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Everything posted by Dusty

  1. I would assume that Delilah would also be on the deed to the house. If that's the case then can Jon take out a mortgage without her signing off on it?
  2. I just rolled my eyes. 2/3s of this show is hoping they don't go down the cliche storyline route and them just going for it with gusto. It would be dumb if they thought it means "oh well it's even now" because even if Jon had the affair and was up to no good elsewhere, Delilah knew nothing about it. She crappy reasonings for the affair are still her crappy reasonings. No matter what they find out in the future. Not to mention the fact that the person she chose to have an affair with was one of Jon's best friends and at the very least she hung out semi-socially with his wife in group settings, knew their son and the family she was helping to break up in the process. It's not going to get me to root for them as a couple. At the very least it'll just make me think that Jon and Delilah deserved each other. The same goes for Eddie too. I don't want to give the impression that she's the only one at fault. The only thing that changes is what I think about Jon. I bet that they'll make a way bigger deal out of Jon's affair, if it's real, than they ever did about Delilah/Eddie's. Which...I'll kind of allow actually for the rest of the group. People have a tendency to idealize people when the die. So at least it would make sense that they would be crushed. Delilah and Eddie can take their reactions elsewhere. I was supposed to be done with the show and I was for a while. But I do like some of the characters and actors. So I mostly skip around these days. If Delilah/Eddie are in a scene together alone, skip. Gary/Maggie, skip. Gary or Maggie separate, I'll watch. Eddie when it doesn't have to do with Delilah, I'll watch. Katherine, Rome, and Regina always watch. Mostly just anything to do with Delilah/Eddie pairing and Gary/Maggie I'll skip over. I do not care for either of those pairings.
  3. Me neither. As someone said above, Claire has gotten someone's rights taken away over wanting to be able to continue a hobby that was dangerous. But for some reason now this guy, who purposely hurt himself, it wasn't even considered. Come to think of it, if a doctor knows that their patient purposely hurt them self are they require to get a psych consult to talk to the patient? I would think they would be but I don't know for sure.
  4. I would prefer that pairing than a Claire/Melendez one. For one, Lim isn't his subordinate so already it's better and two I like the character. She could probably get Melendez to get loosen up every once in a while too. Overall though, if they wanted to keep romance out of the hospital then I'm totally fine with that too. Not that I don't like Claire but last season the crush thing made me roll my eyes and if they were going to go down that road then they should've had her stay off his team. The only thing I could think at the end was damn, George's and buses on medical shows are a deadly combination. I'm not sure if Allegra was happy that Andrews kept the job or that was more of a "I knew it" kind of smile. She said to him that his problem was decision making and to me that stunt he pulled just proved her right. He couldn't make the decision so he did what was easiest.
  5. Go around him again probably. She's done it twice this season and it's gotten her what she wanted.
  6. Unpopular opinion. I don't hate Lea and Claire has been getting on my nerves ever since the episode she helped take the rock climbing girl's rights away. *ducks and cover*
  7. Yeah, I thought of this after I posted my "but she should've already known because she was staying with him thing" when I got to thinking about it. Fairly recently I stayed with my sister for a bit because I had to wait for my place to be ready to move into. I could never be roommates with her but the reasons I could never be roommates with her didn't really bother me while I was staying there because I knew that it was her place, not mine. She's letting me stay there to help me out while I'm in between places.
  8. I think it's more to do with she was a fan favorite on a scifi show that a lot of people didn't watch. I loved Firefly but as with most shows on FOX that I loved, especially during that time period, the ratings and network did not agree with me. She was a regular supporting character on Stargate Atlantis for a while though after that. Generally I would kind of disagree because knowing how someone is and living with someone are two totally different things. I had a friend who is the most thoughtful and nicest person. One time a homeless person asked us for money but none of us had cash on us, he told the guy to hang out. walk to an atm a few blocks away, got some money, and went back to give to the guy. Really one of the best people I know. But we were also roommates for a bit and one of the things that really grated me was that he could not think to change the toilet paper roll when it was out. Like never ever ever. There are a bunch of little things like that about living with someone that we had to figure out. But saying all that, it makes less sense in this case because she's kind of been living with Shaun already so it really shouldn't have been a surprise.
