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Everything posted by BuckeyeLou

  1. I loved watching "Our House" with my daughters...
  2. Oh My, when Kevin & Miguel's son poured his ashes on the Baseball field, that made me cry, :(
  3. So sweet! They feel so comfortable with one another..
  4. I love Alexandra on Virgin River & she has some real chemistry with that actor too!
  5. I admit I cried when Kevin pulled that childhood Valentine out of his wallet
  6. LOL at Uncle Nicky & his ice bucket, trying to tell Kevin what was going to happen :)
  7. Arthur was the Hero of this episode, he helped his brother Tom out of his predicament & was a stand-up friend for Georgiana..Bravo! Mr. Colbourne is really a Dolt & I was aggravated at him! I was happy for Allison & Capt. Fraser, they make a cute couple. I am hoping Charlotte gets her 'happy ending" in Season 3.
  8. I remember an early episode where Beth, Toby & Miguel were drinking in a bar & talking about 'not being a Pearson" & they said they had a text chain between them
  9. I did enjoy parts of the wedding, including Leo's crazy Hat/veil, his friend, Darius, arriving & laying out the facts for Craig, Justin having a sneezing fit to prolong the vows, Chloe's sequin jumpsuit looking like she's going to 'the club", Nancy jumping up to wish Craig happiness...
  10. Yes, the "This is Us" Twitter account said this is the closing theme that has been used all along..it definately made me cry
  11. Who is paying for this fancy Vineyard wedding? I assume Kevin?
  12. That was Katie Lowes(who I recognize from the show "Scandal"), she's cute and I dont think Wedding singers are supposed to be the best...
  13. Mandy Moore is just so amazing in these scenes as "Older Rebecca", she is tearing my heart out. And poor Miguel, he has all the weight of Rebecca's illness plus his own health problems....Rebecca able to play & sing made me cry, it was beautiful
  14. I remember going to get the cute Princess Di cut :)
  15. Oh My: Randall's speech has me crying! As a Senior Citizen, I understand what he means that Time is speeding up...
  16. Clyde being so nice & understanding with Nancy, what is his 'angle"? This is Not his real personality & I doubt he has suddenly turned into a 'nice guy", so what is he up to?
  17. Yes, Marci Miller is really making me enjoy her character right now, when she said "I need Popcorn" while listening to Xander & Leo argue, I cracked up :)
  18. I like Deborah, she is always so pleasant. And I did not know much about Julia, but she is a very interesting person & I enjoyed hearing about her life story...
  19. Sunny's comments today are very revealing, she is certainly "touchy"...
  20. I am LOL at Sunny & Joy's discussion of "Criticism", Sunny admits she doesnt like "un-solicited criticism" and Joy laughs at her as if she knows personally what Sunny is talking about. Joy appreciates when someone critiques her play she is writing, but Sunny reveals she has to bite her tongue & not blurt out blunt thoughts to people!
  21. The scene with Kate & Kevin, where they are both moaning about their lives, made me realize they both are looking for un-realistic "Romantic" love, they want what their Parents had, instead of having their own visions of Love & Marriage.
  22. I have been saying for several weeks that I think Kevin ends up alone, learning to be a single Dad. His endless stream of new girlfriends every time his family got together means he has not changed his ways as far as Romance goes. Just love Jack(both child & adult) saying "You are Both here". I am happy that Toby has a new love in his life, he deserves someone who does not compare him to Jack Pearson...
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