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Everything posted by LilyD

  1. To save another one of his businesses?? What could that mean? Is he struggling with all of his businesses? I suddenly have to think about his attempts to sell the farm. Does he need the money? It could be, of course that he felt less committed to the entire LPBW brand due to all the issues with Zach, his own health and him getting older. So, maybe he just let things be for a while and couldn’t be bothered to put in the extra energy, which let to a backlog or other issues. Just speculating obviously.
  2. I’ve always viewed Sister Wives as a frame story: The polygamous family was the narrative that gave a frame, a meaning and context to lots of little stories. In my opinion, Sister wives is nothing without the polygamous narrative. I can definitely see enough material to wrap things up. But then what? They’re now nothing more than 3 women coming from a broken relationship. It happens to a lot of people, everywhere, every day. That’s not tv worthy and apart from seeing them finding their feet, definitely not exciting. And I think that Meri giving up her rental and moving away is a clear sign that TLC has decided to cancel the show in the near future.
  3. Taking my reply to the spoiler and speculation thread.
  4. Meri redoing the B&B is unlikely, she's too attached to the frilly, cheap, old, uncomfortable, musty interior that reminds her of her ancestors. Side note; are B&Bs subject to inspections like hotels and restaurants? If so, I wonder how on earth they ever got a pass. Don't think it matters how close Parowan is to Christine. The chances of them visiting is approximately 0%
  5. And I don’t think anyone will ever understand why one person would spend so much on a ridiculously big house for so many years. Unless.. Meri did apply for a mortgage but found that she could only borrow enough to buy a fairly modest house? Maybe due to her previous bankruptcy, being alone on the mortgage because Kody refused to sign, or an uncertain/unsteady cashflow from LLR or TLC? Just guessing some possible reasons. Meri could have a lavish monthly income but that’s not always enough to convince money lenders. Sometimes it is easier to qualify for rentals, particularly if you have some guarantees in place like a huge deposit or people or companies (tlc? Llr?) vouching for you. And we all know that Meri doesn’t do modest. So, renting could have been the only way for her to get the palace she wanted. Anything to distinguish herself and lure Kody back to her.
  6. Sorry, stupid ipad spelling interferring again. Jacket with a t, not a d. Typical UK dish, elsewhere often called baked potato lol
  7. Wow, imagine that….you can actually cook chicken in an airfryer! And muffins, cupcakes, bread rolls, croissants, fries, jacked potatoes etc. etc. Janelle, Just check the darn box in which it came. It’s full of pictures that give options away, alternatively, study the manual. If you have a fairly new one, the digital display for the menu is a dead give away. It even has a chicken picture to select!
  8. I’ve found another thing I hate about that drawing: Christine had this lovely picture of her entire little family: Mom, dad and the 4 kids. It looks like an official family portrait. And then there’s Robyn’s version: It’s odd to commission a family portrait that has one parent missing that’s very much present…. As much as I despise the set up and copying, she made it worse by not including herself. As if she was trying to falsely confirm the status of her kids within the family. If someone is able to reach out to Gwen, please ask how she (and Christine!) viewed this particular Robyn-action….
  9. Let’s just hope that Janelle is smart enough this time to claim a decent part of the money as her own, preferably in writing before Robbing Robyn and Claiming Kody can lay their greedy fingers on it.
