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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. No, they're in Tarrant County. I forget the town, but it was definitely confirmed as a suburb of Fort Worth. As for arranged marriages, I definitely think there were set ups like Jill/Derelict, Josiah/Lauren, Joe/Kendra, and Joy/Austin. I think Smuganna was about as arranged as we've seen so far, since I contend that Boob wanted Smuggar locked down and out of his hair.
  2. Who ya got in Cleveland/NYY? Please say the Yankees. 😁
  3. People covered the last Q&A. I forget what the big revelation was, but it gained major traction.
  4. We'll see. It's a bigger story than the birth control.
  5. With Giddy, I see Boob's smile on Austin's face.
  6. Oh, I agree. This is probably all Boob would offer without further litigation. In this case, it was on Jill to accept or reject the amount he offered. She probably only accepted the amount to keep some semblance of family peace. No wonder Boob tried to get them to sign an NDA. This is going to make the mainstream publications.
  7. I wonder how far they asked for back pay. Since the first special? If so, even minimum wage pay would have paid for their house and Derelict's pet school projects.
  8. I wonder how the leghumpers will defend this? JB is a known skinflint, but now the dirt comes out about lawyers getting involved so Jill could get paid money rightfully owed to her.
  9. He was out of state at OSU, and UofA Law is relatively cheap as far as law schools go, so I can see it being cheaper. I think @Zella said she looked into law school there. She might have actual numbers.
  10. Nurie cut her bangs. I was so hoping that she'd grow them out once she died...err...got out from under Mama's clutches.
  11. More details on the Raiders maskless fundraiser. https://www.espn.com/nfl/story/_/id/30011228/las-vegas-raiders-derek-carr-says-players-felt-terrible-mask-issue
  12. Boob off-loaded that one. They're now trying to sell the mess with the grungy indoor pool.
  13. Jessa has mentioned using Charlotte Mason with the boys. I guess we'll see how long that lasts. I imagine she'll have them on Abeka before too long.
  14. He credited the photographer. This is the guy who did their Eating in Chinatown series.
  15. Sister aunts at work. Meech is nowhere to be found (she might be in the longer video, but I didn't bother to watch it).
  16. Because it's the Jim Bob Duggar show, not the Hilary Spivey attention grab.
  17. This one's got two brain cells at war with each other. What an idiot.
  18. He was definitely involved at the beginning. But as we've both said, this thing has drawn out much longer than it should have. And if Smuggar is setting now rather than having a court trial next year (March or April, IIRC), how much more money could he...error...Boob have lost?
  19. I thought I remembered the judge removing Story from the case. I wonder if he's no longer a president or whatever of the LLC, freeing him up to represent Smuggar again? This thing has drawn out for over a year, plenty of time to remove himself as a conflict of interest.
  20. Story was excluded from representing Smuggar because he's listed as a president or something of the LLC that bought the property. They really are stupid.
  21. Oh, I forgot that one. Let me go back and look. eta: it's two taller boys. So, not Gabriel. One could be Timbits, but I think it's Phillip and Sammer. I guess we'll know for sure when she posts their caterwauling in the next day or so.
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