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Everything posted by CloudySky

  1. Oh right, I vaguely remember that now. Now that he only dampens metapowers, there are so many options...Why not freeze him with a cold gun? Build a robot to fight him? Breach him straight into a cell using the breach device instead of Cisco's powers? Pin him down with arrows from a distance? Run him over with a tank? And this is just off the top of my head without thinking about it too much. I don't remember exactly what his power level is, but I don't think he's super strong? His main power is in the dagger and dampening powers, right? There've been so many powerful villains, it's kind of ridiculous that this is The Unbeatable One.
  2. The Flash bobblehead reminded me of the flash Honest Trailer lol. Made me laugh. Grace is creepy and a better actor than her dad. The only explanation for everybody being cool with Nora staying is that they all WANT the future to change so they're like meh. I like Sherloque more than in the beginning but when he has long monologues that accent gets really annoying. I was shocked by that first "memory" of Iris and Nora so I was relieved when it turned out to be false. I'd always gotten the impression that it was mainly the power dampening that pissed Nora off coupled with some general overprotectiveness (kinda like Joe not letting Iris become a cop) that had already strained their relationship before the tipping point. The crossovers are tricky because as great as they are, now that the possibility of them hopping back and forth exists I can't help but wonder hey why doesn't Barry just get Supergirl to knock Cicada on his ass. The massmurder of hundreds of metas certainly qualifies as dire enough. If a cure exists, I guess Nora should be grateful that Iris merely dampened her powers. Hey girl, it could have been worse.
  3. The flashforwards are so boooring. But somehow still manage to be more entertaining than Diaz. Why all the Renee? Whyyy. So Curtis is not part of the tattoo pact? Just as I was wondering whether he got written off the show and I just forgot about it, he shows up. If Stephen Amell wants to leave, can't they just reinvent the green arrow by merging the multiverse or jumping to another earth or whatever? They can use the actors who want to stay in different roles and get new ones for the ones who leave. It would be more interesting than this soap operaish new sister and Lostesque flashforwards that will never end up making sense. When I miss new Laurel, you know it's bad.
  4. I came really close to not hating anyone this season (and I still don't, not really) but man Mike came close. I don't want to hear his whiny voice or see his face again for a long long time. The longer the game went on, the harder it appeared to be for him to hide his true personality. Angelina wants to be a villain so bad, but she never appeared truly mean spirited to me in heart. Whereas Mike more and more seems like the type of "funny guy" who's always putting people down and thinks he's better than everyone and so above it all. Christian's "transformative player" bullshit made me want to barf. Did he just not want to vote for Nick because he voted him out? I was so glad Nick pointed out that Mike was able to ride coattails till the end which made it easy to "make moves" from the background in a majority alliance. Mike and Alison's whole thing has been 'our big move is not making a move'. This whole game these two are talking about switching it up but in reality keeping it safe with the Goliath numbers. And how pathetic is Alison that she accepted that bullshit reason for Mike's attitude towards her and still voted for him. Angelina's only shot at winning was if she had gotten over her pettiness and played her immunity idol for Alison and voted Mike out. She might have won Davie's vote with that one! That would have been a truly epic tribal. She handled herself better than I expected though during final tribal and was even likeable at the reunion.
  5. Haven't read all the comments yet so sorry if this has been discussed. Who is the girl in the flashforwards? There's William, Roy, Dinah and ??? I feel like we're supposed to know and found out in a previous episode but I have no idea and it's driving me crazy!
