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Everything posted by roseha

  1. Just to add to this, the original article I read on this was some Hollywood Reporter poll that claimed to know the political persuasion, religion, etc of the viewers of each late night show, based on a poll of 1,000 people. One thousand! That doesn't sound terribly scientific to me. There are millions of US television viewers needless to say, not to mention DVR viewers, online viewers, international viewers to some degree. I don't understand trying to analyze a show's success based on a tiny poll. I think it was this same poll that purported to tell where the retired hosts' fans had gone, again out of only 1,000 responses. I wonder how much this led to all the other articles. I'm enjoying the show, and I think it will continue to find itself with time. I don't have any issue with Stephen expressing compassion for refugees one night and doing a humorous segment on curling rules the next.
  2. I'm not sure Kevin is losing deals because of his on air personality, I think he lets Lori, for example, undercut his offer (usually) and if it's not good value to him he just doesn't care. I would like to see him get more deals though, he's a smart guy. I think they could balance things out if Lori wasn't on every single week and so ready to undercut on every deal.
  3. The other week I walked by a Starbucks on 42nd Street in Manhattan, and on a chalkboard they were advertising "Bantam Bagels" with "Bagel Stuffins" in small letters below it. I haven't looked again since I never go to Starbucks. I did see the College Hunks Hauling Junk truck in NYC also recently.
  4. I thought he offered his hand to Jane Fonda but she declined it? I might have to check that again. I loved the Olympic curling story, including the hacky-sack demonstration by Stephen.
  5. I posted this under the ATK thread, but I've read that Chris will at least stay on on the show's radio show/podcast, so I am wondering if he might return there eventually. I agree it wouldn't be a good fit if he were expected to host some kind of dumbed down show on FN. More likely he'd want to pitch another show for PBS I imagine, if it came to that.
  6. I just heard that it had something to do with Clyde getting more minerals in his diet. I enjoyed seeing Clyde also. Loved Bell's "I missed you too" to Sherlock. JLM and LL really deadpanned that in-joke "I was watching football" "On Thursday?" The mystery was good, it had enough characters that the solution wasn't too obvious at first, though the culprit did turn out to be someone you'd expect I guess.
  7. Wow, I am really disappointed that Chris Kimball is leaving. I only just started watching the show this year when I discovered Create TV, and I really don't think the show will be the same without his presence. I also signed up to get their emails, which were always sent by him before, and all of a sudden his name has been removed from them. Too bad, I always felt I was learning things from the show, even though I don't cook much anymore; it was always interesting especially when they went into the science of food interaction, etc. ETA: Just have read that Chris will continue to host America's Test Kitchen Radio (which I take to mean their fine podcast) with Bridget Lancaster and other chefs. Good news, I enjoy the features and the Q and A section with callers and letters.
  8. I really felt awful during the Burt Reynolds interview. He looked so very old and frail, it's kind of a shock to see him now. I think it was probably a very difficult interview for Stephen under the circumstances, and that was why they had all those stills ready from Burt's career. I'm not saying it's a mental issue, but I think Reynolds may be having a lot of issues just getting around, they didn't even show him walking to the desk. What a contrast from John Cleese, who's only a few years younger but was so full of cheer and energy on Friday. I was very moved by Stephen's segments in tribute to France, both on Friday at the end and starting off on Monday. They did a great job paying tribute in Monday's opening. Commenting on a tragedy has to be one of the toughest things any nightly host has to deal with and I thought he did an admirable job. On a lighter note, I thought the aristocats segment was hilarious also.
  9. The Thanksgiving night repeat is a really entertaining show.
  10. That last one they might save for the season finale maybe! Since we are already in sweeps correct? I sometimes don't give this show enough credit I think, I kind of was dissatisfied last week about the way they glossed over Sherlock not being prosecuted and the why of it....well we know now. I even forgot all about the dead rat, of course it turned out to be important. I like the way Sherlock asked Joan how she felt about dissecting it!! I was kind of hoping for some sort of Gregson and Bell cameo this week but I imagine they will make up for it next week.
  11. Thanks much Eln5, I should be able to get that over TW Cable. Of course my Tivo didn't tell me that either when I checked just now. If CBS is going to preempt a new show like this, they at least should run it late at night or over the weekend on that station so people can record it.
