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Everything posted by emmawoodhouse

  1. Yes, a group from the church went to the baseball game. Jed! claimed in the video about 100 people.
  2. Yes, it was the Packers. It was never confirmed why, but I figured that Timbits bought the jerseys for Best Momma and her consort when he lived in Wisconsin.
  3. Well, tone honest, we don't know where Jana is right now. Jer returned from seeing the Wissmanns on Monday. Jana may or may not have also been there.
  4. Joy looks so happy. Austin looks like a serial killer. 😁 https://www.instagram.com/p/CTnVK7nJ3Pg/?utm_medium=copy_link
  5. TFDW is 35! Where did the time go? https://www.instagram.com/p/CTlsszzrD7g/?utm_medium=copy_link
  6. Here's Jinger's actual baptism. She gives a sanitized testimony beforehand. eta Note that the guy baptizing Jinger can't resist noting Jer attends the seminary. https://www.instagram.com/tv/CTlZNvPAkKz/?utm_medium=copy_link
  7. I can't recall the name of the church offhand, so I can't do a mileage check. 🙁
  8. Jed was definitely there. Jana's whereabouts was (and still is) unknown. Jinger posted a pic of them together last weekend, but that could have easily been held to get people off the Wissmann scent trail.
  9. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    I am not enjoying this match any longer. 🙁
  10. As for going at church, perhaps the building doesn't have restrooms? Anything is possible with these clowns. Their new church is in Rogers, and they live in Springdale. Perhaps @Zella could give us an idea how long of a ride that is?
  11. Jinger's officially a Calvinist now. https://www.instagram.com/p/CTlYiGDggoU/?utm_medium=copy_link
  12. Just James. I haven't seen Jenni with Jill in forever. I agree that Boobchelle are paranoid.
  13. Laura filmed the baseball game. Maybe Jana was there but out of camera range? Or she's still with Jinger, but Laura isn't. That's possible.
  14. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    I wonder if Barbora is going to pull some more crap tonight? Her behavior the other day was very off-putting.
  15. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    Leylah was grunting in the second set when she seemed to be really grinding it out. I hope she wins it all. She's darling.
  16. emmawoodhouse

    Tennis Thread

    They're both grunting and shrieking.
  17. I heard about this last night but was too lazy to go to the blog to confirm. I'm glad that Maddy appears to not need O2. I wonder when they'll post about the "girls" in school?
  18. What is it with these people and animals they won't take care of? https://www.instagram.com/p/CTiImj0Jc-p/?utm_medium=copy_link
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