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Everything posted by BitterApple

  1. Honestly I agreed with Taylor. Aubree is four, not two. Having meltdowns every time she's told the word "no" is getting a little ridiculous. Regardless if Adam was genuine or not it was nice to see someone discipline that little brat for a change. Chelsea sure as hell isn't doing it.
  2. Kim and Kroy will be dead broke in ten years. I don't care how well they're invested, it seems like they're living way beyond their means already. IIRC, Kroy's last contract was for ten mil, which isn't a lot in the big scheme of things. Between assistants and nannies they have to be spending a fortune on household help alone.
  3. FJ was a gimme, I'm surprised Cooper and Jeff missed it. Even if you hadn't read the book, commercials for the movie were playing endlessly for a while. I'm not sure what was going on with Cooper, he was definitely off his game. I like both Alan and Jeff so I'd be happy to see either of them win.
  4. I didn't have an issue with Kail reaching out to Vee. I think it was the first step in taking ownership over what a bitch she's been the last couple years. However instead of sending a text that said "I want to see how Isaac's been living" it might have been a little nicer to say something like "would it be okay if I came over to pick up Isaac and meet with you?" It's amusing how even in her texts Kail comes off like a hulking she-wolf.
  5. wrestlesflamingos, I think that's the first time I'ver ever seen Addalyn's real name appear on a forum. On TWoP she was known strictly as Baby Adderal. I think Vee's hair would have looked better if she'd opted for loose barrel curls rather than tight ringlets. Shockingly I thought Kail looked marginally attractive this epi. Chelsea and Taylor look like sisters. Weird how they were both sporting that faded red hair with an inch of roots. It reminded me of diluted cherry kool-aid.
  6. I know I'm a snarky, cynical bitch, but part of me thinks that Leah complains endlessly about Ali's medical bills in the hopes that fans will donate to cover the costs. Leah manages to find money to bleach her hair, get a weave, have her nails done and drive a ginormous truck, so they're not struggling THAT badly.
  7. JerseyGirl, so true about Chelsea! She was trying so hard to keep the lie straight in her head but she wasn't smart enough to pull it off. On the flip side, whoever reported her is a petty asshole. I wonder if Chelsea was more of a front desk person at her job. It seems odd that the board would hold her license for doing makeup at a wedding but allow her to perform limited services at a place of business.
  8. Ugh, I loathe Adam, but I have to give him props for the way he handled Aubree at the restaurant. I liked that he immediately took her outside when she acted up and that he was firm without being a total dick about it. Okay, back to loathing now... Leah needs to get off those meds ASAP. I believe she is truly having anxiety attacks, but there has to be better options out there than prescription drugs. Aleeah is the type of kid who makes me want to get my tubes tied. I was happy to see Kail behave somewhat maturely, even though I thought her text to Vee had a passive-aggressive bitchy tone. Baby Lincoln is adorable. If Nathan can't drive why do he and Jenelle have TWO brand new cars in their driveway? Such a stupid waste of money, especially that gas guzzling Hummer. Lulz, WhitneyWhit! We must have posted at the same time. How funny that we literally said the same thing about Kail's text!
  9. I have mixed feelings on Asia. On the one hand I like that she isn't a coddled whiner like Maddie on DM, but on the other I think she's trying to be way too grown for her age. Her dad seems nice but I felt bad for Bluray. It's pretty clear who Mom's favorite is.
  10. Yeah, Abby really stacked the deck against the original girls. Also, why does Abby consider Mackenzie "The Next Big Thing." Compared to Asia she sucks and for me she doesn't even really stand out amongst the other girls her age on the new team.
  11. Wow, now THAT was a game. I loved Cooper's gutsy wager on that DD! I always enjoy watching contestants who are in it to win it. The girl seemed really nice but too slow on the draw to really make a dent in the game. Like many of you, I'm also confused by the judging. I've heard several mispronounciations that were ruled acceptable whereas on other games the judges were sticklers.
  12. I think "adjust to her new life" is code for "I's married now so I don't need this sh*t." Jill isn't going to finish her training.
  13. Juneau Gal, so true. Arianna and Brielle have turned into chunkers and there's a freaking fully equipped gym in the house. It seems like all they ever eat is take-out and fast food so it's no wonder the entire household is packing on the pounds.
  14. I wonder if Kroy really had the vasectomy or whether they were just faking the whole thing. He kept complaining about how sore he was yet he was wearing tight jeans. Wouldn't it have made more sense to wear sweatpants or shorts if you were having a procedure done?
