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Not Buyin It

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Everything posted by Not Buyin It

  1. He so much as said he doesn't get involved with disciplining/managing problems with the kids. He left it up to the various Moms to handle their problems. (this from the episode where 2 of the boys were scrapping in a parking lot). When the time is right, he's at the head of the parade: "Hey! These are my 4 - count 'em FOUR! - wives and ALL these kids are MINE!!!" When there's a scuffle over who-gets-the-window-seat and a nose is bloodied: "I don't do discipline. Let the kids' MOTHER handle that"
  2. The term "organ grinding" when mentioned in a discussion of Kody & Co I find...disturbing.
  3. Nope. No way Hunter is making $100K. As a 1st Lt, he'd be making half that. But he has earned my respect, unlike the majority of Kody's get.
  4. To remind Christine and others of what they're missing. And advertize his overwhelming manliness to prospective sister-brides. Gross. I know. I'll just go sit over there ----> in the Damn You! Corner.
  5. Don't forget C.- only Meri was legally married to him. The others are no more than shackup baby-mamas, spiritual marriage meaning nothing under the law.
  6. Easy. He REWARDS those who are FAITHFUL and COMPLIANT! Think for yourself? How DARE you! That's a fork in the other kidney!
  7. Actually, landing the TV show was a Hail Meri (see what I did there?) attempt by Kody to attract easy income. More recently, when TLC wasn't going to renew the contract, Kody settled for a lesser amount; half a loaf is better than none, after all. This Brownie troop has been skating on thin ice over financial disaster for a long, long time. And it looks like the house of cards is tumbling down on Kody's carefully-coiffed head. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
  8. Yeah, but as they pointed out a couple of times, she COULD have gotten worse! And they're still treating this virus like it's the Gawdawful Plague Of Doom.
  9. Being military, they didn't have a choice in the matter.
  10. In the past, Dayton has been a bit of a loose cannon. He will make comments on what is going on, that aren't very helpful in supporting the story line. For example, when his sister had the dramatic anxiety meltdown and had to be carried off to her room by Kody, Dayton can be heard in the background saying something like, "It's not THAT bad" (exact quote escapes my memory at the moment). Perhaps they decided he should be somewhere else so as not spoil the Big Scene.
  11. But during the "talking heads", every adult had a different story as to why they had such food storage. One said it was a church thing. Another said having supplies in case of blizzard, tornado, etc. And Meri just piped up and said she doesn't do any food storage at all! Ah, yes. The Church of Kody Brown is indeed strong in their culture.
  12. Robyn will pitch a tent in the yard for the girl before she asks any of her kids to double up for the weekend. Robyn has five chidren; that's a 6 bedroom house. Sorry, Truly.
  13. This is one of the only things about Kody that DOESN'T bother me. The Second Amendment. So he's a firearms dealer. It's a lucrative field. And no, the GUNS are not the problem. Evil people - that's the problem.
  14. I'm sorry. That is the homeliest bridal party I have ever seen on TV.
  15. If I remember correctly, the pig died suddenly of some disease or other. I do recall the wailing, gnashing of teeth and rending of garments Whitney performed upon receiving that phone call.
  16. If I want to send a card to BABS, I'm not going to send it to Whitney. I'd most likely send it along to Glenn, her husband, who is her primary point-of-contact. Once again, we have ol' tWit, pushing herself into the middle of a situation in which she does NOT belong.
  17. Olivia wanted a puppy she could raise/train up/control. Someone she could influence, who would adore her without question. And that's what she got: Ethan. Only problem is, puppies grow up.
  18. Ah! Good point; it was a vow renewal and not an actual wedding ceremony.
  19. Dang. I couldn't see it. I don't do Instagram. Any other way I might witness this spectacle?
  20. Very interesting article, and I thank you for sharing it. I was aware of the tradition existing during the American slavery days. Didn't know if some couples chose to do it these days or not.
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