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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. I guess this is from the weekend? Doesn't he have to dress up for school and "work?"
  2. There's room for that highchair between where Jill sits (to Shrek's left) and Shrek. Jill just doesn't want to give up hand holding time while Shrek shovels dinner into his gaping maw.
  3. I'm an A's fan who likes Mookie Betts. I even root for the Dodgers. What do I win? 😁
  4. Not to mention, this is the SECOND time that they've been pregnant at the same time. That little tyke on Paul's shoulders was born a few months after Garrett.
  5. They probably had to ask to find out what it is. I can't imagine they've been served quiche at any of their mission church's pot lucks.
  6. I imagine the girls split meals. I don't think they could eat an entire sandwich, plus fries, themselves.
  7. I'm surprised "big girl" Tessie wasn't included. She could have saved money by ordering off the kids' menu.
  8. Yup. They absolutely go to maskless, non-socially distanced church. 😷
  9. Nice comeback by the Vikes. Let's see if they can make this lead stick.
  10. I can't believe he went through with it. Wanna bet Kelly looked like a two bit hooker? You know the girls were on display.
  11. I think you spoke to soon re the Vikings. Seattle looks like an entirely different team in the second half.
  12. Nobody knew exactly what boards on boards was. The closest understanding I had was talking about the boards on the boards. Kind of like what we're doing now. 😂
  13. The Falcons have fired Dan Quinn. Shocked. Not. They're terrible.
  14. One of my nom de plumes on TWOP was Caroline Bingley. How do you ban her????? 😁 Well, good old Howard found a reason. I think I had 3 or four iterations during my lengthy time there.
  15. Look at the Vuolos watching tonight's basketball game.
  16. Yeah, I heard surgery tonight as well as tomorrow. Poor guy. He's the only player on that team that I actually like. Hoping for a speedy, full recovery.
  17. Compound fracture and dislocation of Dak's right ankle. I've heard surgery is already scheduled for tomorrow. 😢
  18. That was awful. There goes whatever hope the Cowboys had of salvaging this season.
  19. Guinn also posted the wedding picture, and she has a rather large following. There were pics of the bachelorette party posted. The date was known. This wasn't some State secret, super duper private affair.
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