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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. This finale was...boring. I wouldn't say that it was bad but it was just so anti-climactic. I had zero hopes for this season and it still managed to disappoint me. When Jax told Abel to "Enjoy all those animals" and Abel smiled the only thing I thought was "Oh my god, Abel is going to kill all those animals." He's not just going to outlaw psycho, he's going to be serial killer psycho. The cycle has not been broken. Maybe there's hope for Tommy but I can see Abel trying to drag Tommy down with him. Also Jax, way to push the new Mommy on your already fragile, self-harming son. I have no problems with Abel calling Wendy "Mommy" but seriously, he did just lose his mom. Let him come to that in his own time. He's like 5. He's not going to call her Wendy forever. This has really bugged me all season. I get that Wendy is his bio Mom. But for him she hasn't been his Mom. Tara was his mom. Period. She just got her freaking tombstone! It hasn't been that long. That's not saying that Wendy isn't, or won't be to him later but it's felt like they're trying to push Tara out of that role all season. Let me be clear that when I say "they", I in no way mean Wendy. Even though she's really disappointed me in the whole "I'm still in love with Jax thing" she's the only one that's tried to handle this transition of sorts in the best way for Abel. Tommy has really been a non factor in all this, and I kind of get it since he's just a baby and can't do much but it's still sad. Also I'm pretty sure that Wendy would rather Abel call her "Mommy" when Abel feels like she's his mom instead of because she gave him candy. Slow clap for you Jax. Oh well. At least it's over now. And I have to say that I don't hate the show as a whole so maybe that's something. While the show did turn into a sort of hate watch thing towards the end I can still remember when I loved it. Perhaps even rewatch the first couple of seasons later on down the road. There have been shows where the end has ruined the whole for me. So there is that I guess.
  2. Dusty

    Mass Effect

    First off let me just say that this is one of my favorite games of all time. I was totally immersed in my Shep and all that characters that came along. I had a few days off of work because of Hurricane Sandy when ME3 was out and just played it out. The part I remember most was when I had to make the choice for Tali's homeworld. She didn't take my decision well. I'm still not over it. In my replays I've been tempted to make the same decision because I was so mad at her from the first time around. She was one of my favorites. Been through it all from the beginning with me. WE ALL HAVE TO MAKE SACRIFICES TALI! I was so mad and heartbroken that I literally paused the game, paced around my apartment, eventually going outside. I took this game very personally. I'm still mad at her. I think the biggest "fault" of the game for me was how some of the characters, mainly Wrex, I loved in the beginning got sidelined in the second and third games. Wrex was my go to man in the first game. He was my bro (first play through I was FemShep). I did everything I could to save his race and he's just like "Yo, so I'll call you later." and never answers my texts. I get that he had to restart his society and whatever but he wouldn't even have the opportunity if it wasn't for me! I can't totally hate it because I absolutely loved the friendship that developed with Shep and Garrus. I barely took Garrus along with me on missions in ME1 because he would always "die" and I'd always have to revive him. Somehow he became someone I took me with always. The Kaiden/Ashley choice was my first "Oh shit this is serious" moment. It was so difficult to make that choice. I got over it in ME2 because they're kind of a douche to Shep because of the whole Cerberus thing. I didn't take that well. I get invested in the characters I play in games but rarely do I take it so personal like I did in this series. So after that I was kind of like "Well screw you then." I also didn't want to be in a relationship with either of them. I knew there were other games and I didn't want to tie Shep down with either a xenophobe or generic boring dude. I'm glad I did because then I met Thane for my FemShep (first playthrough). And Jack for MaleShep. This. I didn't have the problem with ME3 that a lot of people had. I came into Mass Effect late so I heard the rumblings about ME3 when I got into it. I didn't look at spoilers but saw that there was a lot of hate and it had me worried. Honestly, by the time I got to the end of the game, and this might sound weird, but I felt like my Shep was weary. It would've been nice to have a happy ending, and in a lot of ways I think I did, but it just felt right to me that it ended the way it did. I chose the synthesis ending. I have no problems with making that choice for everyone to force them to get along. I was sad that the game ended because I loved the characters so much but ME3 was so freaking emotional for me, along the lines of Telltale The Walking Dead, but I was kind of happy for my Shep that it was over. It was like she can rest now. She did what she set out to do and now it was time for it to be over. No one can expect her to do more because she made the sacrifice and it was over. It was just so much to go through and in the end I got to save almost everyone. Even if they are a little altered without their consent. The fact that I felt the way I did about the characters and I did take everything so personally, to me felt like this was a great game series. I was invested to the very end so it was money well spent. And I still love to go back and play it again. My friend that was playing it at the same time I was, we still talk about it. We're always saying that we wish we could play this game for the first time again.