  6. This cast is pretty darn amusing. It's so refreshing not to have total assholes on the island. I find myself feeling bad for people I would usually be annoyed with. Angelina is so obvious with the execution of her strategy that I find myself feeling second hand embarrassment for her and thus feeling slightly sympathetic for how she's coming across because I don't think she's totally evil. Dan is a doofus with a showmance but he's so over the top it's more funny than annoying. Kara's talking heads save her from being portrayed as a dumb girlfriend goat because she is self aware. Christian should be an annoying Cochran 2.0 in theory but somehow he pulls it off to be endearing defying his casting trope. John is a kindhearted and funny jock who somehow manages to stay under the radar despite being the only jacked guy on there. Alec is a smug flipper but he's clever enough that you're intrigued to watch it play out. Alison is the quiet underdog. Gabby is either ubermanipulative or uberemotional and I can't quite figure out which so I'm intrigued. Her tears at tribal reminded me of the time she was playing Christian on the beach by being very vulnerable. Nick and Mike are in a great position right now. Likeable, alliances on both side, will probably end up being the deciding vote a couple of times. Nick has several bigger targets before him (Dan, John, Alec, Christian) and is phycial enough to snag immunity when he's left with people like Mike, Gabby, Davy, Alison,... Davy and Carl are getting no significant screen time but hold some power with an idol and nullifier. Elizabeth was stupid to wait until tribal to try something. Carl seemed to hate her but he appeared to be her closest ally with Lyrsa gone...No self awareness. Gabby basically flat out said Elizabeth is going but throwing Angelina under the bus to help her fellow Davids during tribal council.
  7. I think I may even like this more than last week. The unicorn was fun, but kind of a lot. This was more grounded despite the fairy grandmother. I usually hate singing bits but that was amazing. She was great in that role. I've consistently enjoyed these episodes throughout, never once getting bored. I find myself playing games on my phone a lot during the other arrowverse shows and I think it's because I dislike/don't care about half the characters. On this one, even Nate is becoming likeable again! It's refreshing to see him away from Amaya and not pining or moping after her. I've always liked Zari but she's fast becoming one of my favs. OG's Sara, Mick and Ray have been put on the backburner a bit which isn't necessarily bad because it allows the others to get developed. Is it too much to hope they incorporate Harry Potter into this season of magic somehow? I bet Mick would be a Hufflepuff!
  8. It had some of the usual Supergirly flaws and in your faceness but after being so frustrated with last season, this was okay. Supergirl was starting to get annoying but they managed to dial it back and frame it in a way where it's acknowledged she's wrong, realizes why she reacted that way and that's she's also a person with flaws. So that was better than last season. Lena was my favorite Lena: manipulative for the greater good. Did they just come up with a reason to get rid of Guardian. Yay!
  9. It would be nice to have him back, but if he's unavailable they could also use it for Diana with the pickaxe. I liked that character and it could be easily explained by a group of the proctor gang that stayed behind at the trading post took her with them to Texas after their leader died at the dam.
  10. I thought hard to come up with 5 things I liked in this episode. John truly is a great character. Dillahunt does an amazing job breathing life into him. In a less talented actor's hands, his shtick could get old real fast or be unbelievable, but he just makes it work. He's charming and effortlessly funny (more than you can say for the twins). The only problem is June. I only like her with John, which isn't great for her as a character. But the problem with getting rid of her is that it would change John. The small part of Althea running in the alley. This is before the stupid dead walkie, news van and failing to kill Martha bit. I just love those types of chase scenes. The group making a last stand to fight their way out and get the ethanol. Well, we know how that ended...but it was really nice to see them band together like that and have each others backs. Alicia saving Althea and saying one of her 3 lines this episode. Yeah, yeah, they're playing me by giving her a 'badass' scene to placate the audience but whatever, I'll take what I can get. Martha pointing out to Althea that she must be really strong to have seen so many people in need and not truly help any one of them. That was the only time I felt like Martha had any purpose and Al got a little bit of development. There, I found some things I liked in this episode. Sadly, they all got ruined mere moments later but oh well...Needed to find something to get a little excited about next season. I hope the trailer is epic (and in color) because I really need it to be. Speaking of trailers, it was pretty annoying that for a trailer that gave little away other than 'THERE IS A STORM' (false advertising), it gave so much away that we had to wait for the whole season. Like the scene with Strand and Alicia sharing a beer. We had to wait for that such a long time, that for me at least there was no longer any uumph to it when it actually aired. Especially because there wasn't a whole lot more to it than what they showed. Watching the trailer, you'd think oh nice Alicia and Strand will bond but in reality they're seperated most of the season and that's one of only 2 significant moments they share. Same with Morgan with the message on his forehead. Again, something they spoiled from the final episode and everybody was expecting Morgan to go crazy but it all turns out to be really lame and ridiculous. He falls for a stupid ploy and sticks his entire arm through a window so they can crash his car. And it gets even more ridiculous with that blinking eye, evil Martha scrawling on his face bit. Again, with John and Althea being visible in group scenes. Takes any tention away from 'will they, won't they die' when they were in danger. Obviously, the reason they had to pull so much from the last episode(s) is because the other 7 were even more boring and eventless other than THE STORM (which they also spoiled entirely in the trailer because that was basically the total storm...a couple of wired walkers and some rain). But you know what would have solved that? Writing a better freakin' season. And thus with this tirade, I have completely undone my initial intent with this post...being positive about this episode. lol. Sigh.
