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Everything posted by roseha

  1. Maybe it's a glitch. There have been times when I've seen my Weather Channel coverage go to country-wide showing major cities all over, rather than the New York area I live in. I wish there were better alternatives. The Weather Nation Roku Channel is still bare bones last time I looked. When I went to Newfoundland on vacation I enjoyed watching the Canadian Weather Network, a much toned down variation channel (though they are apparently owned by Weather Channel). Weather Network has a Roku channel also but unfortunately it's the same 10 minute or so feed over and over, and often a day late. I'd pay a small fee to get a full version of it.
  2. I haven't watched this show since the first episode this year but I will have to see this one on demand. It sounds great. I don't want Ducky to leave but I'm glad Jimmy finally made it as an ME. Thanks for the synopsis Sharpie66.
  3. roseha

    Tennis Thread

    Hi Harry! (waves back!) I just caught up with seeing Roger's match against Berdych, what an absolute delight! I am just amazed. Is it possible that taking an extended break has worked in his favor physically and mentally, if not ranking wise? His performance was just extraordinary. I would just love it if he could hang around even 2 or 3 more years at this level. I'm not sure though that the crummy outfit has anything to do with his ranking, I don't see any other player wearing that monstrosity so it appears Nike has some employees who flunked design school...
  4. roseha

    Tennis Thread

    Yes, Bouchard's outfit was ridiculous, the top was creeping up on her when she raised her arm. I also agree that Roger's outfit design is dreadful, I can't believe he doesn't send Nike back to the drawing board when they ask him to wear stuff like that. It's been so great seeing him play again, I won't be able to stay up to see him play Berdych but wishing Roger luck.
  5. The ironic thing, at least to me, is that Elementary really exists in its own world and not in the cookie-cutter CBS drama world like NCIS (and I used to watch NCIS and NCIS NO until giving up due to their plot lines and cast changes). The Guardian article I linked to in the Media thread actually made mention of this as well. I hope we can get another year from CBS, the show does seem to do well in syndication. I wonder though if these long extended plot lines work against the show in that regard. It's generally easy to watch a typical old episode of Law and Order or Law and Order CI, for instance, since they usually stand on their own.
  6. It was pretty interesting. I liked the case, it did keep me guessing. I liked Joan helping out Marcus also, it was good to have a plot involving him again.
  7. Didn't Dick Gautier also write the script which introduced Hymie the Robot in Get Smart (perhaps under a pen name)? He was wonderful.
  8. The Guardian has run an article which explains why the writer prefers Elementary to the home grown (to them) Sherlock: Television The other side Sick of Sherlock? Elementary has all the Holmes comforts you need While the BBC drama grows more convoluted, its American cousin remembers what was good about Conan Doyle’s stories in the first place: the mysteries
  9. Ha, now I don't feel so bad that I have a few episodes left to go on Season 7!
  10. I was taken with the couple of times that Stephen got into lengthy serious discussions with guests in the last week. When Charlie Rose was on last Friday, Rose mentioned that he could be alone and not feel lonely at all, and Stephen seemed struck by that, and started speaking about loneliness and difficulty in connecting to other people. It got into a really unexpected area. Then this week he and Andrew Garfield got into a really long discussion about the nature of spirituality taking off from discussing the film Silence. Both times it was really unexpected and makes me wonder if Stephen will be doing more of that when the occasion presents itself. It was really interesting.
  11. Would anyone mind telling me what happened in the second half (spoiler tag okay)? I missed it. Thanks, I can't find a summary online anywhere.
  12. It's New Year in Newfoundland (saw it on the internet), and in Atlantic Canada, in about one hour Eastern Standard time where I am...
  13. I see everyone beat me to William Christopher. I believe he was on one of METV's ads for M*A*S*H* reruns not very long ago. RIP. I read an article this past week or so about research done in New Zealand that indicated that more deaths happen this time of year (the holidays). They did the research in New Zealand because it's summer there, and wanted to prove it wasn't weather related. What with travel, stress, being away from home you can see that this time of year may lead to more chances of serious illness or worse. Sadly.
  14. I have just finished up to the end of Season 6 on Hulu (watching for the first time) and I think this is my biggest UO. I have seen very little of Rob Lowe in other things, so I honestly don't know if it's him or the character of Chris. But I think it's Chris. Many of the characters are self involved in one way or another - somehow that's typical of comedy I think - but Chris tends to be so self involved and needy for so long that I find him really irritating. Even when he's doing the right thing, trying to be supportive of his friends or becoming a good parent, he seems to view everything through some lens of wanting to be perfect, and fear of not being perfect. Maybe that's what the writers intended, or maybe he just doesn't seem like a realistic person to me, but it makes him hard to watch for some reason. I agree that the mean treatment of Jerry and the grade school humor really should have been eliminated. I actually like Tom, but I don't think the writers did much with him in terms of relationships (though I haven't seen Season 7 yet). I do like Andy and April separately and together. April is morbid at times, but she seems to say things for effect and not seriously. Andy is hilarious, and you do get the sense that he means well. Ron is a good character, but I think Nick Offerman is actually funnier as himself.
  15. I saw Carly interviewed by Stephen Colbert maybe a year ago and she discussed seeing James on the same show previously and how good he sounded. She sounded friendly about it. It just seemed strange to not see any photos of her considering their children were mentioned.
  16. I enjoyed the show, but it was very odd seeing a lengthy tribute to James Taylor without even a photo of him with Carly Simon. On the other hand there were at least two with Joni Mitchell in the photo. It made me wonder how she is doing. I wish they had ended with the Mavis Staples tribute, but it was certainly a lively ending as it was.
  17. I was really hoping Carrie Fisher would recover. RIP. So so sad.
  18. Thanks, I will have to check it on the actual channel. Sad subject, I realize, but they do the best tributes.
  19. I think one way to judge how bad this year has been for celebrity deaths is to go on Youtube and check TCM Remembers - I know this will sound morbid, but after they posted this year's I went back and looked at all of them from 2003-2015 and 2000 (the years between aren't posted). There were some years when it seemed a lot of famous people had passed away - I find 2014 very moving, maybe also due to the music and the line of dialog between Bogart and Lauren Bacall - maybe also seeing Shirley Temple at the end - but some years didn't seem to have so many big names. Of course they only include people who have appeared in movies, even if they were better known for TV or music. But the version I saw doesn't have Zsa Zsa for instance. I hope they won't be missing anyone else.
  20. On the Roku - I've had several of them over the years and I don't remember any of them overheating. I agree that contacting Roku might get you a replacement; they're not that expensive. On Youtube: I watch it a lot over Roku by creating subscriptions on my Youtube account (if you don't have a Youtube account I think you have to make one through Google? I'm not sure at this point but I notice a link to Youtube on my Google home page). You can make different subscriptions of one person's/company's uploads, or you can make a category like "Music" "Television" or just "Favorites" and put as many different videos as you want on it. Then you go to the Youtube channel on Roku (or Tivo, etc) and link them by putting a code they give you on your computer or tablet. You can then have the videos play in a row. Hope that helps.
  21. roseha

