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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I want to say that he's an associate pastor. So yeah, someone Jer has to suck up to.
  2. Still in touch with Andy Cohen. Or did she buy them for herself? There is history there. 🤣
  3. So what do we think about Altuve getting the yips? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  4. Giving it more thought than I should, I suspect that Derelict went full on YEC when he went full on fundie after his father died. He had probably already taken AP Biology, so with an accounting degree, his science requirement was already met. He was free to ignore what he'd been taught in high school and follow what he believed to be what the bible said. Who knows how much independent research any of them have done to deepen their support of the 6000 year hypothesis. Likely none. They (wrongfully) consider Ham and other charlatans like him scholars, and extend their blind faith to men who are more concerned with lining their coffers than the truth. eta: I can't share it from my tablet, but I watched a clip from 17/18 K&C of the Duggars' trip to the Creation Museum. Man, the kids were young. They interviewed some of the older ones about creation vs. evolution. Jessa couldn't articulate a coherent thought. JD laughed. Jana said that some aspects of evolution made sense until you read the bible, where things all "lined up." Jill? She laid it out there, stating the earth was 6000 years old. I am really curious how they handled this dinosaur day.
  5. I'll believe it when I see some concrete proof. Thomass is not above lying to keep his name in the tabloids.
  6. Jessa was very SLY. She said he "finished" school. She never said he graduated.
  7. We can only hope! It kills me to think that they're young earth creationists, but if they have AIG publications in their home, I am disheartened.
  8. I'm still pissed at what he pulled to get the Ark opened. He promised all this tourism and revenue for the town. Didn't happen. Back to the Dillards, I hope Izzy didn't get a young earth creationist lesson from Derick tonight. 😥
  9. Ken Ham is batshit. PBS's show Independent Lens had a film about the building and opening of the Ark Encounter. It was some scary propaganda. Hopefully, his kids' books are fairly tame in content. But somehow, I doubt it. I just wonder how they got all those species of dinos on the ark. 😂
  10. Do they have a book from Ham's Creation Museum? That's the one I would really be concerned about. Ham is a Young Earth Creationist who has exhibits in his "museum" of humans riding dinosaurs.
  11. Yeah, I made the switch just in time to see that. Oh well, it's just one run, but that said, this has been a low scoring series so far.
  12. I don't buy that they're MADLY IN LOVE!!!!111 They seem to barely tolerate each other.
  13. As I noted in my post above, we have no clue as to his major or if he ever actually graduated.
  14. Maybe the preacher's wife was there because he was counseling a woman? Religious people sometimes have weird rules about interactions with the opposite sex.
  15. Well, we still don't know what he supposedly went to all those years of school for. He could have changed his major to education if whatever school he landed at offered it? Jessa posted that he finished school last spring. What she didn't say was that he graduated. Maybe that's why he's a tutor and not a teacher.
  16. From a form that can't be linked here, I saw that Ben classifies himself as self-employed and lists his occupation as a tutor. I guess he'll be teaching kids at the TTH forever.
  17. 🙄Yes Jill, you do reap what you sow. Take a deep dive into your own narcissistic persona and get back to me.
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