  3. I've been waiting for the end of Gemma for so long and I'm just disappointed. First of all, I get that Gemma has done some messed up things during the course of her life but really. Killing Tara and then setting in motion for all the deaths that happened THIS season and Unser and Nero are still trying to save her ass?!?!?! I can understand Nero's position because I do believe he wanted to save Gemma to save Jax and not because of Gemma. But Unser...really? Are you freaking kidding me?! Poor Juice got the death that he did and Gemma gets to have a nice little chat with her father and die the death that she essentially chose. Tara fought for her life and died so brutally (hey Gemma, remember when Tara was there for after your gang rape?), that Chinese guy was tortured to death because of Gemma's lie, and a bunch of other people died for absolutely no reason. It's just bullshit. I hated it. There was no satisfaction at all. Gemma wanted to die because she knows she lost everything. In the end Gemma still got what she wanted. And Wendy. My god I'm just so disappointed in her. I was okay with her taking care of the kids before but now I don't want her to even though she's most likely going to. I'm not sure if she's supposed to be some sort of triumph story. Starting out almost killing her kid because she just could not stay away from drugs to getting clean and now yay! She's taking care of two kids! So heart warming. Except it isn't. Sure she's not on drugs anymore but that's about all the progress that she's made. I don't really get how she's not over Jax. She's just as messed up as all the others. Those kids need to start off fresh. Away from anyone with any sort of connection to all this. Oh well. I stuck around to watch the train wreck this long and continue to be disappointed so who am I to talk. I'm just glad there's only one episode left and then I can sit back and wait for Orphan Black to come back.
  4. Is it me or did Liv look angry at Jo when she found out who she was? I get that she doesn't want to do the merged thing and is bummed about maybe having to kill her brother but not really Jo's fault her brother is a psycho. And I know there was a lot of exposition going on but one of them couldn't have thrown in a "Yo, long lost sister! Thanks for saving our lives even though you were stabbed in the stomach." Speaking of, are the twins in this particular family the only ones that are allowed to have leader twins? Because there seemed to be quite a few people in the circle of deception for Kai. They couldn't keep popping out kids Duggar style until they hit the twin load?
  5. Huh. Would you look at that. I really did think that Gemma losing everything would be enough for me. Nope. I'm gonna need more suffering. I don't know. Maybe it's because it didn't feel like she did lose everything. My favorite part of the episode was when Nero found out and asked Gemma about it. That little childlike bounce he did. Dude. That got me. I wasn't really feeling Katey Sagal in that scene though.
  6. All I could think about during this episode was when Patrick Flueger guested on SVU way back when as the kid who unknowingly dated, slept with, and impregnated his half sister. It was the first thing I've ever seen him in and he was so great in that. I just wanted to give him a big hug.
  7. Something horrible just occurred to me. What if Jax thinks Abel is lying again to get Gemma in trouble again? I saw the previews for the next episode so I'm hoping not but I'm going to think of every single scenario for this show to disappoint me.
  8. Is it just me or was that jogging scene done in green screen? Are Shonda's shows not allowed to be filmed outdoors anymore? Is she hiring actual vampires and must protect them from the sun? Seriously though, I haven't been a regular viewer for a while and maybe the atrocious green screens in Scandal this season have me seeing things. That was fake right?
  9. This made me realize that no one from the original team is really interacting with Fitz this season. We had that one scene with Coulson and barely a scene with May in the premiere (which I don't really count) but that's about it. I realized it on some level before but Simmons had more scene with the original team than Fitz has in like two of six episodes. It just bums me out. I'm not interested in this storyline at all. I don't know if it's because I'm pretty 'meh' about Skye to begin with or there's just something about it that's not clicking with me. I will give Skye props for playing Ward though. I do like her better this season than I did last but the whole obelisk/Daddy storyline makes me kind of zone out a bit. It's just really slow. Another thing I didn't realize was the grumpy cat mug. It was stupid and I loved it.
