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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. The leghumpers are gullible enough to keep the show going on for many more years. 🤐
  2. That was Jinger's wedding. I remember Jill's post. She has zero boundaries. That was all about LOOK!!!!! A DUGGAR WEDDING!!!!!11 Bitch thought she was royalty, forgetting that the Duggars send out hundreds of invitations.
  3. Oh @lookeyloo, I am so sorry. Know that we're all here for you anytime you need us. ❤️
  4. The big trust is in both Boob and Meech's names, so yeah, she gets everything when Boob kicks it. Naming Smuggar as executor after Meech passes would definitely be a shitshow worth watching. Although most of us wouldn't be around to see it unless they're like their parents and pass away fairly young. Cancer runs in both families, so there's something to watch for.
  5. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    Okay, so he was really sick. Hard to fake in this environment, but cynic that I am, I tend to think the worst. 😁 Glad he doesn't have it.
  6. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    When was he tested? Today? Of course, it's possible he has a common cold. Or he's using being "sick" as an excuse for the upset.
  7. NOW they're banning gatherings outside team facilities. It doesn't appear that anyone tested positive after the Raiders' party, but they got lucky.
  8. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    Not sure about the French. Maybe they're not testing once they've determined their "bubbles?"
  9. There's a lot more about the Ruby/Paul dynamic that came out from Ruby after the show wrapped. I don't think we can talk about it here, but I'm sure you can google it.
  10. Booting Mak over Rowan smacked of producer interference. Rowan makes good TV. That said, at the rate he's going, he's bound to fail even more spectacularly than this past week. Hopefully when that happens he'll be chopped as he deserves. We'll see, I guess.
  11. Her FIL is a huge proponent of homeschooling. I don't think she had a choice in the matter.
  12. Back when Jill was brunette, writing in 3rd person, and brown nosing the Bateses and Duggars. http://rodriguesfamilyministries.com/main/?p=457
  13. Oh my. I just saw an IG Live on Olivia Plath's page. About 38 minutes in (I was directed there...didn't watch the whole thing), Ethan confesses that Jill tried to set him up with Nurie. Olivia adds that Jill was super disappointed when it didn't happen. It was clear that Ethan knew he dodged a bullet there...
  14. As I said on the figure skating boards when the news broke a few days ago, good riddance.
  15. And I can confirm that they used one of Duggar Aviation's planes for their transport. I wonder what's really happening down there in Bama?
  16. They do not have a TV. The only ones with a TV are JinJer.
  17. I think the Bowers are in Iowa. Just saw the IG pic. They are in Alabama. Could have sworn they moved to Iowa from Idaho to be close to the Bontragers.
  18. They sell that hat at the Ark Experience. The Kellers were there the week before the wedding. I guess they bought the Rods some souvenirs.
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