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Everything posted by roseha

  1. Not to get too technical (or local) but does anyone else see Time Warner in NYC showing METV in a shrunken squarish (I guess 4:3) size surrounded by 4 black borders? None of my other channels look like this, and neither does METV coming in over my antenna. Very odd. Not to get too OT, but my over the air reception of ME comes and goes a lot, even though I live in Manhattan, close to their broadcast tower. It's working for the moment though, I just have to do a lot of fiddling with the antenna wire and keep it away from the power cables on the TV etc.
  2. I just saw that about the accident. Glad everyone is okay.
  3. Ha ha about Dan. I didn't know Izzy was back! Now I have to look up this show again. The other contractors were really putting me to sleep. Never underestimate the power of a personality. Izzy seems like a decent guy too, from what I can see.
  4. I haven't seen last night's show yet but re the dancing, I wonder if it's partly a reaction to the Oregon shootings and the extreme flooding (which led to a number of deaths) in Stephen's home state of South Carolina happening within the last week.
  5. Wasn't Dartmouth "Stephen"'s alma mater?
  6. Yes, that's the Hitchcock film I hinted at above. Good point that Bishop didn't have a warrant either.
  7. Agree. Really, Gibbs should have bawled out Bishop for putting herself in danger and maybe also contaminating a crime scene with what she did. Her overpowering a much larger person was so unbelievable. I saw the scissors as weapon coming since it was so reminiscent of a well known Hitchcock film....Are we supposed to interpret all this as her anger at McGee coming out, that she didn't want to work with him on the assignment so she went in alone? If anything, she should have apologized to McGee at the end, not the other way around. It's too bad since I generally enjoy the less violent episodes but I don't see why they should let Bishop act so dumb, and Gibbs not call her on it. I also saw Tony's last line coming for just about the entire episode. I think they should drop Tony's fascination with his British family.
  8. I kind of agree about MeTV, unfortunately. I l used to love the station, but now if it didn't have Perry Mason (which they don't even show in prime time) I might even forget about recording it. They are showing so many over-exposed sitcoms at night, and the same ones on the weekends. I would love for them to bring back The Fugitive, and show the original Star Trek more than once a week. I kind of think they are resting on their laurels at the moment.
  9. Totally, and I totally don't understand not giving the role of Sky Masterson to Sinatra, who was right there and could have sung it magnificently. Worst casting ever. I've also long thought that Doris Day would have made a great Sarah Brown, and obviously could have sung the role beautifully as well.
  10. Also, Stephen took part in a memorial Unity Chain march in South Carolina for the victims. He wasn't on the air at the time.
  11. I can't help remembering Stephen's recounting of what happened to the Dana Carvey Show, which lost millions of people in the first few minutes and never got them back on a broadcast network. I think letting a wider audience get to know him before becoming more open or hard hitting at times isn't really a surprising approach on a major network. I think the good thing is that CBS seems to support him as being himself.
  12. That's one of Buster's very first shorts, One Week. He had a charming rapport with Sybil Seely, his leading lady that film and several of his other shorts. (She married screenwriter Jules Furthman in 1920.)
  13. I've just recently found out that Season 1 is being repeated here in New York City on WPIX Channel 11. Since I only started watching last year with Season 3, I do enjoy the way they are introducing the characters. Sherlock got so visibly emotional in "Rat Race" that I was almost taken aback. I think it would take a lot to see that from Season 3 Sherlock, especially in a scene with Gregson. There hasn't been much of Detective Bell in the two shows I've seen, perhaps he got more screen time later?
  14. For Bogart, and for that matter also Lauren Bacall, I'd personally recommend The Big Sleep. It's mysterious, strange, intelligent, funny, and the relationship between Bogart and Bacall is so utterly romantic. Since it's Buster Keaton's birthday, I should select one feature of his to introduce people to his amazing brilliance. I might suggest Sherlock, Jr. (by the way, the pool table scene where he keeps avoiding the "exploding ball" was not faked) but my personal favorite is Steamboat Bill, Jr., which ends with an apocalyptic hurricane/flood sequence featuring mostly Buster alone which has to be seen to be believed. Not that I recommend letting a house front fall down around you!
