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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Does Jeremy not have work on Fridays? JinJer posted these pics mid-afternoon Cali time.
  2. Nope. She called her creation " The Reunion." Really. eta: My wrists are bigger than Sutton's thighs. 😂
  3. Alyssa... it's DINING. You spelled it "dinning" multiple times. Can't blame that one on autocorrect. 🙄
  4. Bravo finally confirms what we've known for a while: no reunion. They blame scheduling conflicts. Sure, Jan. 🙄 https://www.instagram.com/p/CT8RnQGpprU/?utm_medium=copy_link
  5. I remember Ethan drinking beer in front of his parents, but it obviously wouldn't have been at the Plath homestead. I,m pretty sure they were at a restaurant. I don't recall him drinking during a serious conversation with Kim/Barry.
  6. Can someone post the group pic? They all look like hell, even Garcelle.
  7. I think they want the picture of the hands because they match pictures of his hands at the time the material was downloaded. It places him at the scene of the crime. I don't think it's any more complicated than that.
  8. She still has money from the sale of the Siloam Springs house. They made a tidy sum off that property. I forget the exact numbers, but IIRC, they cleared around $300k.
  9. More documents are coming! The defense apparently gets a chance to refute the Feds' arguments. They have until next Friday to file. I thought that the Feds would be allowed to make their case, and then the judge would make his rulings. This is running close to the hearing date, which is in early October.
  10. Last night on WWHL, the had a segment for Yom Kippur called At-OWN-ment. When questioned about Denise, Rinna actually took some ownership, and said she'd been cruel to Denise. And that's the first and last nice thing I'll ever say about Rinna. I feel dirty just posting this. 😁
  11. Aly's testimony. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CT5SRDsA9MS/?utm_medium=copy_link
  12. Meredith cut her hair. Thank goodness, because I couldn't tell them apart last season.
  13. He has until 10/18 to plea out. The documents have to be on the judge's desk by the 20th. But in between, early October I believe, the judge has called in both sides for a hearing on these motions.
  14. Cross country race memories. https://www.instagram.com/p/CT2dG8PLkc6/?utm_medium=copy_link
  15. I didn't realize how frequently they were involved in fisticuffs. I miss good old fashioned baseball brawls. 😁
  16. I had no idea what Dick or Angel did before buying the chateau, so the response have been helpful. Some of the renovations have been pretty costly. For instance, I just saw an episode in which they had a backhoe digging out front on a Tuesday that had to be graded over by Friday to accommodate a wedding.
  17. Another #partner ad from Jessa. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTz9DLOr-SZ/?utm_medium=copy_link
  18. Doesn't Ben now pastor an IFB church? I think he may be a FORMER Calvinist.
  19. Has it been noted here that Nurthan bought a house? Apparently, this happened in June. It's small - 2BR/1BA, under 1000 sf, but it certainly beats the camper. Good news: Jill still has to sleep in the RV.
  20. I have a question. I caught this show a couple of seasons in, so I don't know how they afforded the chateau. Did Dick have an inheritance (Angel's parents are still alive)? Even run-down, that couldn't have been cheap.
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