  9. Yeah, she's going to get pulled in but as much as I wouldn't want her to have to help Delilah I think it would be extra terrible if she's on the opposing side. For one, it seems like none of the people in the group are really her friends anyway so she'll be totally shitted on by Gary and co. if she does. Especially by Gary. Even though it's just her doing her job they'll probably twist it into her being vindictive about the affair/baby (if she knows) and tarnishing Jon's good name in her quest for revenge or whatever it is that they come up with so Delilah is the victim of Katherine and not Jon's. Katherine going to be in a no win situation for her no matter what.
  10. I'm taking a breather from watching the show but it's still wrapped around my brain at the moment like a harmless but inconvenient parasite and I just thought of something. Delilah is going to need a lawyer soon because of whatever shady stuff Jon was into. Probably a lawyer who knows about corporate law and finance stuff. Guess who seems to be that type of lawyer from what little we saw? Good ol' Katherine. How much do you want to bet that she's going to go to Katherine for help when all this comes out? While secretly being pregnant with her husband's baby.
  11. Yeah. I think I'm going to take a breather from this show. The baby daddy switcheroo, while not surprising, I think is my limit. The show has been clear from episode one as to what kind of show it's going to be. I think it's time I start believing it. I do hope it gets better though. I hope someone more competent takes over or helps turn it around. I'm still attached to the idea of what this show could be. Which is weird because I don't usually do that and I feel extra disappointed by it. Hopefully in the future, if they have one, they'll turn it around and decide not to take storyline tips from a soap opera handbook. To be fair to soap operas though they're better at building up their storylines.
  12. During the Katherine/Eddie part when they were talking to Theo about being a tree I was just wishing this was what the show was. Not just Katherine and Eddie but also Rome's depression, and Jon's family dealing with the suicide. I think that stuff is interesting itself without all this extra soapy crap added in. I'm not really sold on Gary and Maggie. I do like the idea of Maggie's storyline though. My dad went through a long illness and while he didn't really have as much quantity as the average person he also didn't have a lot of quality the last couple of years either but he fought as much as he could until his body gave up. And he wanted to keep fighting for as long as he could but for me it made me think about what I would do. Personally, I think I would choose quality over quantity. I would have long detailed conversations with my doctor about odds and such but that's just where I'm at right now. I also don't have kids to think about if I ever needed to come to that decision so I do find her perspective interesting because I don't think you see it much. But I don't trust that the writers would be willing to go there or even write her changing her mind well at this point. I'm fully expecting her to change her mind because of THE INCREDIBLE POWER OF LOVE!!!! Instead of oh I don't know because she wants to do it for herself. I guess that might be too boring. This is the most frustrating part of it for me. There's all these elements of the show that I'm really into and would really love to watch. Also I've seen and like most of the actors on it too. But they just had to throw in all this extra crap which just wastes time that they could be spending on actually taking more time with the characters so that each week doesn't feel like six months has passed with how fast they move on from everything. I just don't see the point of the baby daddy storyline (and you know if that baby is born it's going to be a boy named Jon regardless of who the father is) and also the mystery assistant storyline. Was the suicide not a compelling enough mystery? Family and friends trying to figure out how this person who they thought was a happy person commit suicide. It's really my fault for continuing to be disappointed because I continue to watch even though the show showed what it was going to be by having the affair be between Eddie and Delilah. But I see glimpses of what I thought the show was going to be and I keep hoping it will. Wow. This turned out way longer and more of a rant than I initially planned. I guess it really hit me this episode.
  13. Honestly if this is the way they're going then I'm not sure I'll continue with the show. That's a step too far into soap opera territory for my liking. I'm just really not into a "Who's the Daddy?" storyline for this show. I honestly don't want any of them to be pregnant. There's too much going on for that right now. I'm hoping it's a misdirection promo.
