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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Hey, I found the AR game on the $EC Channel! eta: It got pretty wild at the end, but Arkansas held on to win!
  2. No, they were in Vermont. I imagine there are several churches with the same name. Remember, they camped in New York state (per Jill's Insta), which they wouldn't have to do if the church was in southern New Jersey.
  3. And being pulled probably pissed off Gibby. 😁
  4. Jill, the church posted a video of y'all on Wednesday. It's been no secret where you've been. And even knowing that, you weren't stalked by "haters." 🙄
  5. Kendra said she had trouble with Garrett latching, but Addison was nursing fine.
  6. Hope you're enjoying your special day, @Scarlett45!
  7. My DVR picked that up. I read the episode description and immediately deleted it.
  8. Bob Gibson has passed away. 😥 He was before my time, but when MLB lowers the mound because you post a 1.12 ERA, you're a shoe-in to the HOF.
  9. Their only structure is bible/hymn memorization. And hopefully, 3 squares.
  10. I'm glad they got certainty. So Cathy will have all grandsons. I guess we'll have to wait until Derelict gets a paying job to see if they will try for more. Deena is in her mid 30s (about five years older than Dan, IIRC), so I don't know how many more she'll have.
  11. Absolutely correct. That's why Jana's jewelry box is such a travesty.
  12. Deena is already in touch with some agencies. She has been very proactive since they found out.
  13. Unfortunately, that would never work with Jessa's kids since she has given them no private space. Even the boys' room is shared with Ben, giving them even less personal space.
  14. Looks like Derick's brother and SIL are having a Down Syndrome baby. Testing has come back very conclusive. ☹️
  15. I can't see that happening with cheapo Steve. They'll probably spend more money trying to save them than it would cost to buy new pillows.
  16. Spurgeon is definitely the Golden Child. Does Jessa ever discipline him?
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