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Everything posted by LilyD

  1. True, he is the dad and he bears the ultimate and sole responsibility, not Robyn. But it sure angers me to see how easily she accepted his decision and the fact that she did this before. Back then when Truely was sick, he was lounging on Robyn’s bed and in no hurry at all when Christine rushed to hospital. And Robyn wasn’t encouraging him to go either. So I’m not holding Kody’s decions and responsibilities against Robyn, but I do hold the ease with which she so conveniently accepts Kody’s decisions against her! She keeps insisting she wants polygamy, but she’s made it perfectly clear she only wants it if it suits her and so long as it doesn’t involve any responsibility toward the other families.
  2. The most unforgiving bit in this whole affair is dragging your kid into it and asking it to lie against the other parent. A child is unconditionally loyal to both its parents and this brings a child into an impossible position. You are forced to betray a parent; either the one who has the affair or the one who is not supposed to know. Add to that the knowledge that your parents' marriage is essentially a time bomb waiting to go off. And you hold the fuse because you know... I know, I was there when I was 18 and do not wish it upon anyone, not even Leon.
  3. Apparently Tina is/was besties with Kelli and the family lives and breathes Dallas Cowboys. She has access to areas and people other dcc moms can never have. When you watch the old seasons featuring Victoria, you see an awful lot of Tina hovering in the background or going completely crazy in the audience or on the side when the DCC perform. I even seem to recall footage of her waving with huge Victoria pictures in the audience. Tina was a rather hot topic out here during season 13 and 14. No DCC ever got away with a 10 lbs weight gain and lying straight into Kelli’s face, apart from Victoria. It was said this all came to Tina’s influence on Kelli and that their friendship cooled a lot after the cut. I find it hard to see any positives in this particular mother-daughter relationship because of how it was extensively featured and what was revealed out here on the board. (And the insiders who told certain things proved right over many other things over the years so they appear pretty reliable.)
  4. Personally, I find this particular mother-daughter relationship rather toxic and suffocating for Victoria. Tina is just too much in every single way; always around and dominating the scene as Victoria’s own personal cheerleader. It’s loud, it’s obnoxious and frankly, quite immature in terms of behaviour. It surprises me to see how Victoria tolerates this; most children would be appalled and mortified and wouldn’t want to be seen next to a mother behaving like this. Either Victoria has no choice but to accept it, or she is not aware which makes it even more toxic and unhealthy. Tina is her mother, not her BFF. Victoria needs a fellow DCC to live this dream, not mommy-dearest…
  5. Last season Janelle mentioned that they got Garrison a car. That was Kody’s idea of getting him started in life…. He seems to dish out whatever and to whomever at will; Leon is a perfect example of this treatment. Leon always got most, the best of the best and even private schools. And that was not just on Meri. I hate it when parents are like that. Be fair and treat your kids equally. And yes, some may seem to need it more because they’re in college and others like Garrison and Hunter had jobs (which is not an excuse btw) but I’m sure Garrison would have loved 8k to put forward as a deposit or to renovate his house.
  6. If Maddie really earned anywhere close to that ridiculous 40k a month, then why on earth is she driving herself absolutely crazy with running a young family, being heavily pregnant and doing college next to a very rewarding job?? Such a huge monthly income would set up a young family for life if you're able to maintain this for a few years. Maddie certainly doesn't look like someone spending 1000's a month. If anything, she seems to be leading a rather modest lifestyle. So hopefully, if she's making that much, she is investing it wisely or saving properly. Unless of course, there is a catch? Are the numbers mentioned actual bonuses? Or is it merely to be seen as monthly turnover from which all expenses (including the product itself) need to be deducted? In such cases, the 40k could quickly dwindle to only a couple of thousand dollars. (Lots of MLM's force their consultants to heavily 'invest' in their products on a monthly basis) And then there's the matter of taxes of course....
  7. I'm still 100% that Kody knew that Leon would never give up on that private church school. Shortly after the family moved to LV and Leon did everything possible to stay in Lehi and said school+community, which was ultimately blocked by Kody and Meri. I just do not see Kody as the type of dad to be supportive of his daughters going to the military. Leon's devotion to religion and that school as the easy way out for Kody to stop that career path. And no, I don't see Leon being qualified for whatever it was they were doing. It would have been all over the internet either by Leon or by Meri. The thundering silence regarding this says it all.
  8. It’s strange how little Robyn’s part in the whole Ysabel-disaster was highlighed. Ultimately, it was Kody’s “so very wrong in every way-decision” but we haven’t heard anything from Robyn, apart from maybe a weak “maybe you should go.” There are so many things she could have done like booking him a ticket herself and/or evict him for the time being. Maybe she tried but couldn’t anyway, in which case she could have formed a united front with the other wives and force him out. She didn’t…She’s almost a bigger villain in my book for allowing Kody to be such a sorry excuse for a dad!
