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Book Junkie

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Everything posted by Book Junkie

  1. I think since Danielle quit her regular job to become an "app developer", she has made being on a reality show her full-time job, and she thinks that to keep that job, she's got to do crazy stuff. I also think her hook-ups with Alex on Winter House and Southern Hospitality dude, are her weak attempts to parlaying a relationship for herself like Craig and Paige, where she can be on two Bravo shows, but Craig and Paige actually love and respect one another and themselves. I also think Carl and Lindsey being in a relationship is causing her some insecurity as well. I wonder if she'll be more calm now that they've broken up.
  2. Did anyone else catch it when Bria said that Simon and her were arguing a lot because SHE hadn't been to Germany in a month and that he takes it hard if he has a bad day and she's not there to "comfort" him when has a frustrating day. I took that to mean that he's upset she's not there for him to take his anger and frustrations on someone who won't clap back at him. Like, dude. What did you do about a bad day before you and Bria were together? THEN, Bria goes on to say that he's frustrated that she's not there to clean his house and cook his dinner???!!! Simon gives me serious ick and worse. Hire a freaking maid, Simon. Or, take your frustrations out by cleaning your own house, yourself. He is totally using Bria, and she doesn't even realize it. Ladies, if you're not living there, do NOT clean your boyfriend's house. I'm seriously concerned for Bria in her relationship. With his behavior last year when he visited, I'm thinking Simon is not a nice guy or good for Bria.
  3. Get out of my head! I'm in complete agreement with you on everything you said. I do not understand how Mitch and Paige won the two weeks they did because their designs were the most head scratching those weeks. And double yes on overstuffing rooms with all these luxurious items. I did not understand why everyone, except for Evan and Keith, put in a laundry room the final week when everyone put a laundry room in the primary closets! And, champagne fridges in the closet??? It's like either season 2 or season 4, at least half of the houses had FOUR kitchens. They put in a "show" kitchen, a secondary or "catering" kitchen that could get messy behind the show kitchen, another kitchen in the full basements downstairs, AND an outdoor kitchen! Nobody entertains that much. Now, the trend seems to have these enormous butler pantries where they have all of their appliances, putting every appliance far away from the stove. We've gotten ridiculous with our houses.
  4. I already like Captain Kerry a lot, but now? I freaking LOVE Captain Kerry. He's hands down my favorite captain. I love that he mentors and tries to help his crew be better and gives really good advice on leadership, while remaining calm and rational. And, I love that Kerry is often out and about on the boat supervising his crew. There's not much that he misses! Sandy plays favorites and talks out of both sides of her mouth, and just wants to be liked. Lee hardly ever left the wheelhouse, and whenever someone came to him to sincerely ask for advice on a situation, Lee would just yell at them and threaten to fire them because if he's got to tell them how to their job, then what does he need them for? Well, Lee. Sometimes supervisors, especially ones who are still in their 20s and don't have much supervisory experience, need a little help or advice and it's also YOUR job to lead your middle management. And because of this attitude and the fact that he never left the wheelhouse, he was always shocked by what was going on with the crew during the season. Kerry, meanwhile, knows the situation with Fraser and Barbie, and was able to call Fraser out and neutralize his pettiness, while also talking Barbie down and put her attitude aside. Could Barbie's attitude be better? Sure, but Fraser is way worse with his constant badmouthing of Barbie behind her back and to other stews that she has to work with and who have to work with her. Why? Because Barbie doesn't want to braid his hair and gossip? It's a job, Fraser, not a slumber party. While I understand Dylan being upset that he wasn't made lead deckhand, I think Ben made a good choice. Dylan was already asking about/gunning for the position as soon as he got on the boat, not having done any work. He may have more experience, but Sunny is not a total newbie, is a hard worker, and has the respect of other crew members. Dylan annoys everyone. That being said, Ben should have stopped sleeping with Sunny as soon as he was made bosun. Sunny also needs to stop thinking Ben and her are in a relationship. No, honey. Just because you are attracted to someone and they are attracted to you, does not automatically put you in an exclusive relationship.
  5. Unfortunately, A lot of higher ups are only required to teach for a few short years before being eligible for leadership positions. Sometimes not even that little if somebody high up really wants them in a certain position. Remember, Gregory originally applied to be the principal of Abbott Elementary even though he had no classroom experience at all. He only became a teacher to get the minimum classroom experience. We've had several student teachers at my school that had no intention of teaching in the classroom; they were getting an education degree with the intention of writing policy and such. 🙄 😕 The superintendent of my district has no education OR classroom experience. He was our district's attorney who became Assistant Superintendent Our school board didn't want to bother with a search so they just promoted him to Superintendent. Our state legislature is getting a lot of heat right now, and very justifiably so, because they appointed a Commissioner of Education who has no education background whatsoever, and wasn't even living in our state! Believe me, Janine is very qualified for a district position.
