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Everything posted by BitterApple

  1. Yeah, if you were to ask Mr. Bitter Apple what my favorite foods were there'd be a long pause followed by a random (and likely incorrect) guess. I'll give Bill some props for paying attention to detail.
  2. Ugh, I hate to defend the Duggars, but they have socialized with both black and Hispanic families throughout the course of the show. They attended a predominantly black church when they stayed in Little Rock and also had Asian exchange students living with them for a while. Okay, back to snarking....
  3. Savon totally reminded me of Sheniyah from "My Teen Is Pregnant." Totally flat affect, no emotion, no bond with her child. IIRC, Sheniyah refused to name the father of her child, even though Lemhele was trying to track him down. It's interesting that both girls have vague, sketchy circumstances regarding their kids' fathers.
  4. I wonder if Will ended up sampling the lobster. When Jen was pulling the meat out of the tail it looked like Will was reaching over to take a piece.
  5. Good Lord, how did all three contestants miss Iran?! I was only six months old when the embassy was overtaken and even I knew that answer. Didn't they see Argo? Sheesh.
  6. Regarding Ben/Bin, I have cousins in the South and they pronounce their "en" sounds as "in." I'm from Boston and pronounce "er" as "ah." We all have our verbal quirks! leighroda, when I was in graduate school, Mary Higgins Clark and Nicholas Sparks were my go-to fluff authors. No judgments here!
  7. I don't think it's necessarily a healthy thing to put your child's wants ahead of everything else 100% of the time. I have a friend who does this and her son is a spoiled brat. It's good for Will to learn some days are his special days, while others are for Mom, Dad or Zoey.
  8. I was happy for the girl who won, she seems really nice. I don't watch TWD, so I had no clue on FJ. I don't know what the returning champ was thinking with that pitiful wager.
  9. I think Ben's parents were the driving force behind him courting Jessa, but he eventually caught the famewhore bug and loves the idea of scoring the "hot" Duggar daughter. It's weird because I've always preferred Derick over Ben, but now I'm not so sure. I loved Derick in Nepal, but now that he's back in Arkansas he's become very Duggar-ish, if that makes any sense.
  10. Thanks for the responses! I'm going to rewatch a couple episodes to see the difference now that I know what to look for.
  11. Out of curiosity, how can you guys tell words are being dubbed? I'm not doubting your comments by any means, I'd just like to know what to look for so I can spot it myself in future episodes.
  12. CousinAmy, I have a feeling Will is being prompted to say keck in response to half the questions he's asked. I also think "keck" brings laughter and smiles from the adults thus encouraging Will to keep saying it.
  13. GaT, I showed my mom the wedding pic and her response was "Christ, does either of them ever pick that child up?! Why is she always so terrified when she's held by her parents?"
  14. Holy crap, I'm watching E! THS about OJ and they had a picture of his last vacation with the Kardashians. The only one I could recognize was Kourtney. Kris and Kim look totally different.
  15. In a weird way I always respected Rob Sr.'s loyalty to OJ, even though he was guilty as sin. I thought Kris came off really well in the interview. I didn't have a problem with her being featured on the special. Her and Rob Sr. were OJ and Nicole's closest friends and there was the aspect of Rob Sr. being part of the defense team. I will say that after watching the footage of Rob Sr. there is no way I believe he's Khloe's father.
  16. My point about the Nato category was not all of the responses required the full phonetic pronunciation. I think that's where the contestants got thrown off. I believe the first clue just required the letter "O" not "Oscar."
  17. I got so stuck on Moscow, I didn't even get to Australia and Canberra. I thought that Phonetic Nato category was awful. The contestants seemed confused over whether they were supposed to just give the letter or the phonetic equivalent. The wording of the clues was very awkward.
  18. My father would be rolling in his grave with the way Ree prepares beef. If he were still alive, Ree's tenderloin drowning in Cajun seasoning would have sent him over the edge!
  19. I love country music but I don't think Amy has what it takes to compete with the female heavyweights in the industry. Did she actually sign with a label or is TLC financing her project?
  20. jodo, I agree. At the end of the day the rules regarding "on-call" aren't in play here because Jen would HAVE to be off or it would screw up filming. My guess is TLC picked up the tab for all the travel arrangements and was under contract with the hotel, so a vow renewal was happening one way or the other.
  21. Ooooh, I can't wait to hear the behind the scenes dirt from your shows! Molly is nice enough, but bland. There's nothing about her that makes me dislike her, but I don't find her particularly endearing either. To be frank, I'm surprised she's still going. I think giving the correct answer might be for the benefit of the viewing audience. However, I agree Alex could make corrections without that ever-present air of superiority.
  22. Not to mention the Duggars have, what, eight commercial-sized washer and dryers? With all the loads you can stuff in those things, laundary really shouldn't be a round the clock chore. Hell, we already know they don't put sheets on their beds, so that's one big chunk of it gone!
  23. Jen absolutely participated in the fake pager nonsense along with setting up the fake cliffhanger for next week's episode. I was bored with the vow renewal stuff and would rather have watched the kids play at the beach for an hour. Between the endless plugs for the comped hotel rooms and Bill driving on the beach, all I have to say is, shark, meet jumped.
  24. I think both kids adore their parents but I can't help but notice Will and Zoe are more relaxed when they're alone with Bill. Zoe seems like such a Daddy's girl I wonder if the earlier "Zoe hates Bill" stuff was slightly exaggerated. Does anyone know what the deal is with Jen's brother? Does he just not want to appear on camera or is there some sort of estrangement? It's odd that he's never even mentioned.
  25. Sew Sumi, thanks for the mini recap! Yeah, I just couldn't sit through two hours of off-key Amazing Grace. It's bad enough when I have to listen to 19 kids murdering the song on the violin. If I'm not mistaken, Boob and Deanna were raised Conservative Christian but not Fundie. How much do ya'll want to bet the Duggars just let the laundary pile up until Grandma got back from Nashville?
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