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Everything posted by BitterApple

  1. Why is there such a rush for the wedding? I have a feeling it's going to be a hot mess. A month is barely any time to plan, even if you aren't doing the whole shebang in terms of dinner/reception. I don't know how she'll be able to get a dress altered in that short a time, even if she buys off the rack. I just feel like there's a lot more going on behind the scenes than what is being presented to the public. If I didn't know any better, I'd almost say this is a shotgun wedding. Wouldn't that just be awesome?
  2. Most people I know don't attend every single one of their kids' practices, so I don't necessarily think it makes you a bad parent if you have to miss one here and there. However in Adam's case, this was an instance where he told Chelsea he would be there and blew it off, hurting his daughter. Whether it's practice, taking her out for ice cream, stopping by to say hi or whatever, it's just the latest in a long line of disappointments that poor Aubree will suffer through as she grows up. As far as Chelsea, I completely agree with the above comments. She needs to stop this passive-aggressive shit where she makes a huge deal in front of Aubree, calling everyone she knows to complain and making sure her child knows that SHE'S the good guy and Adam is the one who sucks. Anyone with eyes knows Adam is a dick, but to keep reinforcing that in front of Aubree is hurting her child, not Adam.
  3. I've always wondered why there's never been a Bates/Duggar courtship. Both families certainly have their fair share of good-looking kids, so given how often they see each other you'd think it would only be logical for some mutual attractions to develop. The Bates girls do seem rather prissy however, so I don't know if they would go for a guy like Joseph or JD. I could see one of them with Josiah, who's more of a clean-cut, pretty boy type.
  4. Jessa's ring is pretty crappy, and I don't mean that as a knock to its size. The setting is ugly, there's no way that stone is a .75 carat, and it looks to be a round cut, not a princess. I understand Bin was on a limited budget, but the least he could have done is buy a decent quality diamond. Jessa must be pissed. Not only did Jill beat her to the altar and become the first J'Slave to get knocked up, she also got the better engagement ring. Oh how the mighty have fallen, lol.
  5. It's too bad Chelsea doesn't live in Texas or Georgia, where people are big into those kiddie pageants. She could probably make a crapload of money doing spray tanning, hair and makeup for those things.
  6. Chelsea will eventually learn not to get Aubree's hopes up by telling her Adumb will be there when 9 times out 10 he'll flake. Aubree did kick butt in practice though, it was nice to see her having so much fun. I love Cory's dad and I thought he did a good job of framing Ali's wheelchair in a positive light to help his son adjust to the idea. Even though Jace was being a little shit when he stomped the crackers, I still felt bad for him. None of the adults in his life truly engage with him. They just throw him a random glance or reprimand then go back to discussing their problems. That kid never receives any positive attention.
  7. I agree that it was a dick move to announce early and steal Jessa's thunder. Maybe our little Jilly Muffin is a lot more competitive and calculating than we thought. After all, she admitted to being jealous of Jessa's looks in Growing Up Duggar. Hmmm....
  8. Wow, I agree that Jill and Derick probably should have waited a little longer before they announced the pregnancy. Looks like Jill has gone full famewhore now. Surprising, because I always thought it would be Jessa who followed in J'Chelle's footsteps. I had a friend who had a honeymoon baby, but I still think it's kind of crazy that Jill got knocked up so quickly. It's also kind of creepy that we have so much insight into her sex life...
  9. Yeah, I wanted to slap the smug, shit-eating grin off Adam's face when he showed up with thirty seconds left in Aubree's practice. However, Chelsea also irked me when she called Randylicious to complain about it with Aubree in the car. Those types of conversations can wait until Aubree is asleep or otherwise occupied. Note to Leah: run a damn comb through your kids hair, ugh! Best line of the night was Jenelle saying she just wanted to move on in her life with Nathan and Kaiser. I guess Jace isn't part of her post-Courtland plans... Also, wtf is going on with Isaac? He's been lethargic and tired on every episode this season. He either needs to start getting to bed earlier or be checked out by his pediatrician. Maybe baby Lincoln is waking him up at night?
  10. Regarding the kaleidoscope pants, I think they're the beginning of another hideous trend for the under 25 crowd. I was traveling cross country last Friday and I saw three teenage girls wearing them along with a store selling them in the Philly airport. Sigh. No matter how much Barb protests, I think she'll cave and take in Kaiser Roll. My cousin is a carbon copy of Jenelle and my aunt and uncle swore they wouldn't raise her kid when she got knocked up at 17. They're now raising that child and the three others she's had since. On another note, does Barb qualify for any state aid? By taking custody she probably saved DCF a shitload of money, I would hope she gets some sort of stipend.
  11. I know celebs get freebies in exchange for publicity all the time, but if Bin and Boob did go that route for Jessa's engagement ring, it seems kind of tacky and impersonal IMO. I'd rather have a tiny diamond that my man busted his ass for rather than some blinged out ring that was given in exchange for a shout-out in People magazine. Obviously Jessa is the smug, bitchy type who doesn't care either way, but at least Jill's ring was bought and paid for by Derick. Daddy didn't have to step in and broker a deal.
  12. I just saw Erin's hair tutorials. I agree she sounds way more mature than she did before she got married. I like the way she does her hair, but Good Lord, I hope she deep conditions regularly with the amount of mousse and hairspray she uses. I wonder why she doesn't use setting lotion instead, it would probably be less damaging.
  13. poeticlicensed, what's even dumber about Jenelle having two cars is the fact that Nathan can't drive! His license is suspended, so what was the point of a) buying TWO new cars and b) buying a car that is a major gas guzzler? The stupidity never ceases to amaze me. You're right that there are all sorts of smaller, more reasonable vans/SUV's that these girls could be driving. Chelsea seems to be reasonable with her money, but the others act like the MTV checks will be forever rolling in. Regarding Kail, I'm not sure what the hell she thought would happen when Javi joined the military. She was the one who chose to move three hours away from Jo, the Riveras, and Javi's family. I'm sure many stay at home moms would love the luxury of making 80k a year for sitting on the couch whining to friends about how hard life is. Grow the eff up already.
  14. Are there any pictures of Jessa's ring? I'm curious to see what an unemployed 19 year-old came up with for an engagement ring. I don't think Miss Princess would be happy with a small, simple diamond the way Jill was.
  15. Sew Sumi, thanks for the link! Wow, that post was definitely a shot at Boob! So obviously Bin wants to get married and the Duggars are holding things up. Verrry interesting.... Although I don't agree with the premise of Mr. Seewald's post, I do think he made some good points on the absurdity of these rigid courtship rules.
  16. Oooh, Bin's dad went on an internet rant?! Do tell! Where do the Seewalds fall on the Fundie-meter? Are they in batshit crazy Maxwell territory, Fundie-lite a la Derick or somewhere in the middle? Also, if Bin actually shows up at U of A in September I will do naked cartwheels through Times Square.
  17. I agree Cory needs to get on board with the wheelchair. Dr. Tsao isn't recommending Ali use one just for shits and giggles. I also don't want a dynamic to develop where Ali feels she's disappointing her father if she's too tired/sore to walk and would rather use her chair. Cory is the only one who seems to think it's the end of the world.
  18. I didn't have an issue with how Kail handled Isaac. He was being disruptive, she told him to stop, he didn't, so she removed him from the situation. Baby Lincoln is an adorable little chubber. I loved Chelsea's selective story-telling regarding her meeting with the board. I REALLY loved MTV's pathetic re-editing and attempted damage control regarding Jenelle's abused animals. I sometimes feel bad for Gracie because you can tell she's just a big pain in the ass everyone's forced to tolerate because she's family. Chelsea's makeup might not have looked too bad if she just ditched the bat wing on the eyeliner. It was good to see Lois Griffin make an appearance. Lastly, nothing announces you're white trash more than being pregnant and waiting outside a jail for your baby daddy. Keep it klassy Jenelle!
  19. I think Jen likely has her formal wear and suits custom made and buys kids clothes for basics such as t-shirts, cardigans, shorts etc.
  20. I would say Jordyn and Jenny for the girls and Jer thru Jackson for the boys. As far as the laundary how the hell are they doing 70 loads a week in those big commercial washers?! That's three loads person! Even including sheets and towels, that seems ridiculous and wasteful. Poor planet Earth:(
  21. BitterApple