  15. I think if CBS is okay with the variety of guests this early, I imagine they will not interfere down the road. I hope they are willing to consider time shifting in the ratings; my only real issue is staying up late for the show, especially on Thursdays ("Football!" as "Stephen" might have ranted). I am enjoying it a lot, but may watch via Tivo at certain times. I think the blue suits may be "fall colors"? He may go to darker colors in the winter I imagine. Stephen definitely got away with a French curse word on TCR, I wondered at the time if Comedy Central had noticed it.
  16. I think while the beginning could be taken as an apparent comment to the effect of "We're still figuring this show out" (as in "pretending to know what I'm doing") I think the whole segment, starting with the whole notion of "pretending" came to a perfectly expressed conclusion in regard to the continual out of control shootings in this country, that "pretending" that they will go away is the definition of madness. It was very Word-like in its way. At the same time, Stephen expressed the seriousness of this with total commitment. Well conveyed.
  17. I just watched this. That Acton guy seemed like such an annoying hipster, especially, as said, when he implied Robert was too old for his product. And then he didn't seem to remember or know his own financials. Ashton Kutcher bored me. He wasn't horrible but I would much rather have seen Barbara or Daymond. Why don't they give Lori a week (or month) off instead? I may be in a minority, but I do think Kevin's putting on something of an act. Barbara has said he's a sweetheart in real life.
  18. that women don't understand technology? Of all the stupid statements she has ever made, that really tops the list.
  19. Another Thursday, another NFL game in overtime. However, in New York City it looks like they may jump right to Stephen's show after this. ETA: Sorry, I think it was just a "coming up" banner I saw. A lot of news tonight, including, the fears of Hurricane Joaquin coming up the east coast.
  20. Yes he was brilliant on that episode. I am sure Stephen could absolutely play drama if he so decided, but he decided on comedy. That's why I hate to see anyone sell his acting short. Actually, I wish he would stop telling his celebrity guests: "I'm not a real actor..." I mean, modesty is a great thing, but to me his acting is his greatest talent.
  21. I was thinking about this article as I watched the show last night, and while I think I see what the writer is getting at, I don't really agree. For one thing, I've seen most of the interviews so far and while Stephen may still be adjusting to a new kind of show, I don't feel that means he is playing at being an interviewer, as on TCR or the Daily Show. If he chooses to be more personal at certain times, fine, but he's not obligated to do that all the time. Also, I wonder if the writer is selling short one of Stephen's greatest strengths, his acting ability. He can move seamlessly into a character and out again, wonderfully, and I would hate to see that go by the wayside. Of course TCR fans know about this, but I remember seeing Stephen on with Conan before I ever saw the report and it was very clear what he was doing. It's a great talent that no other late night host has or had at this level and I certainly wouldn't want to see it lessened. Anyone who likes this show has figured this out or will soon enough I think.
  22. Does anyone know how long Shark Tank stays on demand usually? I have Time Warner and didn't realize this week was the premiere. Thanks
  23. Create has a show called A Moveable Feast and in one episode they visited with Jacques Pepin and his family. His little granddaughter showed so much enthusiasm for cooking that I think she may be a future chef! I don't remember seeing his wife but hope she is well.
  24. I enjoyed the bit with Stephen and Jon and the book as well. I don't see why they shouldn't try another comic bit when the mood strikes.
  25. It went to conclusion here. It sounds like there was a fluke in the Global Go app as far as I can tell. I'm Tivo-ing the show with an extra hour tonight. I admit to not being a football fan, but I don't understand why they can't fit a game into 3 and a half hours, or else just start earlier if this is going to happen a lot. Not everyone worships football.
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