  10. I don't think I've ever watched a tv show where the breakdown of a friendship broke my heart so much. I don't care if they ever hook up or not. I just want them to be friends again. I want FitzSimmons back! Saying that I think they're doing a really good job with this storyline. I can understand and empathize with both of them. I can't even be irrational mad at this storyline because ultimately FitzSimmons needed to be Fitz and Simmons for a while to grow as individuals. I'm having a hard time believing that Coulson didn't know that Ward would escape. Or that it wasn't part of some plan. And do we know that Ward killed them? Because what I saw was Ward getting out and just pointing the gun, then it cut to the next scene with tattoo guy. Did I miss something? Also who doesn't know the "break your thumb to get out of handcuffs". They even did it on the Blacklist last year. I'm not convinced that they aren't going to try to redeem Ward but I am wavering on it. He was really pulling out the crazy eyes this episode. I don't think that guy is the greatest actor but he was pulling off delusional crazy man for me. It reminded me of that too but in a Gogo Yubari did it better way. Kind of took me out of it a little.
  11. My sister tried to do this and her reasoning for it made sense to me. They don't need gifts. They were already living together so it's not like they're making a new home for themselves. They don't need a gravy boat or whatever. They have the household items that they need. But it also failed miserably for her so there you go. I do think that they did get cash from the guests at the wedding so people probably honestly forgot. The invitations and RSVPS were out a few months before the wedding. People probably thought they'd do it closer to the date even though that doesn't make sense because it doesn't give you time to actually buy the tickets or whatnot you'd need to go after the wedding. From what I remember of the website there was no sense of urgency or deadline. If they had a deadline/countdown timer like on Kickstarter it might've helped. I thing I hated paying for was the bridesmaid dress. I'll never understand why I have to pay for a dress that I do not want.
  12. It's kind of splitting hairs but I could believe that in some way Wendy understands why Gemma did that. If I recall it was right after Abel was born premature and with that stomach issue because Wendy was too busy getting high while she was still pregnant. When Jax shot her up she had sobered up for a while then and he was just being a major douche because she had the audacity of wanting to see her kid. She knows how Gemma is though. I would feel better about it if she was just pretending to care about Gemma just so she can keep access to Abel. But after her conversation with Bobby about Jax last episode, I'm not giving her the benefit of the doubt.
  13. I am completely okay with Gemma's downfall happening because her precious little grandkid rats her out. Especially Abel who we know is her favorite since she thinks, and is probably right, that he's the little psycho to keep the club going. Don't tease me show! My god that kid is freaking creepy though.
  14. When he was making his "We are all Survivors" speech I kept thinking he looked like Guile from Street Fighter.
  15. Carol looked like such a mom to me when she saw the zombie as she was getting ready to (maybe?) take the car. Like a mom who sees her kid doing something wrong in the park. "Oh for god sake."...then she stabbed it in the head. They must have very soft skulls. Honestly, and this is mostly superficial but partly because I do play the Telltale Walking Dead game. But I wish they, mainly Daryl, would cut their hair. My Lee told Clem to keep her hair short. Excuse me while I go cry in a corner.
  16. I think Fitz simplified the whole thing to a large degree. I don't believe that Simmons left because Fitz admitted that he had feelings for her and she didn't feel the same way. Unless something else happened during the break before she left that we never got to see. I can believe that's what he decided was the reason she left. I like that he's making his own friends. I'm interested in seeing where his storyline goes. The FitzSimmons team was my favorite part of last season and I do hope that we get that back. I think it is important that they both grow as individuals though and then they can come back together as an even more awesome team. This took me out of the scene. Since when does a face mask change the skin tone of the WHOLE BODY. Not to mention she just happened to have the same hair. This was an on the fly plan right? It's not like they planned for Agent May to be there and Agent 33 to have as much matching as possible JUST IN CASE. Also, now that I think about it. Does the face mask cover the whole head because when May took it off of the Talbot impersonator it just looked like it fit around the face. Talbot and he have entirely different hair styles. Dammit! This is what happens when you think too much on a show like this.
  17. So basically Katey Sagal doesn't know what the word psychopath means.
  18. I kind of feel like Tyra Banks with Wendy right now. "I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU! WE WERE ALL ROOTING FOR YOU!"
  19. Seriously. Glenn went through like 11 of his 9 lives during that. It got to the point where I was like "OH MY GOD JUST HIT HIM ALREADY!" and I didn't even want Glenn to die. I thought this too but I also want to give him the benefit of the doubt. Which we learned from this show is never a good idea and only bad things will come of it so there you go. I do hope that he really killed that guy. I mean he was going to snap a baby's neck. If there's ever a time to kill, it's then. I absolutely loved badass Carol and I'm one who doesn't believe she needs to be forgiven. I wasn't a fan of Rick kicking her out of the group but I am glad she's back. Although her confrontation with Mary made me a little wary. I don't know why but the "You're not here, neither am I." it felt like a bit of foreshadowing to me. I hope it's not. I mean, I LOVE badass Carol. But I don't want crazyass Carol. It's going to be a fine line to tread. They really did take that too literally. Tasha Yar to Sela in one episode.