  6. I so agree with what has been said about Fraser. I couldn't believe him when he was going on about Barbie to Paris when she just got there! I also can't believe that he just got fully staffed, has not even seen how Paris is as a stew, and he's wanting to fire Barbie! Dude. You just got fully staffed after being down one for a charter and a half. Not to mention him complaining about Barbie to Xandi and Ben, but Barbie's the unprofessional one?! He's doubling down way too hard on not letting his stews walk all over him like they did last season, but Barbie's not doing what Camille and Alyssa did last year. Not even close. He is so insecure and is one of those people that thinks he has to be besties with everyone he works with and anyone not feeling the same way, is being a bitch. He was like that as 2nd stew under Heather. He got crazy insecure when Heather's friend joined the crew late in the season because he thought he'd lose his bestie. I bet he's a Stage 5 clinger in romantic relationships. I'm glad the others are seeing him for the neurotic headcase that he is.
  7. It's cringe for the reason you stated; he's trying to force a social situation for his kids in the future. It's like he's trying to live out his ideal childhood or his dreams through his kids. It's like the house hunters who want a house with a grand staircase in the foyer because they want the prom picture ops that they always envisioned when their kids might not ever go to prom. Sometimes the house hunters don't even have kids and they're talking about these future situations! It came across to me like he was trying "buy" friends, mainly for himself, by having the "party house". Four kids in only 2400 square feet? How did you do it? LOL. They were ridiculous. 😆
  8. She wanted an enormous home too! Their previous home was 2300 square feet and with the birth of their 2nd child, things were "getting pretty cramped." Those were her words. She just didn't want quite as large of a home as him, but she wanted at least 4000 square feet. He was also talking about how he wanted his house to be the community house and all of their kids' friends come and hang out at their house, which sounded a little cringe. I couldn't also help but think that when their kids get to be teenagers, they're going to be sneaking out or sneaking people in all the time in that cavernous basement and mom and dad will never know.
  9. It definitely helped them, because the solar panels also fuel the backup batteries in case of a power outage due to a hurricane. That's huge. I think Team Bargain Block has the best design overall, but they're the only ones without any fancy gadgets, so I don't think they'll win. The twins have the solar panels and backup batteries, Team Island Renovation added an elevator, Team Fix My Flip added a grocery elevator and have won twice by themselves. Which is a bummer, because I like them best and I like the design choices best.
  10. Good for her. These housewives altercations just keep escalating and Bravo does nothing to protect them and keep putting the offenders on screen, like Brandi, which just encourages the offenders to keep it up. They should've fired and ghosted Brandi after she slapped Lisa Vanderpump. Unfortunately for Caroline, they didn't and she was sexually assaulted by Brandi. I never cared for Caroline, but I feel just horrible for what happened to her. I hope she gets Bravo to pay out the nose and puts Brandi behind bars for a bit.
  11. 16-year school librarian, here. I loved this episode as it was so true to life. My district has a certified librarian AND assistant at every school, but I know there are many across the nation where there's maybe ONE certified school librarian in the entire district that basically oversees the libraries and the day-to-day operations are done by either a paraprofessional or volunteers. I loved that Jacob brought out how his students' scores improved since having the librarian program, of which there are many studies that prove that schools with a certified librarian have higher scores. I hope Abbott does a book challenge/banning episode too, because it's a huge issue in schools these days. I loved that Gregory bragged about going to the library as a kid. I get that a lot from people that I first meet and they find out I'm a librarian. That, or they tell me how much their kids love the library. As much as she irritated me this episode, Barbara was very realistic too. Yes, she should be a little more adaptable and flexible, but there are plenty of teachers out there who do the same thing every year, even if a better and easier way is done. That's at every job. And yes, plenty of teachers never read their e-mails unless their addressed specifically to them. I just an e-mail to one of my teachers who was e-mailing the entire school that only applied to his grade, saying that the didn't have an e-mail group for just those teachers. Yes, you do, sir. I sent those out at the beginning of the school year, and an updated list with new hires at the beginning of this semester. Sigh. I would've let Barbara check out more than three books, though. That was a dumb rule. Just tell her to bring them back by the end of the day. Then, hunt her down tomorrow when she doesn't return them. Man, I love this show.
  12. I really worry about Jared. The way he fixates on criticism and his drinking and his walking around berating himself out loud and escalating the rather benign situations in his head reminds me a lot of my late husband's behaviors, who unfortunately, died by suicide. I don't feel I'm being dramatic when I say I would not be surprised if we hear that Jared died by suicide in a year or so. He's definitely leaving a lot out of his story and not seeing/meeting his daughter too. The fact that he's had such a hard time calling her and even texting the mom, there's something to that too. We've seen how many seriously long distance phone calls and even video calls with no issues over the years on these shows? And Jared can't even get a text to send? I have all kinds of serious alarms bells going off with him. He's got some dark demons to deal with.
  13. Don't forget she also talked about Shannon's 911 phone call that David had beaten her, enraging Shannon, as you can imagine. She's a horrible horrible person. BUT, according to Vicki, you can't get mad at her because she doesn't start the rumors, she just repeats them...