  9. They’re no longer that interesting polygamous family that could draw people in. In fact, they’ve all gone on to live a pretty standard life, which is good for the Brown kids but not very appealing for reality tv. So I’m sure the producers are doing everything they can to keep a boring show less boring, and that probably includes poking Kody a lot (easy target) and tinkering with all the available footage.
  10. Typically Maddie I guess… She’s as clueless about what she wants and what it encompasses as she was 10 years ago. Clueless, or plain stupid. I haven’t decided on that one yet. And if she does finish it, which I doubt, then what? She obviously still has no idea what comes after this. Her “so I can choose later” says it all. Maddie reminds me of Leon. Both had impressive ambitions which changed a number of times, and both went to several colleges doing whatever… Maddie never finished anything and there are reasons to suspect Leon didn’t either. And lastly, both are sort of working in whatever it is they’re doing , but it certainly has little to do with what they studied in college. The only difference is that Maddie married young and tries to balance college or work with raising 2 and soon 3 young children. That’s not easy, I’ll give her that.
  11. Yeah, moving there doesn't really make sense, does it? Of course there are elevators in Montana or Wyoming, particularly in the slightly bigger towns, and those need to be serviced too but I seriously doubt you find many in the rural areas they seem to be considering. It could be that Caleb is already considering a career change and just wants to complete his training considering the time and effort he's put in it. He wouldn't be the first to do so. Also if she is serious about livestock, she'll need Caleb to be more at home too.
  12. My husband went to a military academy and is an officer; they do deploy! And definitely the junior officers (such as lieutenants and captains) can expect real frontline duties too. Kody seemed supportive of his sons’ choices, albeit with some parental concern which is perfectly understandable. Yet I suspect that Kody will not support any of his daughters if they were to choose this! He still has some pretty fundamentalist/conservative ideas, particularly when it comes to women. And in their culture, a woman is first and foremost a homemaker. A career within certain areas such as care, education, (mlm) sales, is acceptable but they generally disapprove of women in traditional male professions such as the military or construction. And yes, years back he didn’t seem totally against Leon’s ideas about going to Westpoint, but I suspect this was only because he knew it wasn’t a serious option for Leon anyway, so why bother talking it out of their heads?
  13. Omg! One of my friends signed up for a well-known MLM style company last week. (Won’t mention their name as I refuse to give them free exposure) She’s already driving me crazy as every single post now has a “business purpose” and I’ve already become an expert on what I should no longer ask or post: Wish her luck and she’ll go like “Thx, will keep you posted, I’m happy to explain all the good stuff to you if you like?” Tell her it looks good: “would you like to try it too?” Tell her she looks great on her new profile picture: “thx, it’s all due to my new lifestyle, I’d be happy to introduce you to it?” arggghh… why?? I’m interested in you, not that stupid product you’re selling! If I really want it, I’ll know where to find it, thank you!
  14. I totally see what you mean, it could well be. Having said so, this is Vivian we’re talking about. If any old TCC/DCC was capable of such a stunt, it would be Vivian. In my humble opinion she completely lacked self awareness and judgement. Whether she “choreo-ed” tin man herself or had herself talked into it…lack of judgement! No professional cheerleader would even consider it. Re. Carla Ann: absolutely! Such a shame that these reruns keep bringing it up. But… that probably goes for quite a few girls on the show. Their incidents were arguably not as serious, but I’m sure Malena would give the world to have her horrible office melt-down taken down permanently for instance
  15. This picture...have they ever heard of SIDS and how to keep the chances of this happening as small as possible? 1. You do not put babies to sleep on their stomachs! It goes against all health guidelines and researches as there is a huge chance it will affect their breathing through carbon dioxide build-up or suffocating. 2. Always make sure a baby cannot be suffocated by something in their cribs, whether it's stuffed toys or in this case a sibling that is literally shoved in their faces. Sorry, this whole picture makes me nervous (and yes, a little angry). I know there were guidelines in the past about letting babies sleep on their stomachs but since then, there has been so many research into crib deaths and how to let your baby sleep safely. You'd think that's common knowledge by now, or at least one of the first things they tell you when you have a newborn?
  16. Loved your post and it is a great analysis of what probably goes through the minds of a lot of women who have divorced the father of their children. But as a child from divorced parents who had the utmost contempt for each other, I can tell saying such things really hurt a lot and makes you question certain characteristics in yourself. So, I have little patience for parents that thrash each other through their kids. Robyn can say whatever she likes and I am sure she considers her 3 oldest as hers (and quite possibly Kody and hers) but they will always be related to Jessop too, even if it's biologically only. And that should be respected. It was Robyn's and David's fight and she should have left her kids out of it....
  17. In all honesty, I can absolutely see him missing the signs. He’s all about Kody; including when he is around his other kids. He just doesn’t see it (or wants to see it) unless it’s something absolutely amazing they did so he can brag about it. We’ve seen it so many times, even in very obvious cases: Truely just had a cold, and Ysabel wasn’t that bad at all. Oh and don’t forget about Christine trying to give birth to Truely where he was pestering her doctor for information on having a baby with Meri (who btw made it pretty clear that she wasn’t sure if she wanted ivf at the time) And when you listen carefully to his cringe-worthy scenes in Robyn’s “I’m dying from Covid-episode” you constantly hear the me, me, me.