  11. Why didn't Al kill Jim? Because Morgan had to be the one to do it. Why didn't Al put an end to filthy woman? Because Morgan had to be the one to do it. Why didn't they catch the trickling ethanol? Because Morgan had to save the day with the bullshit bozo's beerbos. Why is alcohol the only thing this magical all-you-could-possibly-need-in-a-zombie-apocalypse-including-endless-supplies-of-ammo-running-water-and-electricity-truck-stop doesn't have? See above. Why didn't Sarah and Wendell suggest looking for Jim's stash rather than just wait around to die (or the wine cellar at the mansion, or one of the boxes with a beer in or or or)? Because Morgan will magically find it in the nick of time. Why split up even though it would make more sense to go after this crazy lady with numbers? Because Morgan needs his parallel walking montage.
  12. I almost can't believe how bad that was. It's like they made a best of 'the worst of this season' episode. After wasting 10 minutes on showing us filthy woman's backstory in a previous episode, I really didn't need a 10 minute recap of it in this episode. Meanwhile, still waiting for Al's backstory. Don't know what that useless fastforwarding on the tapes was supposed to mean but "I got layers" is the most bullshit line of the episode and that's saying something. The amount of stupidity and contrivances is this episode is just mind boggling. Watching Alicia eat in the background for half the episode kept me more entertained than the actual plot. The only time I got a little excited was when Morgan left the group and it was just them at the truckstop without Morgan and Filthy Woman to drag down the group. Who else thought the bullet holes in the truck was actually a good thing because Strand couldn't get it open? Most WTF moment of the series!!! And that includes Mexican gangster just stands on the road waiting to be eaten. Where did Al get that ammo for the swat truck??? And why didn't she just shoot filthy woman with the shotgun????? This episode could have been redeemed if Strand and Alicia snuck out the back having swiped the note with directions to Alexandria and the swat keys, happily taking swigs of Strand's bottle of scotch as they drove off leaving that bunch of useless waste to die.
  13. I'm not sure the accusations are the reason why Alycia DC hasn't been on yet. Although it was unusual for her not to guest in the aftershow for the episode where she was the only one of 2 people in it (the other being a child), it could be availability because these shows have all been pretaped one after the other for some reason so if some of the actors were on vacation or otherwise unavailable, they couldn't make it to any of the TD shows (unlike when they're live and there are weeks between each episode so it's more flexible for the actors to pencil it into their schedule.