  12. I just meant I don't think it's snowed as much here compared to maybe five or ten years ago, that's all. It does seem to me sometimes that the outer boroughs get more snow than Manhattan does.
  13. Looks like CBS is pre-empting this for a Jets/Bills football game in New York? Are other people seeing it on the schedule? I wish they would set a time to rerun it.
  14. There was a guy (adult) going to a Halloween party in my apartment building and he had a cute costume, a suit with a fedora and a big sign saying "PRESS" in the hatband and under his jacket - a Superman shirt peeking out.
  15. I just saw that! Good for Stephen. They are also having a special Sunday episode of Corden to follow.
  16. thanks nowandlater, I didn't realize that CBS had free episodes online. That does make it even stranger that they won't bother to put clips up, I agree.
  17. Does this have anything to do with CBS' very possessive attitude about CBS All Access? I wouldn't sign up for it even for a free tryout because they demand your name and date of birth (no thank you, I already had to take out a credit freeze due to my health insurance company's data being hacked). I wonder if CBS doesn't want to give away clips. I agree it's a very bad attitude. I tried once to go on Youtube to find the opening of Stephen's show that I missed one night, and they didn't put it up. I also very much enjoyed the segment with Aziz and his dad, too bad it's not online...for whatever reason.
  18. I agree that Stephen's open window looked scary. I worked on the 27th floor of a newer building until last year and there was no way those windows would open. Hope the windows will stay closed. However, I do feel the show is getting more spontaneous over all, and while the interviews are sometimes short, they are entertaining. Bruce Campbell attempting to imitate Stephen at his desk was funny maybe because it was kind of awkward, but apparently it was a spur of the moment thing as far as I could tell.
  19. The story was a good one, it kept me involved. I felt so awful for the victims in the very beginning. The Tony/Jeanne followup was well played. I did wonder where they were going with Gibbs, at one point where he's looking at the screen I was hoping his lack of concentration wasn't indicating some sort of memory loss. I also wonder why if Gibbs needs to talk out his problems, why he can't do it with Ducky, who has psychological training and knows Gibbs as well as anyone apparently.
  20. Sorry if this has come up before but where in the city is the brownstone supposed to be located? I started wondering while watching some more early episodes and noticing some snow scenes. It hasn't snowed much in Manhattan in the last few years so I wondered if they film the show elsewhere? Also, I liked the episode "Details" featuring Bell, from Season One. Has his brother made another appearance?
  21. Great news, thanks. It's sad that most of Carson's black and white New York shows are lost. In some ways I think they were funnier, what with Ed's "How cold is it" to Johnny, for instance.
  22. Oh, that's interesting Rinaldo, never heard that story before. Thanks
  23. Has there been any indication whether they will show all of the Carson shows as filmed? There always seems to be a tendency to cut musical numbers due to copyright reasons.
  24. Thanks very much JTMac99. I almost never post as "myself" (I belong to a small art organization and post their Facebook page for them, but I deliberately keep my name out of it). However I'm always taken aback by constant posters and it does make it hard to see what you are looking for. I still don't know what to do about the Flickr admin guy. If he had insulted me that way on this board, he would have been disciplined, but whom do you go to when it's the admin who is so blatantly insulting over something you never asked about? I'm just afraid of other photographers whom I respect seeing me leave. I don't want to look petty, but I'm really offended.
  25. I'm never sure about ignore/block/unlike on the internet. I'm really cautious about who I friend on Facebook, because once I friend them it can turn out that they post constantly and drive me crazy, and then I get the idea that if I "unfriend" them they will see it. It's especially bad with a relative. Speaking of Pet Peeves, there's a guy over at Flickr who was incredibly rude to me about a week ago. He actually insulted my intelligence on a subject I know something about (photography related). He was also answering a question I didn't ask and while I didn't say that to him, just that I had tried what he suggested already, thanks anyway, he wouldn't let it drop, he just insulted me. Yes, this guy doesn't really know me, but he's the admin for his group, so if I leave it, he'll see it and I don't want to get into a flame war that other people can see. Not sure what to do. At this point I just didn't respond, so people are going to see his rudeness for itself, but it doesn't make me feel very good.
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