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Everything posted by BuckeyeLou

  1. Awww...Toby still loves Kate. And I love Jack talking about how when you are young, you want time to speed up, and when you are older, you want Time to slow down(as a Grandma, I know that feeling)
  2. Oh Good Grief: Kellyanne & Alyssa Farah are getting into a Big argument and Whoopi is trying to moderate & calm things down! Whoopi says "you need to stop talking"!
  3. Interesting that Kellyanne is defending her husband George(she calls him a "folk hero of the Media"), but she is really bashing Jared Kushner, plus she is still defending Trump, ugh
  4. Hoda seems a bit 'desperate" to me...she is constantly talking about how Hot various men are & how she is going to have a "Hot Girl Summer"...I too did not understand the adoring of Harry Styles, it was bad enough when Hoda salivated over Blake Shelton. Why dont her girlfriends tell her to 'chill out" & just be a single Mom for awhile, why the desperate search to find another man? Just curious to me
  5. I did not realize that was Ken Olin, I will have to re=watch...
  6. The little boy in the back seat with his soccer ball, was injured in the car accident(the same night the Pearsons' house burned down), the little boy was saved at the hospital the same night Jack died(they had the same doctor). The little boy(Marcus, I think?) grew up with a limp & became a doctor whose cancer experiment did not work, but at the end we find out he got an award for 'curing" Alzheimers.
  7. Mandy Moore looked luminous in those scenes at the end....Rebecca was the 'Star" of her Family
  8. Ahhh,,,the good doctor, I love Gerald McRainey....
  9. Now I see the connection...love how this show ties storylines together
  10. Awww...I wasnt ready for that! Steve, Kayla & Ava(the actors) were all terrific today, I am not a fan of the character of Ava but when she laid down next to her dead son, I was crying & then more tears when Steve was weeping...Oh My, such emotions! (And now I am getting ready to cry during TIU tonite, yikes, too many tears). I like the character of Tripp & I hope he gets a good storyline now...I happen to think Tripp & Chanel were cute together.
  11. I saw that interview, Mandy is so lovely. But, when she said when she read the script it made her vomit, I was like "Oh No! " Will I be able to watch? I will be sure to have tissues ready...
  12. On a shallow note, Marci Miller(Abigail) looked pretty & more stylish today...instead of her regular Little House on the Prairie dress, she had on a pretty silk blouse & plaid slacks..
  13. I did like Beth talking to Randall about how Kate, her whole life, has been over-shadowed by her brothers & their big egos, its true & after Tobey talked to her, Kate realized she needed to be strong & not be caught up in her brothers' fight.
  14. That scene was so funny! And then Philip commenting as a 'new" member of the family. Loved Kate's robotic kitty :)
  15. Good Luck to you: making a move is a lot of work & getting settled in a new place(we moved many times due to my husband's job), but once you are settled it will feel like home
  16. I had given up on this show, quit watching, but tuned in tonight to see who won. The guy from Washington was in 1st place(from the Jury), but the K-Pop girl from Oklahoma won due to getting the most votes from fans....I really did not understand how the voting worked. K-Pop is popular so I guess I can see why this young girl won...but the whole show was just too confusing to win me over as a Fan.
  17. A fellow won the $100,000 tonite, he was very excited! He even layed down on the floor in the midst of confetti & made 'snow angels" which made Pat laugh. That's twice in the past couple of weeks that someone has won the $100,000!
  18. I'm sorry I missed that too....Joy Reid's show is on MSNBC nightly at 7pm
  19. I know this whole Devil storyline is un-realistic, but what is Allie planning on doing with this baby? And a new-born baby should have been fed by now, couldnt they show Allie feeding the baby a bottle? And she's just going to keep a tiny baby in a cold crypt? Does she have a supply of diapers down there? This whole story is So Ridiculous, smh.....
  20. I enjoyed seeing the Hosts children(young & older) paying tribute to their Moms. There were some sweet moments, Sarah's kids are so cute, and Joy's daughter doing "So What! Who cares?" made me laugh, Sunny's kids were funny(her daughter talking about giving away her 'desserts"), and they even included Ana's dog, Chacha!
  21. BuckeyeLou


    Pretty Cool that Dan Marino handed out the Trophys in Miami today..
  22. I enjoyed reading her thoughts & Mattea comes across as a very charming & interesting young person...It will be fun to see her in TOC
  23. Wow! What Luck, maybe she should pick some Lottery numbers for you :)
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