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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. All of their family lives close by, and they are extremely insular. I have no idea who has ever slept in that room since the boys left to get married.
  2. I learned the hard way not to cross thin-skinned Jessa. She has no problem deleting and blocking anything she sees as dissent.
  3. She's not a Winston Churchill baby or a potato baby. I don't know how to categorize her. 😁
  4. Spurge will be 5 next month. He's old enough for Jessa to be doing kindergarten. But you're right; we never see her actually teaching the kids. It's all independent study with their books and bible verses.
  5. I wish I could remember the town. Someone on FJ dug it up. They said it was in Tarrant County, and I (apparently stupidly) believed them.
  6. @lookeyloo, you and sweet son continue to be in my thoughts. I hope he finds some relief. ❤
  7. Agreed, but it's been noted that she's the most conservative of the older girls. I think that will be borne out in her reproduction. As long as Joy can continue to VBAC, I see the Forsyths having at least 8 kids.
  8. I'd argue that Joy isn't that far behind Jessa. She might be pregnant with her 3rd now if Annabell had been born on schedule. Let's see how long it takes her to get knocked up. I give it six months.
  9. They did talk about having more kids down the line, lord willing (Jill's words).
  10. So, is everyone jumping on the A's bandwagon now? #BeattheAstros 😁 Seriously, it'll be tough. The A's all seemed to go into a collective slump the last week of the season, getting swept in a DH by SEATTLE on the second to last day of the regular season. Starting pitching is rather suspect, aside from Bassitt. They will have to rely on the bullpen, which has actually been consistently excellent. But these are the A's. They'll somehow find a way to mess this up. 😭
  11. Yeah, stomping all over Henry's car track was uncalled for, and it seems that he got away with it.
  12. Is NBC Sports Gold still a thing, or might they show the GP on Peacock?
  13. Saw that and had the same reaction. What will it take for people to learn some consideration for their fellow human beings?
  14. emmawoodhouse

    The NBA

    Doc Rivers wasn't unemployed for long. Looks like he's signing on with the Sixers.
  15. Interesting little video. Stick around to see the destruction at the end.
  16. Ken. He was the skeeviest of the skeevy. He still gives me the creeps,and it's been something like 10 years.
  17. I can't get over him basically asking for the money to build an addition. Expected from these people, but still gauche.
  18. So, it appears that the Rods ended up in Vermont. On Tuesday night, they entertained a church with squalling and David's "preaching." David added that they had spent $30k on the remodel of the barndo, $17k of which was donated. They are now "praying" for the funds to build a dedicated living room. I wonder how generous the handouts were that night?
  19. It sounded like the TBS crew was at the stadium. However, I was only half listening, so don't quote me on that. 😁
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