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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Derelict does. In the story, he was the one who said Vote for Pedro.
  2. I saw elsewhere that apparently Joy had to defend only wearing her engagement ring. She said her fingers were too swollen for her wedding band. But people took this as a sign that the marriage was on the rocks. I just wonder how Joy found out and why she felt the need to explain herself. Most of these people just ignore the bullshit.
  3. But she was affiliated with Gwynn's, amirite? ie. Gwynn's hired her for her services?
  4. Now I am remembering more about the Jason rumors. I think the accused woman was a co-worker of Kathryn's at Gwynn's. No wonder they fired her sorry ass.
  5. I guess he's sicker than they've let on. Surprised they announced so early.
  6. They'll find a way to get him on the field for the Notre Dame game.
  7. Yes, they apparently were in the States on their own for about six weeks. This was per Terry and Tanith. During that time, they created the free dance.
  8. I don't know where the divorce rumors started. I just saw Joy's story refuting them.
  9. Proof they're not getting divorced. https://www.instagram.com/p/CG_IYtYpmb4/?igshid=b2y33iorx3rs
  10. I'd also posit that a lot of people here don't really like Candyass. But that doesn't mean she deserved to get her ass whupped.
  11. I don't know how they found these, but the Pretentious Ones and Prop had a maternity shoot. https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-d0B8jKCh/?igshid=zd6xlvy5ydu
  12. Obligatory kid pic. https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-O30brcZZ/?igshid=1qawjarzoqop
  13. Yup. That picture illustrates how long Claire has been in the Duggar orbit.
  14. Bye bye Heisman? Trevor Lawrence tests positive for Covid.
  15. Well, that ups his jackass factor that much more. Good luck with free agency, dude.
  16. Amber can't skate a clean long program. Not that Starr's much better, but she had some name recognition. That's all I got. 😁
  17. Jeremy weighs in on the tree. https://www.instagram.com/p/CG8LbF9lDfq/?igshid=1c64tzjjy9cg8
  18. Does Jessa know the double meaning? 😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CG8KaLtjgtd/?igshid=1h7wx3ynbhqm6
  19. Too lazy to check the Gram. Is that the $28 stuff?
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