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Not Buyin It

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Everything posted by Not Buyin It

  1. I remember that. I believe it was more of a media studio.
  2. Same here in my part of NYS. I carry a couple of masks in my car, just in case I run into some situation where one is required. The only people who are routinely wearing them are those who are forced to by employers and yes, there are some folks who are just too frightened of the idea of catching the virus to be without one.
  3. Do you not remember her majestic arabesque? When she did her command performance for that performing arts display?
  4. Please, spare Maine. We really don't need her screeching, braying, overbearing presence.
  5. OOH! Story line!! Chase is the sperm donor, they use his fiance to be the surrogate. And Whitney can bask in the pure happiness that she and Chase made a baby together - they just baked the bun in a borrowed oven. Think of the family celebrations down the line! Oh, the mind boggles....
  6. Well, there exists "goat yoga". Maybe Whitney can invent "cat yoga".
  7. In Armando's defense, he is caught in a difficult situation. On the one hand, he has a very conservative, traditional-values family. On the other, he has a very pushy partner, who seems to believe that because HE thinks a certain way, the rest of the world needs to agree with him. Armando loves them both, and doesn't want to alienate either party.
  8. Y'all just don't comprehend the total, delicious, "senshus-ness" which is our Whitney.
  9. Ugh. This bunch. Sketchy, over-scripted, fake as a 3-dollar bill. Trying to out-Duggar the Duggars. Trying to out-Jackson the Jacksons. Performances by the kids are so forced and rehearsed. But I do love Gramma Gigi.
  10. Ugh. Just had a mental image of her braying at the top of her lungs, while twerking and sh!tting on camera. Brain bleach needed, stat!
  11. I am old enough to remember wearing a girdle. Frankly, I'd rather let it all hang out. Life is too short to torture oneself in such a fashion, and all for nothing.
  12. Sorry. I am simply embarrassed for this menopausal mother of four grown children acting like The Blushing Virgin Bride, anticipating her Princess Wedding. Puh-leeze.
  13. And the nomination for Gracious Hostess goes to...... well, not Meri.
  14. Interesting and ironic that the "rules" for this hateful, bigoted snarkastic piece of (ahem) journalism begin with an admonishment not to be hateful or bigoted. Like or dislike the Duggar family as you will, this piece was so slanted I'm surprised the letters didn't slide right off the page. All being said, I think the Duggar story has been told sufficiently. I don't really see the need to see Josie's courtship, wedding preparations and birthings. We know how the Duggars approach these topics, having seen them multiple times. Time for the Counting On gang to...Move On.
  15. Because of the vile foolishness which is today's "cancel culture". Throwing the baby out with the bathwater, anyone?
  16. Not to mention the ketchup stain. Really?
  17. Really, she doesn't need Urban Renewal on her face and body. This is "reality TV". Not everyone needs to be rubbed, scrubbed, done over and recreated into the Hollywood "Perfect Image".
  18. My take is, she was 'shopping around' in Paris during the pandemic. Looks like she and Chase actually broke off the engagement, she ran off to Europe and he went back to a former flame. BUT! For the sake of the show, Nasty Cheating Chase broke our dear heroine's heart and "left her with NOTHING!" (sob. sob. snort. sob)
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