  14. This is what I was thinking. It has to be more than she just became more distant from the group because she's working all the time and Gary really doesn't like her. We don't know yet if that was always the case and the flashbacks didn't really show much but she seemed part of their little group. The show is weird that not much time has past but it feels like it has because they just rush through the emotional and character parts to move the overall story along. I wish they would just slow it down a little bit.
  15. Yeah that's what I thought as well and during the episode I was like "wait, did I miss something?" I don't like what Claire did this episode. It bothers me in a big way. I think she stepped way over the line when she went to the parents to give them the idea to take away their daughter's decision making rights. She didn't even know about the suicide attempt 4 years ago at the time she did it.
  16. Also he didn't have anywhere else to go. Maybe with Rome but Regina probably wouldn't be cool with that. The show's reasoning will probably be a little less cynical than mine though. But to me he just has no where else to go. His affair didn't work out so he's gotta stay with Katherine. I doubt they'll touch on that sort of thinking but if I was her I wouldn't be able to not think that he's just staying because he has no other options anymore.
  17. I think it's what they like to think since they at the very least got pregnant around that time and they thought it was a neat little story to tell. Or I could see Jack thinking it's a neat story to tell the kids during a game and Rebecca's like "What are you doing?!?!" I'm glad Jack is dead. It feels so weird for me to say that about a character I like. But it would've really made it difficult to enjoy their early years story if it ended in divorce. And I'm still side eyeing Miguel even though Jack is dead. It still feels weird to me. Marrying his best friend's widow. Mainly because in the first episode he was in I got the vibe that he liked her in more than just a friendly way. I don't know. It would be different if there wasn't that vibe from him in the beginning. I'm sure he was a great friend to Jack and he did set him straight in that episode. But now it's like he's just lurking in the background waiting for his opening.
  18. I know that there will probably be some drama about why Will is around right now but I'm really hoping that it's because he's finally able to figure out what it is that he wants to do because he doesn't have to be her agent. It's wishful thinking but that's what I hope for Will considering all he had to go through growing up as second fiddle and punching boy to their dad.
  19. I think it would depend on the reason for the divorce. If it was because of general growing apart or falling out of love then yeah I could see her still wanting to marry her dad. But it was because he's an alcoholic then I don't see why she would want that.
  20. Until otherwise told I'm going to believe that Jack is out of the picture in the future because he's dead. I get that a lot of people get divorced and that he may or may not be developing a drinking problem but if they go the way of divorce then I think I'm going to have a really hard time getting into their story in the past knowing it all ends in divorce. Let me have the fantasy of relationships that last. The kids just speak so highly of him that it's hard for me to believe that alcoholism brought about the end of the relationship. Also "best friend" Miguel. I spy that wedding ring in the past. What's going on with that first wife? Did she conveniently die too and they commiserated together? Or he got divorced and saw his opening later on? I was also side eyeing the diet that Rebecca was putting Kate on at that young of an age. Like unless it's recommended to you by the doctor isn't that a bit too early to determine that your kid needs to be on a diet? I don't know. I don't know how it all works with weight and kids and growing up. Some kids I grew up with were chubby as a kid and then puberty hit and it was like gone. Some its been a lifelong struggle for them. It just seems kind of young to start on the diet path. She didn't look morbidly obese to me. I'm all about having financial stability. Anytime someone rails on a singer/actor or whatever for "selling out" I've always been like "And? They're making money now." Being a purist starving artist is for the young. At some point you have to think about your long term future. So I don't really see why Kevin can't stick it out for two more years and just have the cash to be comfortable while he pursues other things later. I know he's 35(?) on the show but men in show business have way more longevity than women. Make that money while you can Kevin and do your theatre on hiatus. I hope we see the three sibling all together on screen at the same time soon. Randall feels so separated from the rest of them to me. It's only two episodes in and he has his bio dad storyline going on. The Big Three Chant got to me though. That was cute.
