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Everything posted by roseha

  1. I actually don't watch as many series as most of you seem to, but I get the feeling that when I do watch one, I watch a lot of it, and maybe too much, and then sometimes I lose interest in the show. I used to watch Shark Tank all the time, new shows and repeats, and now I don't watch it at all. I even forget it's on. I think there was a turning point for me when Lori Grenier said "women don't understand technology" and then a couple of weeks later she got two female computer experts to do a deal with her "because Lori's a woman!" You can't make up stuff like this, but that doesn't make it entertaining.
  2. Good idea Wendy! What I hoped for when S10 started (and I might have mentioned it on TWOP) was that Carver would reappear somehow, and need help on some old case that had involved Goren and Eames, and that would trigger their comeback as a team. Not to be sigh.
  3. I don't know if this is unpopular or not, but I don't like sitcom "finales". I only think finales work in dramas where loose ends have to be tied up. I think the first show to have a real finale was The Fugitive, which demanded one due to its story line. But comedies in that era didn't have finales, and I don't think they need them now. I'd rather just have them end with a typical funny episode, like The Dick Van Dyke Show or Get Smart did. I think that in most cases anyway we don't expect to see a main character die in a sitcom, so it really should be okay to imagine life going on in their universe.
  4. John Larroquette also removed his name for consideration after winning four straight times for Night Court. I think that if we can have presidential term limits, we can certainly have Emmy limits!
  5. I agree with the above, Leight tried to stir up resentment between Goren and Eames that didn't exist the rest of the time in my opinion. Worse, he absolutely took away Eames' sense of humor when he was in charge. Her wicked wisecracks didn't return until after he left if I remember correctly. The storyline that annoyed me most was "Bobby's father was a serial killer". It was so contrived and there was no reason on earth for it. I kept wishing that before the show ended they would find out it wasn't true. I also really missed Carver and wish they had found a way to bring him back in Season 10, even for a couple of episodes.
  6. I enjoyed the show in general, but did not really enjoy Will Ferrell's appearance. Granted, I'm not a fan, but if he wanted to mess with Stephen and throw the show off, it would have been nice if he'd done it some other time than a live post Super Bowl show with a huge audience watching. The animals were all cute, though, I will grant that. I did think the Tina Fey/Margot Robbie, and the Key and Peele segments were both fun. The extended football theme opening went quite well I thought, especially the parts with the Obamas, and the joke about the Bronco's defense resembling a wall that Trump would want Mexico to pay for was quite funny and expertly delivered by Stephen as you'd expect. Considering that it partly had to be prepared while the game was going on I thought they did a good job.
  7. Or, if you're a young woman who's about to become Perry Mason's client, he will be the real killer.
  8. For me to binge, it has to be a really old show or a show I haven't seen in many years. Currently I'm watching Night Court on Laff, I haven't seen it in I don't know how long (except for the few DVDs that came out of the early seasons, but even that was years ago). However, if I've seen a show in the last five or so years it's still fresh in my mind so it's really hard for me to binge so soon. I loved Leverage, for example, but I saw every episode and I feel like it's too familiar for me to revisit it yet.
  9. Interesting, I deliberately went through this thread to find reactions to The Man from Uncle. I hadn't watched the show since I was maybe twelve years old. All these years, I wondered if there was a reason that it never seemed to show up on re-runs. So tonight I watched two straight episodes on Decades. Which leaves me wondering - honest - was this show supposed to be a satire? Napoleon and Ilya are always getting into dangerous situations in a major city, right out in the open; in the first one I saw, set in Hong Kong, blond Ilya twice tries to pass himself off as an asian; Napoleon is peering out an office window with a huge pair of binoculars (not exactly subtle), they take in some random guy they meet to work for them without telling them who they are and of course he falls in love with the evil (?) woman who speaks English in a halting tone and dresses as an asian though she's obviously caucasian? Huh? The second one fared better because it was more deliberately funny, with a mousy female translator wanting a little excitement so Napoleon makes her think she's on a dangerous courier assignment so of course she ends up with the real secret object to be transported. Fortunately the guest star was Barbara Feldon, who showed her comic gifts throughout, though it brings up the point that if Uncle were indeed meant to be a satire, Get Smart did it way better. These shows were punctuated with really phony fist fights, which reminds me that my mother insisted I stop watching this show because she had read it was "too violent." From what I saw these fight scenes are as scary as a Roadrunner cartoon (although seeing the stars getting into a gunfight in a movie theater was not good to see given events of recent years). Still yes, David McCallum was gorgeous and Leo G. Carroll a fine character actor so it had that going for it.
