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Everything posted by roseha

  1. Okay, some of these I saw a long time ago, some I found in reruns, some I haven't seen all the episodes, that said: Perry Mason (original) mainly for the cast and the great relationships among the regular characters (especially when Ray Collins/Lt. Tragg was there); Star Trek, Original; The Fugitive. No one's currently rerunning this great noir drama, which made such great use of the episodic nature of television, and someone ought to be; Law and Order Criminal Intent: for the many great, truly strange episodes (mainly in the first 5 years and a few in the final season) and for Vincent D'Onofrio's brilliant Robert Goren: Leverage: Great stories about big time corruption, great characters and cast; I'd be willing to re-watch any episode right now; The Dick Van Dyke Show: Maybe most consistently great sitcom ever; Green Acres: Supposed simple rural sitcom was the wackiest half hour of the late 60s; Barney Miller: Great cast, great New York stories over an amazingly long run; and Corner Gas: Brilliant Canadian show. Order the DVDs if you haven't seen it. It's hilarious; hmm that's only 9, it'll come to me... Oh yes, The Soupy Sales Show from New York in the 1960s. Soupy at his shoestring budget-craziest; sadly I think most of the films were said to have been destroyed but a few are out there. It was something else. ETA: Oh I forgot The Odd Couple. I used to watch it 3 times a day on WPIX Channel 11. And that makes 11. Sue me :)
  2. It's not an issue of paying them with my name and address on my PC. Every company I purchase anything from knows my name, address, cc number, but I mean the CBS service for Roku and Ipad. Over Roku it's only offering clips (I have checked). On Itunes It's initally offered as free but it wants my name and DOB on the tablet to start or it blocks me. I don't put that info on an app, I am not convinced that a tablet is that secure. I would potentially pay for it over my computer in the usual manner (though I still don't see a reason for giving out one's DOB) but I haven't seen that advertised yet.
  3. I had my Radio Shack $25 rabbit ears in the window slanted in the corner, with the ears down as far as possible, and was getting METV and Retro on a regular basis. No Antenna TV though. Then something happened when I switched to the "better" cable wire, and next thing you know I've lost ME and gained Antenna, huh? Not sure about Retro. I do think weather can play a role, but I always suspect nearby cables/power cords have something to do with it. By the way I live in Midtown Manhattan, which makes this particularly crazy. It's mainly the VHF frequencies that misbehave by the way, major networks like NBC and CBS are actually broadcasting over UHF now here and the average antenna picks them up better these days. That's my understanding of all this, though I don't know the technical reasons why.
  4. I was watching Newhart tonight (they are showing the later seasons with Stephanie, Michael and Larry-Daryl-Daryl) when it occurred to me that there's a lot of weird fish out of water/self absorbed characters/rural background that reminds me of Green Acres, especially in tonight's show with the random townspeople (and Michael) informing Dick he's "hot headed" -- not unlike Eddie Albert's neighbors in Green Acres assuming for no reason that he's gotten drunk.
  5. I'm very unhappy about all this killing off too. And I've only been watching this show a year or two, though also a lot of reruns. It makes it hard to look forward to the show now. So much killing off, you have to wonder what the showrunners are thinking, has it ever occurred to them they might want these characters back? I know Dick Wolf was quoted as regretting killing off at least one character in Law and Order for that reason.
  6. Newhart, Bob's Vermont sitcom, is playing on Antenna TV, they had back to back episodes on tonight. Larry, Daryl and Daryl are as funny as ever.
  7. Well, yes I have faked my DOB occasionally, for instance for the Microsoft apps on my former Nokia cell phone, but it's just an irritating practice. CBS should know better.
  8. I was really impressed with both the mystery and the personal scenes in this one, I really liked seeing Sherlock and Joan growing closer together again, even to the point of her volunteering to come back to the townhouse at the end, though he (perhaps predictably) insisted he didn't need her to do that. I loved that the crime story also was equally strange and unpredictable, the mere thought of a drug to bend time (so to speak) was something I hadn't heard proposed before even in fiction, and the twists they took to get to the end kept my attention all the way. Good job show. Also very impressed with the cast but I always am, still JLM and LL had more to work with in their scenes together tonight and it showed.
  9. I've been very happy using Nimble TV especially when away from home, but just now I received a mysterious email telling me they are temporarily suspending their service while working on improvements (?). I don't know what's up, but it's disappointing especially since they are actually pro-rating monthly payments. That makes me think they're not resuming in a month or so...
  10. I would subscribe to the CBS service/app, or at least consider it, but I will not give them my name and date of birth. That is just the ultimate of arrogance on their part with identity theft running rampant everywhere. Just have a box saying "I am over 18" and leave it at that CBS.
  11. METV shows the ending credits in Perry Mason, though I wonder if they speed it up since I can never fully read all the names of the guest cast. Still, it's enough of a guide for me to check the episode online for the more well-known actors.
  12. Hey that's a really good suggestion camussie, many years ago I had acid stomach and had to temporarily give up coffee and I remember that exact reaction! I hope it's only that and no more.
