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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Yeah, Sutton's 50 (or 51 depending on her birthday). I'm assuming her store caters to ladies of a certain age.
  2. I ended up watching this video to see if Chad might be working on this project. Resounding NO! Cop turned contractor Zach seems to be heading up this project. I guess his house is finally done?
  3. They seem to focus on the Old Testament and Paul's writings. They tend to ignore the Gospels.
  4. Those were Whitney's daughters. I don't know their ages, but we know that Layla is a wee potato.
  5. But what if she also gave birth on the couch under the window? Will she keep the matching set of Birthas? 😁
  6. The Pissing Preacher! Not surprised that he'd scoop up that domain. I was so scared of him that when I was in the hood of Faithful Word Bible Church I took like two seconds out of the car to snap pics of the front door. I needed proof that I was there! 😂 Hard preaching makes me 🙄, but paranoid Steve coming after me with a shotgun was a frightening thought.
  7. It seems that the aesthetic these days is a boring neutral palette in all aspects of the design. Jessa, Jill, Joy, and the Bates girls all have the most drab decor. I know it goes beyond the fundies, sadly. I was just sticking with people we discuss here.
  8. I doubt Gabriel has seen a pediatrician doctor since he was a baby. I think the only Rod kid to grace a doctor's doors is Janessa. And I don't think she's been to a doctor since she was a toddler.
  9. Jer thinks of himself as an intellectual. A philosopher for the rad homies, if you will. 😀
  10. So, there's a woman carrying her baby. Then there's Jill, toting around her four year old like she's a baby. Sorry Jill, all signs point to the closure of your womb.
  11. Gotcha! So it sounds like he survived the Nixon era.
  12. With a shelf of plants on the wall over their heads for decor. ,😁
  13. I don't see Cheney. But the show portrays him as Rumsfeld's sidekick. What position did he hold?
  14. I only watched the video until Evan announced the twice a week video gig. I couldn't roll my eyes far enough in the back of my head. I hope that didn't count as a view. I didn't know about the manicure. Because I always head to the nail salon when I don't feel well. 🙄
  15. So, did Ford inherit them from Nixon, or did he get the chance to appoint his own cabinet? Obviously Betty didn't have a say, or those guys would be long gone.
  16. I'm not sure where in the production process the shoes were in when they were on that machine. Maybe they were going to stitch Jesus Rocks! on them. 😁
  17. New video up regarding the house demo.Evan mentions that they may do two videos a week while he's off work. Are we surprised? I'd say no.
  18. Jinger got herself some rad custom kicks. 🙄 https://www.instagram.com/p/CeRSpMqp6H4/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
  19. It was probably the funniest episode ever in all the years of that show.
  20. Would they have to submit tax returns? I'm really curious what Duggar returns look like, especially someone like Smuggar who had no visible sources of income. As if he made money from that shack on the side of a highway. Riiiight.🙄
  21. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    When Novaxx loses, an angel gets its wings. Extra wings for losing to Rafa. 😀
  22. There are now more views on the last video than typically watched an episode of BUB.
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