    Tennis Thread

    I just saw this story today. Poor Petra, it sounds like she was very brave though. The great news today is that she can move her left hand so is hopeful of an eventual comeback. Here is the story.
  22. I totally agree that Law and Order, and its spinoffs, really feel like New York and I've lived here quite awhile. Obviously being filmed on location, and often on the streets, and employing local actors, makes a big difference. I would definitely have picked the L and O franchise. Maybe it's not the point of the original article, but I do think it's important that if a location is a big part of a show, there should be attention to detail. I have just started binge-watching Parks and Rec for the first time - I'm up to Season 5 - and I think it's a great show. I love the cast. I laugh out loud a lot. However, my father's side is from rural Indiana and I wish someone, just one person in the show would have attempted an authentic accent. Even the bit players and guest stars sound Californian to me. They also have a recurring gag line about being 4th in the country in obesity, yet nearly all the extras are thin, including all the kids despite the jokes about overweight toddlers. That said, I love the show. Just saying.
  23. Speaking of the black and white look - we had a thread about this - black and white shows versus color, and some that changed over mid-run - back on TWOP, but I feel, and I don't know how unpopular this may be, that some of the shows that went from black and white to color in the mid-60s should have stayed black and white. To me the outstanding example of this was The Fugitive, a highly popular show that was also extremely noir-ish with Dr. Kimble constantly hiding out on the run from Lt. Gerard. I remember that the finale, when Kimble caught up with the real killer, got an incredibly high rating, it's too bad that the network TV demands of the time meant that that last season was filmed in color, when I think the black and white look would have been way more effective.
  24. roseha

    The NBA

    That pretty much sums up the way I feel, I was browsing Twitter and saw that he had passed away. He was so very brave and positive all this time. I will have to watch the next Inside the NBA to see the tributes from Charles, Kenny and co.
  25. I just started binge-watching this show over Hulu on the commercial free plan, just got to the start of Season 4. I can't remember the exact quote, but I loved the one where Leslie can't understand why she was matched up with Tom on an internet dating site: Tom: ..."Tom A. Haverford or Tom B. Haverford?" Leslie..."Tom N. Haverford." Tom..."Tom N. Haverford is my nerd profile, I never even check that one!"
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