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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Wow, I missed their trip to Florida. Don't they know that you can catch Covid at least a second time? They are so reckless.
  2. I don't think they will cover it other than a brief mention. The last thing we saw in the season finale was a chyron explaining the Bates outbreak and thanks for the prayers. I wonder where Erin isolated. Certainly not in that cottage.
  3. Erin confirmed that she did have covid in August. Apparently, it's been a long recovery. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGy3BVgr_S0/?igshid=sevohotd2noz
  4. Certain smells give me migraines. And cilantro tastes like soap!
  5. I'm a supertaster. Most veggies taste like dirt to me. Beets are the worst offender.
  6. He's quoting Eddie Vedder again. 🙄 https://www.instagram.com/p/CGykG7xFOgr/?igshid=10xc9v1z8c19c
  7. There are pics of four guys and a large pickup. I think I saw Austin's truck in another picture. I didn't see any activity on the Duggar planes (Austin flew one to their skydiving adventure, so he has access to them), so I am thinking they drove a couple of trucks.
  8. Oh, he went. Thankfully, it's just a picture of the kids.
  9. There's that big cruise scheduled for January. I wonder if that's still a go.
  10. Real estate vs. a risky business venture. I thought Shannon was smarter than that.
  11. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGyDUlXBiuV/?igshid=mlruttsu8vb9 Another IG embed error. It's another bump pic.
  12. Abbie is gluten and sugar-free. Who knows what JD eats?
  13. Jessa posted a video about how great Granny is. Look at her playing with the grandkids!!! Pretty much damage control to counteract Jill's comments in the People article.
  14. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGvgqROJdan/?igshid=1b46aerfqutxg IG embed error again. 🤬 Austin needs a companion, y'all!
  15. Look up about 5-10 posts. It was just explained to Zella. 🙂
  16. It's not based on anything you said. I was just adding to the conversation. 🙂
  17. Nothing to misunderstand, really. I just wanted to point out that Jill is nowhere near being progressive. She's broken free of the cult, which is outstanding, but I don't think she will ever be even a centrist in her philosophy.
  18. It's okay. Just know that the People article, released in its entirety today, revealed Jill to be predictably homophobic. Called LGBT a "lifestyle" and said she'd essentially love the sinner but hate the sin if one of her kids came out.
  19. https://www.instagram.com/p/CGtXK_4Jd5n/?igshid=23ntiztdazk Another link error. Grrrr....
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