  13. Wow, I never thought they would kill off Diane either. That was horrible. I don't know what else to say, oh except we don't know what Gibbs is seeing the doctor about. He made some mention of "headaches" so probably some major scare on top of this?
  14. Hi shapeshifter, I currently have both cable and over-the-air with my Tivo, but I do like to watch some channels OTA, either because they come in better (or aren't on cable) or because I can record them from Tivo to my PC which TWC won't let me do. Regarding your question, the place I go for this kind of thing is AVS Forum, here's the link for Chicago over the air questions: http://www.avsforum.com/forum/45-local-hdtv-info-reception/815397-chicago-il-ota-408.html I had the worst time trying to get METV from Times Square - about 2 miles away - till someone at AVS Forum suggested putting the rabbit ears antenna in the window with the "ears" as horizontal as possible. Whether that will work for you I'm not sure but if the leaf isn't working maybe a pair of $25 rabbit ears like those I got from Radio Shack is worth a try? Oh I and I watch ION too, when I get a chance to re-view some of my favorite Law and Order Criminal Intent episodes...trying to stay on topic, heh.
  15. Maybe this is the best place to mention this - apparently the producers of the show got the idea of asking Suzanne Pleshette to play Emily after seeing her chemistry with Newhart when they happened to be guests on the same Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. Ironically, I don't think that would happen today since it seems every single late night show keeps their guests from sitting down together now. I don't understand why, it used to create some very funny situations in the old days.
  16. I guess we can stretch this thread to include Retro TV? I found out on another forum that they have started transmitting over the air in the New York City area on Channel 42-7. Any way, I have been tuning in at 6PM on Fridays to watch Soupy Sales. Sadly, it's not the black and white show from his 1960s New York heyday - I guess I couldn't have expected that since most of those films were said to have been trashed by the channel (!) without Soupy's knowledge. What they are showing is a later color version of his show from the 1970s I think. While it's not so wild and crazy, it does have its moments, especially when Soupy's love of jazz and R and B come through. On tonight's show Pookie the lion puppet lip-synched (if a lion puppet can do that) to a rollicking R and B version of You Made Me Love You, and then Soupy proudly introduced his musical guest B.B. King! I bring all this up for anyone interested, I wish they would run a few of the remaining 60s episodes, but I imagine most are gone (and yes the "send me the little green pieces of paper" New Year's day show did happen, I saw it!).
  17. Well they are an over the air broadcaster and I have occasionally had that problem with them even when they are being carried by a cable company. Don't know why but it did happen to me too with Cablevision. ETA: Oh you said over the air, sorry shapeshifter. Sometimes I have to be sure my indoor antenna cables don't overlap with some other wire, it can cause interference. My METV reception was unwatchable over Tivo recently until I took it off the splitter with my regular TV tuner.
  18. Yes, I took particular satisfaction at that when I (also) thought about it later.
  19. But to me it totally fails. My reaction to the ad was, "If she had a 60s hairdo and cool clothes like Barbara Feldon did, it would be fun". But it's a bank so.... ETA to Brattinella, just saw you posted the Get Smart clip, thanks for that! But you can see the woman in the commercial doesn't have the 60s cool of Barbara Feldon/Agent 99 at all - If there was any woman on TV I would have wanted to be as a girl, I think it would have been Agent 99 - but this commercial doesn't have that sense of fun the show did either.
  20. Now that Stephen will have 8-9 months off before his next job at Late Night, I would love to see him in an acting role or two. I think he would be great as one of Sherlock's "irregulars" in Elementary - I could just see him nailing that kind of weird intellectual character. They film that show in New York don't they? Just a thought.
  21. Thanks peeayebee and Galileo908. By the way, it just occurred to me that apparently Meryl Streep wasn't there, too bad because Stephen's interview with her when she was promoting her performance as Julia Child was just hilarious. And speaking of cooking, no Martha Stewart. Now I'm going to be thinking of past guests all day! Have to rewatch Stephen leading the singalong again soon. The whole ending with him in fact, riding off into the night.
  22. Jeff Goldblum / the fly / "dead" rumor! one of my favorites: "The dead can twitter!" I was trying to think of guests who have since passed away - I know Pete Seeger (wasn't he 94 when Stephen interviewed him?) was mentioned, and Maurice Sendak but in nine years there must have been more? Sad I know but my mind's drawing a blank.
  23. I don't dislike Kitty but I do have this same reaction, granted this is my first year watching but it's obvious that she's taking scenes away that would normally be shared with Holmes and Watson. Also, until this week it seemed more common that Kitty was making important discoveries than Joan. I don't see why they can't reduce Kitty's role and increase the Joan/Sherlock scenes for more balance. Sherlock's sadness at no longer being anonymous at the group was really well played I agree.
  24. I'm catching up on recent shows on Hulu (the Smaug appearance was something else!) and I would have liked to see On Notice again, though I think the Threat Down was generally my favorite. Just watched the bit about letting Dewars rename the Report and that was hilarious.
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