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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. I doubt that the picnic is their norm as a family. Maybe for the kids, but the adults not so much.
  2. Does Meri's cardigan have fringe on it?
  3. That would make this episode way more entertaining. Someone just punch Kody in the face. Oh lord Kody, you are not going to The Good Place.
  4. Well she does not have some horrible leggings on yet. Though it is still early!
  5. Talking about duck and Peacock poop sums up how this episode is going to go.
  6. I have thought that if Lawson really wants a career in music maybe he should go into the production side of it. His singing and songs are not great. Though I wonder how well he does on iTunes with his music. For all I know, maybe he is the Justin Bieber of the fundie world. Hasn't Erin made a couple albums? I wonder how well she does selling them. I preferred Josie's dress with the nude lining, but still like it with the white. I am just pleased that she did not go to Miss Renee. When Kelly said that they could take the dress to Renee to let the seams out a bit I was thinking do not do it Josie. It is a low bar after Tori, but at least Josie seemed pleasant when opening gifts and such at her bridal shower. I will probably skip the next episode with Carlin and Evan's engagement. I do not mind Carlin in small doses, but I dread a whole engagement episode with her.
  7. I felt sorry for the Bahamians, especially the woman who owned the restaurant. I have to admit I felt a bit sorry for some of the people that were just working on the app and did not know what was really going on with the festival. I did laugh at what I think were some of the app people attempting to call out Billy and some of the festival employees during the meeting where a lot of the employees were video conferencing in. Also, I liked whichever employee tried to call out Billy during the meeting after the festival where he was technically not firing anyone, but everyone from that point on would be working without pay. Did any of the musical acts actually show up?
  8. In the Sam helping Jill cook picture, he is probably trying to figure out how to poison Jill And Derick.
  9. I have several items of clothing and a purse that are mustard color. I like the color, which I have never admitted to here. I do not think Jessa's mustard color dress would be that bad if it was a smaller size. It looks too big for her. I agree with those who think Jana's Instagram looks very polished.
  10. I loved Sam Witwer on Being Human. The casting for the main three characters on that show was excellent.
  11. This is pretty much why every WestAllen family scene falls flat for me. Nora is somewhat close to the age that Barry and Iris currently are, but she acts like a petulant teenager. It just is not working for me. I want Nora gone, but I know that will not happen anytime soon. I also, would like TeamFlash or really anyone at this point to be more concerned about messing up the timeline. It was only brought up in one of the earlier episodes, but then dropped. Wait Sam Witwer was/is on Supergirl? I must watch Supergirl now.
  12. This is how I feel as well. I think I realized I do not like any of these people or find the same old antics entertaining. It is the same shit, different season. Do any of these people actually work at Sur when they are not filming? I would love for them to cast a new group as well.
  13. I thought she was joking too. I thought Jennifer seemed to like the rest of the house, so I thought she was joking when she made that comment. I guess I do not care that much about Milania's song. I think if it gives her confidence and a way to process her feelings about Joe being gone then go for it. Milania looked like she was having fun. I did not really get the impression from Milania or Tre that this was a viable career choice. Milania did make the comment about making more money than Tre, but I did not think she was serious. If this is what Milania wants as her hobby so be it. Maybe she will get better and maybe she won't. I have to admit I kind of enjoyed drunk Jennifer. I have a walk in wine closet, but going to wineries is one of my favorite activities.
  14. I liked the cast, but found it dull as well. I did like the friendships between the characters, but it barely held my attention.
  15. Now I am so picturing the fundie version of the show Jackass. That chair picture with Sam, he really is trying to escape.
  16. I think Josie is fairly close with Whitney. It may have been last season or before, but there was an episode with the married couples (I cannot remember if the courting couples were in it) that was sort of dating game-ish. It was asked which family member(s) was that particular person closest to. Whitney answered Josie. I think she answered someone else as well, but Josie was in the mix. I think Alyssa said Josie as well.
  17. I am probably easily amused, but I found Miggy's Mystery Senorita music video funny. It was catchy.
  18. Hee! Don't give them any ideas! I could be misremembering but wasn't pre-accident Jason premed? I can already see a scene with Jason reading medical journals and finding a cure for Oscar.
  19. I believe Kandi. She really is not a liar and tends to admit when she does shady shit. I do not mind Don Juan or The Factory crew in small doses. I forget which Kandi spin-off where Riley called out Don Juan and it was hilarious. Then again I am biased, because I really cannot stand Porsha.
  20. I enjoyed Rami's speech. He ended it very well. I guess since he is still somewhat of a newbie that I am fine with him listing names and such.
  21. I really wanted either Black Panther or Beale Street to win, but Bohemian Rhapsody would have been next in line.
  22. This is pretty much how I felt going into both movies.
  23. Rami Malek! Yes! He was fantastic in Bohemian Rhapsody. I did like all the nominees though, so I would have been fine with any winning.
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