  10. Watching, I was thinking more about JLM and his absolute commitment to trudging through said dirty water, but true it applies just as much to Sherlock. It seems when CBS runs promos for this show (which they seem to do rarely) they always include at least one sardonic Sherlock/Marcus exchange, and they showed part of this. The ending with Joan and Cortes took me aback, especially with Joan saying "race you to the bottom". I can only presume that she and Sherlock will find a way to take Cortes and her corrupt ways down, but I hope it will be resolved fairly soon. I had seen the bomb in the preview, but it did also seem the poor victim was just so happy and perfect, you almost saw it coming in a show like this one (:
  11. I agree with all the silent film as art love above. I've loved silents as an art form for many years, ever since discovering Keaton at a Silent Clowns show in New York at the old 8th Street Playhouse. I didn't like The Artist, as well executed as it was, because it was a modern day film about the silent era making silent films look like something that had to be "outgrown." There were a lot of reasons established silent stars rapidly ended their careers or fell by the wayside almost as soon as sound came in: Many were no longer young, or the studios could simply save money by bringing new stars over from the stage for less pay. Some did simply retire. On the other hand, Clara Bow was actually a huge star in the early sound era, despite her hatred of talking films, and simply walked away after a few years. Then again stars like Keaton and Lillian Gish and Zasu Pitts went on acting for decades. I also agree that though it's not always possible, silent films are best seen in a theater. To this day I don't think I've even seen Keaton's Sherlock, Jr. on DVD, because it's so amazing and special and I kind of don't want to see it any other way than in a theater. But don't let me stop anyone else from doing so! :) As to why silent and sound films couldn't have co-existed, I only wish they had, but the theaters apparently had to invest a great deal in wiring for sound, and the fact remained that a lot of audiences were apparently entranced by the mere novelty of being able to hear everything. It really is a shame when you consider great films like Sunrise, or The Wind, made so soon before silents disappeared. By the way the great Abel Gance Napoleon, mentioned by Rinaldo, which I also saw around that time, is actually coming to DVD/Blu-Ray I think next year. In two versions. I wonder what they will do about that three screen ending!
  12. I saw somewhere an online article to the effect that Weather Channel lost a ton of money due to Wake Up With Al (which they canceled), and I guess also from paying both Al Roker and Sam Champion, and I think what happened was that they were transitioned out of the channel though Champion pops up on rare occasions as far as I can tell, like the recent blizzard that snowed far more in NYC than expected. I think both of them are back in NY and not doing much with the channel anymore. That's as far as I know anyway.
  13. I'm sure this is a UO with some people, but for me the absolute worst ADA in terms of personality, unbelievability and bad acting was Abby Carmichael. No one who insulted her superiors as much as Abby did would last a week in her job.
  14. Yes, the Friday Night Fights, where the fans vote over Twitter over some (usually) goofy question. Stephen had Paul Dinello on the first time and Neil Degrasse Tyson the second. It would be fun if he keeps bringing out a new friend each week. Of course he could still do it if he decides to tape the Friday show on Thursday. I didn't watch Dave regularly but I definitely remember Paul repeating his setup lines in the background during the monologue so I think that's the idea with Jon. I think that lately they are having Jon react at times to things more than giving him rehearsed dialogue per se. Maybe they still need to work out the details of it.