  14. I couldn't understand in the beginning of the episode why they just sat around for days until all their supplies ran out...Why didn't they walk back to "basecamp"? When they left to check where the walkers were coming from in the water, I didn't get the impression that they drove that far out because Al was expecting to get back at the end of the day to leave with Morgan. They were already on their way BACK when the storm hit. And why would the van run out of fuel? Wouldn't Al leave on this trip with enough diesel to make it back home? Doesn't she have enough to at least start out this long journey to Virginia? And even if they ran out of diesel on this trip because they had to make some detours because the road was blocked or whatever (show us, don't make us invent reasons to try to justify it in our head), why always go back to the van instead of walking home. Like I said, they were only a few hours drive away...Take the keys out of the van so no one can take it, and whatever else is precious to you, and hit that road home. Most likely they would have found a car - like they eventually did - to get them there faster. More productive than sitting around wasting all the batteries! I still don't like Morgan's new friends or this whacky filthy woman. Nor the concept of these split episodes which means my favs are missing from several episodes in a row. This was better than last week but still the same nonsensical actions and event sequences that have been plaguing this season because that is what the plot requires. Keep on trucking this show up, showrunners...
  15. I only watched it once so I may be remembering it wrong, but the way I understood it is: Morgan got transported to Mississipi. Unfortunate accident, but he goes with it and decides to gather supplies and map out a route to Virginia because none of his new friends wanted to come anyway. Then he hears there was a hurricane so he's worried and decides to go back to Texas to check on everyone. When he gets to the bridge, his issues crop up. I think he's afraid of finding them dead or something because "I lose people and I lose myself" (I'm not really into the Morgan character or his psychology so I may be interpreting wrong) so he gets freaked out and decides to turn back around and head to Virginia anyway without checking on John etc. He lies to Sarah and Wendall about the bridge not being there anymore to justify his actions. They know he's lying and confront him with it later meaning he's not as good a guy as he pretends to be, just like them. Then at the end Morgan forces everybody to go back to Texas with him because he learned his lesson through his near death experience and surviving because of the box the good samaritan left. Or something.
  16. Morgan has developed Littlefinger level of teleportation skills to hop from state to state overnight. This episode was pretty meh, kinda what I expected. I think it was a big mistake to split of the main group and do these types of episodes this back half of the season. It would have been more exciting to see the big group as a whole whether the storm together...a genuine bonding experience where they have to work together to survive and maybe take a loss and save each other's lives etc...Like if everybody had run over to the mansion to take shelter from the storm and they were all stuck there together, fortifying it, taking care of walkers who get through the messed up fence, forced to work together with people they were trying to kill yesterday,...Maybe a new character shows up looking for shelter. Debate ensues, are they good or bad, who can you trust,... There are no stakes in these episodes. Last week we knew Charlie and Alicia would end up bonding, this week we knew Morgan would end up going back to Texas with the new people,...what's even the point of watching these. Can just skip ahead to the finale when everyone is finally back together facing this new villain and somebody might actually bite it. Remember when walkers used to actually be scary monsters and even one could get ya if you weren't fast enough. Now you get surrounded, hands tied up and one hop and you're free. So nice of those walkers to attack one at a time so you have time to cut yourself loose and stab each one in the head. A bunch of them like that would have tipped that car over easy.
  17. There were some good moments in the episode but also an equal amount of badly written moments. The trend of the writers just doing whatever it takes to get the characters to point B, logic and realism be damned, continues. The major flaw was that the point of this episode - Alicia and Charlie bonding - was so telegraphed...there was almost no point in watching it. Especially because they spoiled Charlie surviving the basement in the trailer (that showed Alicia and Charlie driving in a car so you knew they survived past that point). The episode could have been redeemed if Alicia stabbed Charlie in the car and threw her out like garbage. And I say that as someone who doesn't hate Charlie, can see her point of view, and like the actress. But this ain't some Once Upon a Time fairytale, showrunners. The quick turnaround Alicia had with regards to Charlie was ridiculous. It's one thing to be able to tolerate her/not want to kill her. But smiling, telling stories, giving her her weapon,...Um, no. That was even more ridiculous than the deus ex walker breaking open the door. I loved the first half of the episode, it became meh towards the end. I have to join the club of people who had no idea what the thing in the fireplace was. I think the original idea the writers had to put Alicia and Morgan together would have been better because the outcome wouldn't have been as predictable. I wasn't surprised to hear this script was quickly cobbled together 3 days before shooting because they had this new idea. I would have also preferred Alicia/Strand or Alicia/Althea. Oh well.