  18. Oh well we can't really blame Kody for missing any signs that Gwen could have autism, can we? He was hardly ever there after all (me being sarcastic of course) Meri may not have been physically abusive but emotional and verbal abuse can be at least as damaging and are definitely as cruel as that. I do think all kids have different perceptions on this, depending on how much abuse they were exposed to and how old they were. I still don't like Tony but he has earned some Brownie points with me for stating that he doesn't like people who hurt his wife. (I like that protective side in my husband too☺️)
  19. Well, I can see how a 13-hour- one way trip can be an issue if you want to visit your kids, or relatives or friends in general. Particularly when money is tight and you cannot afford plane tickets or possibly even the trip by car. It does set Jessop's lack of interest and limited visiting in a new light: Was he really not interested or simply unable to visit them? I tend to agree with the assertion of my fellow posters; they were probably "a perfect match made in hell' and likely shared the blame for their failed marriage and the mistakes after. But Robyn's attempt to rewrite history and thrash her ex (thus the kids' dad) on national tv is such an incredible low blow. It makes me wonder how the kids felt about that and about themselves (if dad is so bad, does that make me a bad person too?) The only real victims are the kids, definitely not Robyn as she so desperately wants us to believe.
  20. The Intouch info was interesting and sure sounds plausible. It does depict David Yessop in a negative daylight for not paying child support and not visiting his kids for instance. According to Robyn and the psychologist, the kids were anxious in his presence. Yet I can’t help but wonder why Yessop did what he did…We haven’t seen many positive sides of Robyn after all and that makes me question her role in this. For example if she actively thwarted his attempts to build a relationship with his kids, he might have responded by not paying and even giving up on them. Not saying this actually happened, but we have seen Robyn publicly thrash Yessop on the show and seen how she attempted to rewrite history. (The drawing with Kody and her kids) We have also seen how she poisons her kids’ minds with her version of the truths: (During Covid the family wouldn’t adhere to Kody’s strict rules so they could visit, because the family didn’t like them. And then there were the cringe-worthy looks of contempt and anger on Breanna’s and Aurora’s faces when they came to say goodbye to Christine. Christine’s departure wasn’t their problem and they had had no part in it, so what on earth had Robyn told them? Probably that Christine left because of them.) Now, I’m not saying I’m choosing Yessop’s side here. i’m sure he made a bunch of (horrible) mistakes too. But we have seen enough of Robyn on the show to know that she certainly isn’t the most honest person on the planet and that she’ll do anything to rewrite history in her favor.
  21. Like StellaCL, I wonder how bad this really was. I honestly can’t remember having heard anything about a squad photo with mean things on it at the time. Tara was on for only 1 year, which happens to be the year where Savannah was voted Roty. It’s strange that a roty would do something like that, as they're voted for by team members who like them a lot. This would surely have destroyed all that, apologies or not. Also, Kelli and Judy weren’t overly impressed with Savannah’s dancing.They often indicated that her looks, personality and good influence on the team and army brat background kept her on the team, so she didn’t have much credit there. It would have been a good excuse to have her cut. As for Tara’s cut; the only thing I can remember, was that in her personal life was off. A problematic (ex)boyfriend iirc. This let to Tara losing her focus, making mistakes and losing the spunk and fun she always radiated.
  22. I guess it’s a typical fundamentalist-fashion thing: They sort of want to join mainstream fashion but it clashes with their modesty ideas. The Browns then modify damage the clothes for modesty. In addition, they buy it 2 sizes too small (4 in Meri’s case) and accidentally emphasize a whole bunch of curves, which is actually a huge no no in modesty land. As much as I hate the Brown’s sense of fashion, it’s better than Michelle Duggar’s who should have been fined and have her dresses burned for what she did to them!
  23. LilyD


    Technically four, yes. But I doubt anyone could have worked with Meri as she’s all “my way or the highway”. And then there is Robyn who wouldn’t have taken part anyway. So that would have been just Janelle and Christine.
  24. I’m sure Gwen thinks she can control whatever content she posts. Having (slightly) delusional ideas about all kinds of things, is a Brown family character trait after all.
  25. Oh no,sorry for the confusion! I meant the older kids that have either graduated or found a decent (as in non-mlm) job. Some seem to be doing fine like Hunter, Garrison, Logan. I wasn't sure about Aspyn and Gabe but assume they're fine. As for Paedon; no idea. Like someone else I assumed he had become a firefighter but apparently not? Maddie, Mykelti and Leon all had big career plans but have abandoned them over time. Especially with Maddie and Leon I have a feeling that they tend to be like Kody when it comes to acting on impulse (do one thing, not finishing it and then something else) or giving up when it isn't to their liking or becomes too complicated.
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