  15. I've read elsewhere that the show is considering doing what Dave used to do, tape two shows on Thursday, so they can either take the day off or just do other work on Friday. The fact that tickets are being sold for two shows on Feb. 4 seems to indicate that may be right. It's occurred to me to wonder why Stephen doesn't tape his show a little earlier in the day, like the Broadway matinee hour for instance, but I suppose if they did that it would give them less time to work on breaking stories in the news.
  16. Friday Feb. 5 would be 2 days before their Super Bowl show, so I imagine they would get a day off to make up for it. I'd think they would be live for Mardi Gras, since February is Sweeps Month?
  17. All I can say about the chef is I sure didn't have a kitchen, let alone a nice one like that, in my dorm room! It looked more like an apartment from the photo. Of course I went to college some time ago, but I lived in one dorm building so cheaply made that plugging in a hot pot or a hair dryer could threaten blowing out the power for the whole floor. Agree that Danielle Brooks was great.
  18. RIP Mr. Vigoda. I believe the Abe Vigoda is dead rumors began when Barney Miller ended its long run and a publication erroneously referred to "the late Abe Vigoda".
  19. I only recently watched some early episodes (including SWAK) and really think it was a bonehead decision to kill off Kate. So if they bring her back "in a dream" or such, that should definitely be watchable. However I really hope they don't kill of Tony. Enough with killing off characters, show.
  20. Cantore was probably disappointed that he didn't end up coming here to NYC where the real surprise came with way more snow than was predicted by most "models" except the NAM (never heard of them before). After less than half an inch of snow all winter we suddenly were hit with at least 25 inches in Central Park and real blizzard conditions (I was out briefly to take photos a couple of times, and that wind was bad during the mid-afternoon). I watched a lot of their coverage, though I switched for awhile to my local CBS station who also had continual weather coverage for Saturday afternoon. I have to say that I've really taken a liking to Keith Carson. That guy really brings the snark when he's on (though not in a nasty way). He's pretty funny. I guess I've noticed this the most during Weather Underground when he's on. That show definitely loosens up the meteorologists, Alex Wilson also made a reference to "bad pickup lines" one day.
  21. The informant asked Moreland if Sherlock was aware of "the danger" didn't he?
  22. I love Stephen bringing out unannounced "friends of the show" like Neil Degrasse Tyson to engage in the Friday Night Fights Twitter fest with him (after the astronomy discussion of course) It's a good way to boost audience engagement also. Nice moment when Stephen called out to all the band members by their first names after one number.
  23. Am I wrong or wouldn't Clyde suffocate in a fridge in real life? Come on writers...besides, we didn't get to actually see him :( Other than that I thought it was a good episode. Once again I suspected the guilty party from his very first scene, he just seemed to have no serious purpose in the plot other than being a possible suspect. Of course they don't let you figure it out until Sherlock does, which is fine. I thought the ending presented quite the apparent twist about Sherlock's father. Joan's deduction that he was wounded when a woman he was involved with was shot was a real unexpected ending....though of course there may be something else entirely on the horizon. I do think the preview for next week seemed to be giving away a lot but we'll see.
  24. I enjoyed the show. I particularly liked that Stephen took the time to have the segment with Deray McKesson and to discuss seriously the Black Lives Matter movement. The four guests made for one less time for a skit but as it was Martin Luther King Day I think Stephen and company made a good decision to not skip over having a serious talk about it. I particularly enjoyed the Quincy Jones and baby segments as well.
  25. Usually I only guess the perp if the actor somehow seems to be giving it away, which is another way of saying I'd be a lousy detective. But I just felt from the very first scene that the brother was acting very weird. I kept thinking it would end up being him. Felt so sorry for the poor victim, though, at least, Law and Order style, she wasn't killed on camera. The Bell story was entertaining, though I didn't get the vibe that something was actually going on between Joan and him. She seemed too calm and he seemed distracted by his mother's financial problems. I did like that we got a lot of him and Gregson in this one.
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