. They all seemed to genuinely be having a good time. I do think Justin gives some great TH's. I find this cast so much more interesting than the original recipe SC cast. It might be because this cast is new (though that did not work with those idiots in the Savannah cast), but I feel like the regular SC is just the same old rehash of the same stuff from previous seasons.
  4. Maybe he can hang out with the Southern Charm cast.
  5. I cannot fault her for sitting in the sink to do her makeup. I started doing that when I was college when my bathroom did not have the best lighting. I still continue to do it out of habit at 30 years old even though I have much better lighting in my master bathroom. Thomas is disgusting. That is all.
  6. I bruise like that. I have fair skin and anytime I give blood I get a pretty nasty bruise in the area. It always looks so awful.
  7. I think we all need to pitch this show before Kyle does.
  8. Hee! Oh but Erika claims her outfits give her so much depth. I guess she mistakes being an asshole with depth.
  9. Has anyone tried any of the various cica creams/products? I am intrigued. I was wondering what people thought of them and what brands they have tried.
  10. Noooooooooooooooooooo! Make the season be over already! Please? I can see Kyle pitching a show about two sisters who join a reality show and one has a drinking problem. Oh wait, she will gender swap it, so it will now be two brothers joining a reality where one has a drinking problem. See totally not about Kyle's life at all. She is just so stealthy.
  11. I actually would be fine with a recast depending on who they ended up going with. I would probably tune in to see how their chemistry with Wayans would be and hope that it got back to a more season one vibe. I only sporadically tuned in this season anyway because I hated the Riggs/dad and the Riggs/Molly/her kid storylines. I would give the possible recast a shot to see where it goes. I am easy that way or have just watched too many soap operas so I am used to recasts.
  12. Maybe she should talk with Vicki Gunvalson about how to fill her love tank.
  13. I believe it was said on Bringing up Bates or elsewhere that Josie graduated in December, but maybe Crown only has an actual graduation ceremony in the spring. I graduated from a Big Ten school and they had a ceremony in December and May. Though some of the Divison II schools only had a ceremony in the spring.
  14. I do not know the age ranges between this cast and the original recipe SC cast, but I find this cast (so far) seems so much more adult than original recipe SC. They do have their issues and bad behavior, but I am so relieved I do not have to watch any of the men put on some tight white pants to go on the prowl for younger women. Of course, some of this probably has to do with most of the cast being married or in longterm relationships. The conversation on the boat was great, especially what Jared said. I just cannot imagine the SC cast having that sort of conversation. I just find this group so refreshing compared to regular SC. Of course that could change as the season goes on, but I am enjoying this group a lot.
  15. I wonder who the tiny demon looked like. Derelict? Jim Boob? Gothard?Justin Bieber? Caillou? Whoever came up with the Kars4Kids jingle?
  16. I really liked Jared and what he said during the boat ride. That was a powerful moment. I did laugh at everyone in their talking heads waiting for Tamica to just apologize. I also liked Rachel (is that right?) telling Reagan straight out that she will probably be divorced if she moves to the French Quarter alone. So far I think I am enjoying this cast far more than the original recipe Southern Charm cast.
  17. The easiest guess is someone is pregnant. If so, I would hope that it is Michael, but it will probably be Tori or Whitney. My other standard guess is Evan and Carlin are engaged, since they are the couple that has been courting the longest now. My doubtful guess is one of the boys are courting.
  18. I was so hoping the tech guy would hold out. Sigh. Of course he wouldn't because Frank rarely, if ever loses. I liked that Eddie got to be the one to save the day by talking the woman with the baby down, since usually the partners of the Reagan's are often superfluous. I also thought Jamie was going to have to catch the baby. I have said before that I do not care either way if Jamie and Eddie do or do not get together. I just wish TPTB would pick one and stick to it.
  19. I really like Coola sunscreen. They have a lot of products like moisturizer, setting spray, and skin tint with SPF in them. They also have regular sunscreen. I have sensitive skin and I do not have any problems with them.
  20. I will echo the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion recommendation. I have seen some drugstore brands do their version of it as well. I have a friend that uses the Mario Badescu Buffering Lotion for her cystic acne and raves about it. She uses the Differin gel too.
  21. I either think they should have killed Jack off at the end of season four or have Jack and Elizabeth get married during season four. Then Jack and Elizabeth could have had some time being married in season five before they killed Jack off. I am fine with Dan leaving, but think the whole Jack/Elizabeth storyline was horribly mismanaged once they knew that Dan was leaving or wanted out.
  22. Last season the actor who played Ty did actually go to Mongolia for awhile, so that is why he was missing then. I have no idea why he is MIA this season.
  23. This. I hold the unpopular opinion of not liking Anthony. I started out indifferent toward him, but it grew into dislike.
  24. Can you imagine Derick and Kanye working together? That is something they should film, especially if Kanye mentioned that he wrote a song that mentions him screwing his wife on the bathroom sink. This is what I think as well. Maybe he should direct he anger at Jim Bob instead of TLC. If Derick has that much anger at TLC why is he even watching their shows? I am not an violent person, but Derick makes me want to punch him in the face. I really like Nate and Jeremiah. Their daughter is pretty adorable and the brief scenes that she is shown in she is just acting like a typical toddler.
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