  14. I used to think Carl and Lindsey were a real couple, but now I feel duped. All of their relationship milestones have happened in season finales. They get back together at the end of the season a couple of seasons ago, they get engaged at the end of the season last year, and now, they break up at the end of the season. It's just too scripted. I do think Lindsey is one of those women who just can't keep the crazy at bay long enough to close the deal, but Carl knows Lindsey and had to know what he was getting into, which is another reason why their relationship is sus for me now. Oh, well.
  15. I was coming here to see if Jasmine and Silas had separated since I didn't see Silas in the trailer for Season 2. I guess he was in Poland. I hope he's safe as Poland is not that far from the Ukraine. I also hope he's got a better attitude and treats Jasmine better. I loved him at first, but then he took a real nosedive with the way he expected Jasmine to wait on him all the time. I can't wait for this show to return.
  16. The thing that went through my head the most this episode is how exhausting it must be to be a Real Housewife. They went from that crazy stressful gondola ride to getting all glammed for Adrianna's performance, to just a few hours later getting all glammed up again, to partying it up all night at a rave. I don't have the patience to constantly have to get glammed up multiple times a day, while having screaming matches with the people you're with and can't get away from!
  17. Watch the first movie. They address all of that.
  18. THIS. Annemarie kept saying that Crystal was maligning her profession, when she did nothing of the sort, at least not on the show. Crystal SAID that the first time she met Annemarie, Annemarie said she was a doctor. Crystal said absolutely nothing about nurses being less than, or even that Annemarie was less than because she was "just a nurse". Aargh! It was driving me crazy! Erica was cracking me up at that dinner. She was especially cracking me up when she was walking back to her room after the dinner. She was totally doing the extra careful drunk walk of placing one. foot. in. front. of. the. other. 😂
  19. I think the reason Heather covered for Jen with the black eye wasn't Stockholm Syndrome, but acting out of loyalty to Jen. I suspect what happened was that Jen and Heather knew Jen gave her the black eye, and it was an accident, but wanted to cover it up anyway because Jen was still fighting charges in court. She hadn't pled guilty, yet, and was still claiming her innocence. She probably begged Heather not to say anything about her giving her the black eye, because it could ruin her in court, for sure, so Heather pretended she blacked out and didn't know. Now, that Jen's in jail, Heather doesn't have to cover for her. Still doesn't explain Heather blaming production, but explains the covering for Jen.
  20. Thank you, SassyCat. I've met some amazing people along the way and such kindness, even as we all wish we weren't in this club together. I'm so sorry your your loss. It sucks! But, I try to find something good.
  21. All the hugs to you. I lost my husband of 16 years to suicide three years ago. This was a very difficult episode and could not understand this "celebration of life". Sutton's telling of her father's suicide was especially hard to hear as my husband died by gun shot wound to the head down the hall from where I was sleeping. I don't know how Lorene's family consented to this. No way would I have consented to something like this for my husband.
  22. The thing with Kelly is she is extremely self-absorbed and a complete suck-up. If you're not someone she wants to impress or if she doesn't see you as being on the same level as her, she will literally not see you. Hence, Bethenny's frustration with her during their time together on the show. She's probably very nice and charming to her clients, because she wants something from them. I truly believe Kelly has not seen the show since she was fired. Why would she? She wasn't on it. Kelly and Kristen weren't on the show at the same time, so Kelly is completely unaware of her and is why she thinks it's "creepy" that Kristen knows about her and Scary Island and other things about the show. She's maddening. Bethenny can be over the top and full of herself, but I totally got why Kelly frustrated her so much and made her last out.
  23. You totally called it! I've been saying something similar about Shep for a couple of years, now. The man is bored out of his mind and jealous of Craig and even Austen, whom he used to feel superior to, but now those two have grown (especially Craig), and have other stuff going on in their lives, and Shep is envious of that. Leva hit the nail on the head too when she told Shep that he needed some purpose in his life that was more important to him than drinking. I was even telling my husband earlier this week that if Shep doesn't get some purpose in his life, he's going to either drink himself to death, or he'll kill himself. I'm not being dramatic; I've seen this scenario in real life. We've seen his behavior escalate over the years, and if he doesn't change, it's not going to end well for him. It sounds like Shep really scared himself at BravoCon, and I hope it was enough. But, if he's still drinking beer, well I hope realizes you can blackout on beer too. It was telling that Craig and Austen were saying that they've had this conversation with Shep many times before. On a lighter note, Craig is winning the reunion. He cracked me up with his telling Shep that women just say that they have a hard time climaxing when you can't solve the puzzle! HA! 😆
  24. I came here to see why they made this movie, as I did not realize it's a movie version of the musical. There's no music at all in the commercials I've seen, and it looked like it was a shot for shot remake. I might go see it after all.
  25. This. Plus, she was being held back by a producer, faked being calm and under control, and as soon as the producer looked away, she went running after Candiace! Then, she never apologized or showed remorse for anything and even tried to claim that she "blacked out" and couldn't remember what exactly happened in the fight, only for the show to show her talking to Chris in the limo on the way home right after the fight, giving him an accurate play by play of the fight and telling him she'd like to do more! Monique was another level of violence on the show.
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