  15. I'm shocked that Ben is still in the picture after his Facebook rant. If Jessa isn't feeling him it would have given her the perfect excuse to kick him to the curb. I think the Seewalds were definitely scheming to hook their son up with a Duggar girl. I also think Boob had an agenda when he approved the courtship. For years we've been told young men don't court until they've established a household and a career. Ben has neither, so what gives?
  16. At this point I think Kim and Kroy are just ticking down the days until they can ship Brielle off to college, where she'll spend six years partying, waste a shitload of money and still not graduate. Kim isn't a perfect mother, but Brielle's had a stick up her ass about Kroy and the new babies since Day One. She's a spoiled brat who's pissed that the world no longer revolves around her. I will admit, Kim and Kroy were generous with that nanny. I would have fired her, accident or no accident.
  17. Gabriel is Jenelle's sister's kid. From the amount of time he spends at Barb's I'm wondering if she has custody of him as well. I can't imagine Chelsea's house was all that expensive. The exterior is beautiful but the interior had really cheap finishes. If the house was around 200k, she could easily afford that with TM money. However once that's gone I'm sure Randylicious will be footing the mortgage.
  18. I felt so bad for poor Jana in that epi where Josie had the seizure scare. She was stuck in the hospital day and night, but when her parents arrived they didn't even greet or acknowledge her in any way. Maybe I'm projecting, but I thought she seemed hurt. It was as if she were waiting for Michelle to say "how are you? you must be exhausted" or "thank you so much for staying with Josie," but nope, nothing. It really underscored how badly the J'Slaves are taken advantage of.
  19. I think Chelsea parents the best way she knows how, but Aubree is just endlessly bratty and whiny. She doesn't listen, she's spoiled and never does what she's asked. Chelsea might want to get that under control if she hopes to get married someday. As far as Isaac, he's generally been a decent kid, so I'm inclined to believe the amount of upheaval in his life is responsible for his behavior. New house, new stepdad, new brother, constant fighting, six hour roundtrip to see his dad, starting pre-school etc.
  20. OMG, did they seriously serve pickles at their wedding?! I just can't with these people anymore... Why didn't the Duggars limit the guest list and just do a decent appetizer buffet? Of course then they wouldn't have received as many gifts. Question asked, question answered.
  21. To add to the comments about Isaac, I noticed there didn't seem to be any other children at his party. I can see where a four year-old wouldn't grasp that it's "his" party when the only people there are random adults. I too hope Jenelle's dogs aren't confined to the garage 24/7. Honestly I was surprised she still had that pitbull whats-his-face gave her.
  22. It's hard to gauge catering costs. They run the gamut depending on the size of the wedding and the amount/type of food served. It seems like a lot of churchmembers volunteered the food at Jill's reception. All we have to do is figure out how many boxes of Duncan Hines went into making 600 cupcakes and do the math:)
  23. lilmarysunshine, I think all that back and forth is taking it's toll on Isaac. I also think he's picking up on Javi's shitty attitude towards Jo and it's starting to rub off on him. Regarding Chelsea 2.0, I agree she's going to tire of that situation real fast. Frankly, I find Aubree annoying and bratty. She's not a kid I could be around for any length of time, let alone live with. Also, on what planet does Jenelle think she'll get hired as a medical assistant? Those doctors better keep an eye on their prescription pads...
  24. The South Carolina taxpayers must be thrilled to know they're supporting a guy who's allegedly disabled but somehow manages to go to the gym and get drunk during the day. Regarding Chelsea, I have a feeling that a) the board questioned Landon and he ratted her out or b) there's more to the story than what Chelsea and Randy are letting on. I agree the birthday party felt awkward. I did feel for Kail because she was obviously embarrassed, but she could have handled the situation better. I also felt bad for Leah. Cory needs to realize that unless you're an obnoxious, persistent, raging asshole, you ain't gonna get anywhere with an insurance company. Their entire M.O. is deny, deny, deny. On a final note, why do these girls add an assortment of animals to the mix when they're already complaining about being overworked and overwhelmed? Was that a Boxer puppy I saw at Leah's?
  25. NikSak, thank you for sharing your story, I appreciate your insight. I just hope Cory's denial doesn't eventually affect Ali's self-esteem. I think he views ordering a wheelchair as "giving up" when in reality it's simply a tool to make Ali's life easier. WhitneyWhit, I don't know who the hell pissed in Javi's Cheerios, but he needs a serious attitude adjustment.
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