  18. I finally got around to binging this show and wow it's so good! I don't know whether to be happy I had the pleasure of enjoying something so wonderful or upset that I now know this existed and got cancelled while certain other garbage is getting its billionth season. Whyyy world whyyy...
  19. The promo adequately prepared me for the preachy snoozeplot filler episode so I was actually pleasantly surprised by the first couple of minutes. I figured they were just going to skip the Reign fight or not have it be that long. Thank god for that Murderbot because that almost kiss was nauseating. I kept thinking whether they turned "Supergirl" into "just Kara Zor El" so the adultery could happen without tarnishing Supergirl's character or some bs like that. The new mom is so emotionless. I wasn't much of a fan of the actress even in Smallville but this is just bad. I get that she can't move her face but the old actress had so much expression in just her eyes and voice. So Kara's friend aged but her mom and the council members didn't? I'm confused. Kara goes on assignment at the same time Supergirl goes to outerspace indefinitely and never answers her phone, texts or emails? Come on, Lena. Lena and Supergirl's last scene didn't exactly scream Lena still hates her and will turn into a supervillain...Wish there was more of a resolution to their conflict. Yay, Alex will have a kid next season...said no one... Edit: I'm usually not the type to say "why isn't Superman there to help with x, y, z?" because I know why he can't be there. But come on, Kara finds out that a part of Krypton still exists and her mother is alive...I think that deserves a mention! Even just "I can't wait to tell Kal when he gets back from ___" in her convo with Alex.
  20. Madison and crew are happy in the stadium celebrating their 1-year anniversary of living there. They have taken in a girl named Charlie. They go looking for her parents but find Naomi instead. The happy life hits a snag: Nick's crops have weevils. Charlie who was secretly spying for the Vultures reports back everything she found out as we meet our villains for the season. The food situation at the stadium goes from bad to worse. Just when all hope is lost, Naomi pulls through with her secret FEMA JIC truck. The Vultures "give up" and leave them alone. Mel and Ennis get into a fight about how to proceed and part ways. Mel gets hurt in the bus accident and Charlie runs back to the stadium for help. They ultimately take them in but eventually kick Mel out. Charlie and their moral compass compell Alicia and Nick to go out there looking for a hurt Mel so he doesn't die as the Stadium prepares for Ennis' attack. Alicia, Nick and Mel are in the car outside as the flaming walker herd heads for the stadium. Madison decides to open the gate to go help them out. The fate of everyone hangs in the balance but we already know Alicia, Nick, Mel, Strand, Luciana, Charlie, Naomi make it out alive. Somehow Charlie and Mel end back up with the vultures and Naomi and Madison end up presumed dead. Probably the rest of the stadium people too. How this all happens remains a mystery. Some time after these events Alicia's crew meets Morgan's crew. Nick kills Ennis. Charlie kills Nick. Alicia kills Mel. Al, Morgan, Naomi, Charlie and Jon escape the standoff in current time between the vultues and Alicia/Strand/Luciana to head to the stadium. The vultures have picked the whole area clean so the overrun stadium is the only place left with the supplies Naomi needs because even the vultures wouldn't risk going in there. The question is...Why would Ennis do this? Just out of spite? He can't even get their stuff because it's overrun...Why greet Nick so casually when they run into each other like he didn't unleash a horde on his home for no reason...