    Tennis Thread

    Hmmm, so Venus beat Serena in the semis? My first thought was Serena tanked it to give her sister a rankings boost for the US Open.
  22. I look at the lawn mowing from a different angle. Jill busted her ass as an unpaid nanny for years while the Duggar boys lazed around and did jack shit. Helping their sister with some yard work is the least they can do. mythoughtis, the points you mention are where I think Dill might run into some legit trouble. A friend of mine used to date a super subservient Japanese girl. She drove him crazy because she literally would not make an autonomous decision about ANYTHING. From what to cook for dinner to what kind of soap to buy at the drugstore, she would call and ask him. He eventually grew bored and dumped her. Now, I don't think Derick will do that, but I can see him getting annoyed.
  23. I'm irked by the fact that every time the Vanderhoff family comes to visit, one of the Duggars feels the need to mention some of their kids are adopted while all the Duggar kids are from the same parents. Considering 2/3 of the Vanderhoff kids are Black or Hispanic, it's like no shit Sherlock. I feel it's very disrespectful to differentiate between bio and adopted kids, as if one is more legit over the other.
  24. Lord have mercy. The English majors on this forum must be having spasms after reading that mess.
  25. BitchOnWheelz, lulz! I definitely used the word "juice" way too liberally in my earlier comment! I should have said "especially when Jace dropped his cavity-inducing sugar water on the floor and Jenelle flipped out." I give Chelsea a pass on the corn dogs. I've moved several times and we always ordered pizza or Chinese the first night in a new house. I think people generally eat the way they were raised. As a kid I remember visiting my dad's family up in rural Canada. I had a cousin who's teeth were rotting out of his head and my aunt would put Pepsi in his sippy cup. My Swiss grandmother thought cream and butter were a food group. I honestly think some people just don't know any better.
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