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Soapy Goddess

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Everything posted by Soapy Goddess

  1. Yes, that makes perfect sense. Really a shame that Hall's being a dick about it. It's a fun show, so I don't see the harm in singing one abbreviated tune. Sounds like this lawsuit is going to be like a messy divorce 🙄
  2. Wonder why Oates didn't sing after being unmasked? His preference or the show ran out of time? Unless it has something to do with Hall's lawsuit? Anyone know?
  3. First time in a long time that I actually enjoyed every guest, even though I'm not necessarily a "fan" of them all. Just my opinion, but besides her plastic face, I don't know why Cher thinks she's better being blonde.
  4. Sara Foster (David Foster's daughter). I believe she was on the 2nd episode.
  5. Or maybe Meri Brown: I won't be silenced anymore!
  6. It would probably be boring...especially with lights outs at 9pm. Or maybe 10pm on the weekend 😁
  7. Always enjoy Triumph...and good to see his 'handler'. Joy is just becoming an old fuddy duddy (as she likes to call it). She seems to get irked over the stupidest things lately, like being exposed that she takes her shoes off on the airplane. So what, who cares? 🙃 As long as they're not in my face, I say stop sweating the small stuff, Joy. Agree about Alyssa. You wouldn't see that with the previous seat filler.
  8. I think Jason sees himself as the Jeff Bezos of LA real estate. And maybe some of the women have delusions of becoming his queen.
  9. Or maybe just a shot of insulin? I mean if Eric is "dying" then you know it's got to be something fairly easy to bring him back into conscientiousness.
  10. Understood. But let's face it, they're ALL guilty of interruptions at some point or another. It just took AFG a bit longer to get the hang of it.
  11. If Farrah is now the worst (I don't agree) at interrupting, she was taught by the best on the show. That would be you, Sunny. And second would be Joy.
  12. Death bed scene?? I'm so bored I didn't even make it to that scene!
  13. Classic case of the shoe being on the other foot. And let's not forget that Christine endured Meri's wrath for at least 20 years. So if Christine is enjoying having the upper hand now, I'm willing to overlook the snark towards Meri. I just think Christine needs to get it out of her system. Eventually she have her fill.
  14. It's pretty much the same premise for Christina on the Coast.
  15. I'm a little tired of people dissing Gerry for how he played the game (after all it IS reality TV)...and making his ultimate choice. The runner-up getting hurt is par for the course. It's been part of the "journey" since Trista was dumped by Alex. IMO, I think Gerry was MORE than fair with his explanation and feelings towards Leslie. In fact, he gave her the courtesy of telling her she wasn't the one BEFORE the last day and walk on the beach, thus saving her the hurt and embarrassment of standing on the beach hoping for a proposal and waiting another day. And the fact that she not only broke down uncontrollably when he told her, she felt the need to scold him again, going on & on repeatedly, at the reunion. Leslie really needs to get a grip, so I hope she isn't chosen for Golden Bachelorette because she is way too emotional to go through the entire process and journey.
  16. Agree wholeheartedly. Unfortunately, that's a foreign concept for her.
  17. Robyn, if you say you're going to shut up, then do so! And stop putting words in Kody's mouth and telling him what head space he's in. Can't he talk without you coaching him? Or putting in your two cents? (which is all it's worth anyway). She's so damn annoying. And probably dehydrated too 🙄
  18. Sorry to say, but Bre needs to grow the fuck up, and stop portraying the "tough chick" who's shit doesn't stink. She can hate/dislike Cassandra all she wants without throwing daggers. It takes very little effort to ignore someone, without giving them side eye. It wouldn't hurt to try being civil once in a while without the mean girl attitude.
  19. Interesting. Can you spoiler the cougar connection?
  20. True, but it's a start. Much better than being one-sided all the time. Baby steps.
  21. How about she pretend to be "perky" for the entire 40 minutes? Isn't that why they pay her the big bucks?
  22. IMO, that was rude of Joy to show up with the lasagna on air. She should have given it to Whoopi in her dressing room.
  23. With Bridget coming to town, my prediction is that she figures out what's really wrong with Eric and to everyone's surprise he's not dying after all.
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