  21. I went into final tribal torn between Dominic and Wendell. I had been leaning towards Wendall, but Dom making it through 5 with the fake idol bluster earned him the win. The fact that that's what some of the jury got hung up on made me lose any respect I may have had for those people (not a lot). Thank god for Michael. Be mad at Angela if you want to be pissed. She's the moron who blew up any chance the rest of them had by telling Dom. Both Laurel and Wendell could have explained their gameplay better. It's always frustrating when I can name several things the player did that they are not using to sell themselves. Dom was great in explaining his game and really should have won just due to the fact that Wendell blew it in the end. The tie was due to some butthurt people. I got Laurel's pitch. She may not have gotten to the end by voting out Dom and/or Wendell. But she's forgetting that she let them continue with their idols...By forcing them to play their idols earlier...they would have still been in the game a few rounds longer and still been targets ahead of her. And without them there to win immunity, she may have had a shot at that necklace. The reunion show was 17 minutes long without commercials...Probst managed to waste most of that time with a dumb audience gimmic, bringing back two old players who get more unlikeable each time they appear, hyping a show that is basically that other dumb show Wipeout, and the 1 minute he actually spent on the reunion he talked to the most unlikeable player on the island. Nice.
  22. It was hard to reconcile the Zach/Hannah summer fling with his tape...I find it very hard to believe or understand that what he did would still weigh on her after they semidated for a few months and she lost her virginity to him. They never talked about it or acknowledged it during all their intimate talks? How could they not have worked that out? I get that his actions were a single domino in the chain reaction that lead to her death and her feelings of isolation but she seemed to believe he didn't care about her and threw away the letter...and I just can't believe that at all. Ugh, that Jessica/Justin hook up was so annoying. Why, show, why? For a moment I believed Monty was the one who was providing the polaroids but wow did that turn out not to be true. What a vile human being. That principal is the worst. What the fuck...And how are half the kids at this school showing up with bruised faces to the next period and nobody asks any questions? It's a strange thing to say and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but well this is only fiction...hopefully Bryce can't help himself at his next school and the girl comes forward. His second conviction could get him some actual time. It'll show that even if it seems like the guy got off scot free, coming forward can make a difference. And maybe I'm an horrible horrible person, but part of me actually wanted Tyler to go in there and shoot some of those assholes. And that's where the show went wrong imo because I shouldn't have felt that way even for a second about a mass shooter going into a school.
  23. For a moment I thought the stone's effect was turning Supergirl into a world killer and I got super excited because remember the awesome red kryptonite episode? Too bad it was just a plot device to make Mon-El the designated tag along. Seems like James gets A Very Special Episode once a season. Too bad they can't just integrate him into the plot the other 20+ episodes. Supergirl is being so annoying, I have to believe it's leading up to something...Too bad it's making me heavily dislike our heroine. Also too bad that in a show called Supergirl, it's Guardian and Mon-El to the rescue. Also also too bad that Alex is apparently playing mom for the rest of the season instead of kicking ass.
  24. Wow, I think that might have been the most boring episode of Arrow...ever? - instead of finally getting rid of Diaz, which could have been this episodes's one redeeming storypoint, he lives to mumble another day? - Oliver has taken on entire armies and won...every time he fights punky Diaz and gets his ass kicked my eyeballs are in my sockets - How did they manage to suck all the emotion out of Quentin's death? I felt nothing...well, I felt bored several times waiting for them to finally get to his death scene so I could actually feel something other than boredom and annoyance but alas - I've been looking forward to some sort of Sara/Yanny confrontation for a year and that's it?? - Didn't Oliver unnecessarily apologize to everyone last episode? Why was half the episode dedicated to an encore performance of the big apology tour? - Was I supposed to feel bad for wild dog getting blown up? I was itching to fastforward through that scene. For half a second I thought they might actually blow him up and redeem themselves...but I gave them too much credit - No goodbye for Thea and Quentin? - Thank god Sara turned to Felicity for a hug and not her "sister". Kind of wooden acting though, sad to say. Caity has been off Arrow too long, she's forgotten how to be angsty Sara. All I could think was how it sucks that her vacation in Aruba got spoiled. Her reaction to real Laurel's death was so much more emotional. May 2019...Supergirl's turn to get arrested?
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