  10. Ok, if Robyn sees this list, puts them to good use, and earns a fortune with your suggestions, they'll be able to keep that stupid mansion. And I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive you for rescuing them from their one-way trip to financial hell...😜🙃😁
  11. A very interesting take. Let’s ponder a bit on what you’re saying… It could be… in defence of the case you’re making here, we should probably mention the ridiculous and flimsy show reasons for the divorce and subsequent legal marriage to Robyn. They had to incorporate it somehow and Meri’s accidental catch of the catfish made the whole storyline even better! Conjuring up a whole story surrounding the divorce and then the catfish, worked perfectly to keep the former 1st wife on board of the tlc-plygship. (Interesting story, and 4 wives probably sounded better than 3) It would also further explain Leon’s rage and grief which seemed to stretch way beyond the original catfish situation: A Manhunting Meri meant that there really was no hope for a reconciliation of Leon’s parents. That must have been really difficult for Leon to accept. So, another addition to the storyline: a very disturbed parent-child relationship. And the last thing I’d like to point out; the tv show divorce literally marked the moment where Kody and Meri went their separate ways. This is where it started, not in Flagstaff, and this is also the moment where Kody dropped all leniency, kindness, tact and patience toward Meri and became the cold-hearted bitch of a (ex)husband. Far fetched? Maybe, but reality shows are far fetched to begin with. And these are the Browns: The adults (parents) are notorious for their idiotic decisions or strange reasoning. Not saying it really happened like you suggested, but I’m definitely willing to give your new take on the whole story a pass!
  12. Robyn = drama. So, of course they were very poor. Of course David had no means to pay child support. Of course David didn't care for his kids. Not necessarily saying she is lying, but I tend to take all her claims with a pinch a whole lot of salt. We've seen enough of such Sobbyn-Stories over the years to know that she has a tendency to hugely exaggerate and take on a victim role.
  13. It is a ridiculous amount to pour down the drain annually. She could have paid off a large chunk of a mortgage if she'd bought at the time. Worst of all, she absolutely had no reason to rent such a huge house for herself. Why did she do that? I suspect it has to do with desperately trying to maintain some sort of status, especially compared to the sister wives. She always needed the biggest or the best after all. Having said this, l have watched a lot of house hunting shows over the past year. You'd be surprised to see the huge number of singletons that claim to need a huge house with at least 4 bedrooms (a master, a guest room, an office, a work place or a gym) in addition to a big living room, big kitchen diner and a garage. Meri is like that too.
  14. As much as I dislike Meri, I'm glad she's packed up and moved. It was time to move on and finally leave that sad and sorry Douchebag and Sobbyn behind. I just wonder why she waited until now. Or to put it differently, would she have stayed if Kody's 'marriages' with Janelle and Christine hadn't collapsed, just to keep the show running? We all knew she no longer had a relationship with Kody, but pretended to have one for the show. Then Christine left, followed by Janelle. Was she told to pack up and move, or was it her own decision when she realised it was pointless to remain behind?
  15. Actually, inbreeding is the genetic consequence of consanguinity. You cannot have inbreeding without a blood relation. (And a blood relation is called consanguinity) The difference is that inbreeding happens by repeatedly marrying relatives and having kids over generations, like you pointed out with the Habsburgers, or when closely related people have children (like 2 siblings or parent and child). Both have the same result: a quick diluting of the gene pool. This leads to a few genes becoming dominant. Unfortunately, such genes do not distinguish between good traits and bad. And it’s the bad dominant genes we usually notice, such as the infamous Habsburg Jaw or the spread of hemophilia among royalty in 19th century Europe. It depends on your faith, up to which point it is still considered consanguinity. For example 3rd and 4th cousins share less than 1% of their dna. It could technically be called consanguinity, but in reality they’re as “closely” related as you and me. So, there’s usually little or no objection for them to get married or have kids. Hope this little biology essay helps😉
  16. Here’s the thing: This is what I thought, and some simple math told me that it could not have been a shotgun wedding or Jessop steal her cookie unmarried as it’s about 9 months later. However…. Dayton seems to have 2 dates of birth (This family never seizes to amaze me!) March 7, 2000 (per google) and January 16, 2000 per the fandom (and other sources, but I don’t know who’s quoting who) If the January date is correct, Robyn could have been married in June 1999 because she was pregnant…
  17. You have some good points there. I'd like to add that Janelle, Christine, and the 12 kids had a shared past and lived in the same house for years. They really were united. Robyn's kids never lived in the big house and have always had their own separate houses, with a different past, different customs, and different parenting. Also, Robyn never awarded any mom privileges to Janelle or Christine, carefully guarding everything that had to do with her kids. She often set them apart from the rest (particularly Dayton who, justified or not, needed loads of attention, protection, and care) Singling out 1 or 2 people is always dangerous when it comes to acceptance and bonding.
