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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. They were Yankee fans. They posted a bunch of Ks for Cole's strikeouts.
  2. Dear Rays, You have one job. Beat those nasty Stros. Affectionately, Emma
  3. If Whitey passed last night, it was during a Yankee win to keep their season alive.
  4. She spoke pretty clearly in the tomato video. She certainly communicated her dislike, verbally. I thought that was pretty good for her age. Well ahead of Henry Seewald.
  5. Backyard campout. Support the Dillards by watching the video. Or like me, don't. 😁
  6. I don't know if the Kellers are Gothardites anymore these days, but they ARE IFB, which is an extremist offshoot of mainstream Baptists. So yeah, dangerous beliefs.
  7. @Scarlett45, no problem! Janessa Iseems to act age-appropriate in the videos we are shown. Let's see if she continues to progress normally.
  8. The house was in Jinger and Jeremy's names. Boob was not on the deed.
  9. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    No, I jinxed it. Screw Novaxx (and kudos to whomever came up with that. It's perfect!) Damn, it's 5-1. 😢
  10. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    Stefanos is taking Novaxx to a 5th set! Knock the bum out, Tsitsipas!
  11. I think they made these specials a year or two ago. I wish they would either update them or not show them at all.
  12. Chock and Bates have withdrawn from SA. 😭
  13. The last of the Mick's drinking buddies. 😢
  14. Todd was an asshole. And that's my OLTL knowledge. 😁 I was into AMC although I lost track of Erica Kane's stable of husbands.
  15. My recent favorite has to be the one where she's contemplating the horizon with blue Paint dots covering her Nike! cleavage.😂
  16. Jessa's not going to get canceled from anything. That doesn't make her failures to socially distance any better. At this point, it's obvious that the Duggars just paid lip service to the entire notion of masking and distancing for TLC's cameras (or their own, so they claimed). They were having unmasked family nights back in April or May, as stupidly documented by Anna.
  17. Abbie confirmed that they're Old Navy boots, found at a thrift store.
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