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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. The embed problem is on Instagram's end. It's been a problem for about a week now. 🤬
  2. Kind of surprised. I thought Mookie was a shoe-in.
  3. Did they announce the MVP? I assume they'll give it to Mookie, but don't they usually announce it before handing out the Commissioner's Trophy? eta: They just announced that MVP will be after the commercial.
  4. Not gonna happen. In the preview, it appears that Monique is going to bring charges against Candyass.
  5. Well, if Derelict is to be believed, TLC also limits what kind of jobs one can hold. Working at a church would make him even more anonymous than working as the TTH tutor. In other news, Jessa put up the Christmas tree. https://www.instagram.com/p/CG3WZ1DJUwr/?igshid=i59ej8wmf2mh
  6. Did she have a contingency plan after breaking up with Paul? I haven't seen her with anyone, but that doesn't mean much. I could have very easily missed something.
  7. He needs to get that huge chip off his shoulder. 🙄
  8. No Americans at Rostelecom.
  9. I wonder when the Dillards started trying to get reimbursed for Izzy's birth? That was over 2 years before TLC filmed/didn't air or just didn't film Sam's birth, which does appear to be the Dillards' Last Stand w/r/t appearing on Counting On. Did it just occur to Derelict when Sam was born that they should pay up for the Izzy birth bonanza?
  10. Didn't they refuse to have Sam's birth filmed? I thought that was the tipping point.
  11. Right. And now we learn that he was already no longer in TLC's employ when he said those horrible things. At the time, we didn't know that they had quit/been fired because there was a lag between Sam's birth (when they actually left) and the Jazz statements.
  12. Wow, I didn't realize he tried to pull that. I guess he really thought his leghumpers were just that gullible. Because hey Derelict, TLC filmed you plenty in Danger America. And SOS continued to pay you, otherwise you would have left long before you did.
  13. I don't remember him claiming to have a contract, but I do remember him asking TLC to pay Izzy's hospital bill. Derelict definitely had it in for Boob before he dragged Jill into it. I imagine this was the first time someone he admired turned out to be a charlatan.
  14. The fundies ascribe to the biblical verses that state that women should be silent in the church. Some churches, like the ones Jill Rod frequents, allow women to teach other women. But they can't, under any circumstances, instruct men. eta: Voddie deserves his own circle of hell.
  15. Will Gracie be at Nats? What is the qualifying process this year? I know it's different than normal.
  16. https://www.instagram.com/p/CG0QohpL17m/?igshid=iffuf9j8sl4b Ivy and her "babies."
  17. I thought she admitted she married him for the money. She pretty much implied she was a trophy wife.
  18. From what I heard, Gracie lands 3/3s in practice. She must be dealing with a massive case of nerves in competition. 😢
  19. Yeah, those lime unis are the worst. Far worse than the dingy gray they wore last night. eta: The Cards' worst look is the wall o' red. Hideous.
  20. If you want a good laugh, someone on FJ took one for the team. I haven't had time to read the entire thread, but what I read was both eyeroll worthy and hilarious. You need to be a member, but the thread (plus the Jill one) are worth joining for.
  21. I'm sure she deleted the dissent, but she had to see the comments in order to delete them. It's not all sunshine and roses, honey, as much as you try to make it so.
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