  18. I have to admit that I missed its significance at the time, only noticing the very young ages of Robyn's kids. That's what I found awkward and I assumed it was why the others reacted the way they did. Only later, I learned about the original with Christine and her kids. If I were Christine, I would have ripped it to pieces as soon as I could lay my hands on it! It showed a total lack of respect on so many levels: Toward Christine, toward her kids, but also toward the original artist who had his work shamelessly duplicated. It was also morally wrong toward Robyn's own kids and their bio dad as it effectively changed their own history and where they came from.
  19. True, which was why I was getting over all the options I could think of. As for your other suggestion: if rumors are true, there was something between Matt and Caryn when he was still married to Amy. If you can get over that, you probably don’t care if living together unmarried is appropriate or not either. But you’re spot on with calling it complicated😉
  20. Kody IS monumentally stupid, so it makes perfect sense…
  21. What they have is a proper LAT-relationship: Living Apart Together. It works for loads of people. You’re together, but still independent, particularly when it comes to housing and finances. I just fail to see what a marriage brings to Matt and Caryn’s relationship. Neither seem overly romantic nor do I believe they need a marriage to confirm their relationship. If they each have their own house or apartment, they’re also financially independent, or up to point. So no real practical or financial reasons either. For inheritance purposes, even married couples shouldmake up a will to cover everything. So, is it for show purposes? Or does he privately resent Amy’s 2nd marriage and wants to prove that his relationship is as valid as hers? Far-fetched maybe, but this is Matt and illogical and childish decisions are his trademark after all!
  22. All this talking about Kody's kids and work makes me think yet again about what he is doing all day and how he makes his money. They're not filming all year long after all. We know he is in the gun business and according to some, you can make a lot of money in that. Yet I fail to understand how you'd do that if you don't have a (web) shop and only occasionally visit a gun show or exhibition. It doesn't seem like a regular fulltime job to him. Not even part-time come to think of it. The weapons he sells are expensive, but he'll have to invest a pretty hefty sum in stock too. It makes me wonder how much he actually earns per sale after deducting all the costs. It can never be enough to keep that mansion, have 3 kids in college and fund Robyn's Victoria's Secret credit card.
  23. Clothes and style divide people. I'm all for being who you want to be. And unflattering clothes may not give you the best look but they can be incredibly comfy to wear! But in my book, there's no excuse to not look after yourself and keep yourself fresh and clean. You're not alone on this planet and a lack of hygiene can be very unpleasant for others. E.G. I teach and it really isn't pleasant to work with students who have a sweaty or musty smell over them to name something. Dirty and sticky hands is another pet peeve of mine. I'd be perfectly happy to help and sit next to Audrey but Leon really makes me feel itchy all over. I think you're right about Leon's "defiant in ye'r face attitude". I'm hoping, probably against all odds, that Leon eventually takes a leaf from Audrey's book. Audrey seems to have found their place and firmly stands for what they are without being so provocative, over the top, and negative as Leon...
  24. I've always found Matt incredibly annoying with a huge disrespect for the people around him. (Not saying that Amy was a saint btw) But I hated how he did whatever the hell he wanted, spent a fortune on stupid and expensive projects or boy toys, even when there was no support from the rest of his family. He simply didn't care for anything that happened outside the "Matt-Bubble". I do have to admit that Caryn has a good influence on him. She seems able to manage him up to a certain point. He also shows respect for Caryn, which he never had for Amy (or not that I could see). They seem to work just fine as a couple for whatever magical reason. But I'll probably never understand what attracted Caryn to Matt in the first place. It definitely wasn't his cheerful personality and sweet and caring character!
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