  20. Oh I love hanging out at the shallow end. I've watched things I have no business watching coughBladeTrinitycough because of the shallow end. But I didn't think it was all that impressive. I need some serious tone. I want to see some lines in that muscle! On another shallow note, I wonder who in SHIELD is tasked to trim his beard and cut his hair. Also, where does he get the gel?
  21. Gah! You beat me to it! So, uh, I guess they forgot to lock the door to Vault D. It looks like HalluSimmons has longer hair than HydraSimmons...er...real Simmons. I thought that was neat. Was it me or did Ward have a farmer's tan? Also, dude. Roll down your sleeves. Who do you think you are, Teal'c? I'm glad we got that out of the way and I have no problems with Fitz taking Ward's air away. Go Fitz! I think Ward's excuses are total bullshit. I'm not sure if he's trying to justify what he did or if he really believes it but I call bullshit. Giving someone a fighting chance would be to throw an extra oxygen bottle in there or something. They literally had to make something out of nothing. If I recall they had to use like glue from the window. Ward is not smart enough to figure that they could find a way out without giving them anything to work with in the first place! So bullshit. I did notice that Coulson didn't answer if Simmons asked to go on assignment. I do hope that they don't drag her out being in Hydra for the whole season. I want the band back together! (Minus Ward. He can stay in the basement) I also hope they don't go the route of Hydra brainwashing Simmons. I know there's going to some point where it's going to be threatened or she's going to be found out because this is tv and that's just what happens. But I would rather her be saved with no question as to whether or not she was brainwashed. The fitbit thing was overdone even if I didn't know it was a fitbit. I still think they showed it WAY too much. It's like, yeah I get it. Steady heartbeat oh nos! Ward got to her! Skye didn't headshot Donnie so he's totally coming back. I think that Skye is better this season than she was last season but I still really don't care about her storyline. When her scenes come on I'm waiting for the next bit or listening in so I'm aware of whatever information I need to be aware of in the future for plot reasons. I don't know what it is. I can't bring myself to care about her or her daddy issues.
  22. Yes. This so much yes. They are the most important to me. I feel like everyone who showed up in the Psych episode of Dual Spires would be willing to sign on too (which would include Sherilyn Fenn!). But I'm going to need Kyle MacLachlan in and Sherilyn Fenn or I'm going to have some serious reservations. Don't get me wrong, I'll probably still watch because I can't NOT see how it turns out but with a more skeptical eye than excited one.
  23. Perhaps it's my cynical nature but I totally believe that it would happen. I think that there would be some people who would rally behind her and say that it was wrong but I've found, especially in this internet age, a negative minority is louder than a positive majority. Just look at the headline from that shitty tabloid New York Daily News when Chelsea Clinton had her baby. Don't get me started on the comment section of any article, positive or negative, about her baby. I totally believe that tabloid would stoop so low even in the death of a child. I think most sensible people would rally behind her but I think it would generally happen in a sitting at home saying "that's just wrong" kind of way. Our political system is so damn messed up that I could believe something like this happening IRL. From either party. I don't have much faith in the common decency of people when it comes to things like politics or religion.
  24. I wasn't really paying attention to the wheelchair couple so when I quickly glanced back at the screen I had to do a double take because for a split second I thought it was Carol Vassey and Mike Burton together. Alas, it was not meant to be. That would've been cool though. I don't like Portia De Rossi's bouffant. And I care nothing for Huck and Quinn. I was happy when I saw Jon Tenney in the credits. I've liked him since Brooklyn South...anyone? Bueller? Moving on. It's too bad he decided to go the way of the bouffant. I honestly can't remember her name and have too many tabs open as it is to look it up. There goes that happy ending for Mellie. I liked Fitz during his speech. I would've liked it better if Olivia had nothing to do with it but I'll take whatever like I can with Fitz that I can get at this point. I really like how Fitz will sit in the car with a bag of chips while Mellie does her grave thing. I really liked how Fitz went to Mellie when she collapsed after the speech and even apologized! I can like that guy. Which makes it so damn frustrating to know that it will not last. It just won't. The stupid Olivia/Fitz train is just waiting at the station to take off to go in another stupid circle. Mellie. Oh Mellie. Bellamy Young is just really bringing it this season. I can't take it. She's just breaking my heart. I don't even really know what more to say about it right now. It's the best part of the show.
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