  21. Can we stop adding babies to tv shows that aren't family dramas/comedies? They just end up looking like shitty parents because the kid will never be referenced or seen unless needed for PLOT REASONS. If an actress gets pregnant, bring out the big bags, file boxes, and whatever else is needed to hide it. I am more than willing to suspend my belief that this pregnant lady that is about to pop looks exactly the same as she did 8 months ago and then needs to work somewhere else for a little bit off camera.
  22. This. I knew at some point they were going to "confirm" that she was Taylor (sorry, can't call her Shaw. That's reserved for Person of Interest) but I didn't think it'd be this soon. I didn't really have too much of an investment on if she was or wasn't her but since they confirmed it, I'm going to need them to do the unconventional thing and keep it confirmed. Sadly, I don't have a lot of trust in shows so now I'm just waiting for the mid-season finale or season finale to take it back. Especially since there's that government conspiracy angle that they're going for. I wish that they had Reade or someone other than Weller go with her to the hospital at the end like Reade wanted. I want her to have more interaction, one on one with the other members. I liked the moment between her and the tech girl. I want more of those with other people that aren't named Weller.
  23. No joke. In the first minute of the show my first thought was "Peacekeeper ship!" and then when they walked into the shuttle it was "Puddle Jumper!" When they were talking about FTL and not having coordinates, I was about done. Luckily, they didn't go there. Still on the first episode. But yeah, the title of this thread speaking to me.
  24. It's not like she meant to kill Vernon. She walked in on him beating the crap out of her husband. She probably doesn't watch as much tv as I do and doesn't know that candlesticks will for sure kill someone with like one hit. I'm sad that Vernon is gone but there have been people on this show that have legit killed people on purpose. Lucious and Cookie for example. I wouldn't put it past Vernon having done something before either being the "fixer" that he was. Not to mention Lucious would've totally killed Vernon as soon as he thought of him as a threat. Jamal knows what about business though? He's been living off his dad's money and hasn't worked a day in his life. As far as we know all he has is a high school education. It takes more than being able to sing and write lyrics to run a business. Especially the size of Empire. I can see how Lucious and Vernon learned about the business as they built it up with help along the way but Jamal has been through none of that. Did he even have a job when he went on his "I'm a MAN" journey for two seconds? Honestly, I don't want any of the brothers to solely run Empire. For me, the ideal situation would be Cookie and sons against Lucious but there is just no way I can be Team Lucious. I'm actually disappointed in Jamal on how quickly he was brainwashed by Lucious. Lucious doesn't deserve the loyalty of any of his family members or really anyone. He has none himself.
  25. I knew that Vernon was a dead man as soon as I saw that candlestick in her hands. There is nothing more deadly in tvland than a damn candlestick as a weapon. It will 100% kill a character every time. Knife? Just a scratch. Bullets? Pssh. Missiles. Totally survivable. Candlestick? RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! Nothing brings a couple back together like murder and a baby... RIP Vernon. But seriously. I've never beat the shit out of someone before but I feel like if I was continually punching someone in the face I wouldn't be able to calmly say their name in a 'let's just talk about this' tone at the same time. Is it me or did Jennifer Hudson's performance seem really flat? I spent the whole time trying to figure out if that was an acting decision or just her. I so want to believe in the moment between Jamal and...Lucious in the dressing room. I really, really did. But the problem with that scene was Lucious' mouth was moving. So obviously it was all lies coming out. And I swear to god that if Jamal turns on Cookie in favor of Lucious I don't really care what he does in the future. There will be no redeeming him. I will root for EVERYONE that's not in the interest of him. I don't care if it's Baretti or Annika. Like holy crap! I like Hakeem more than him right now. What the hell just happened? How in the hell did everything get so turned around? I'm mad at Jamal? I'm okay with Hakeem? Actually, now that I've listed how everything has flipped for me since the show started, I probably won't feel the same later if he does. I can't really imagine it. But I never for one second imagined liking Hakeem. So...there is that. Although if Jamal does side with Lucious instead of Cookie I think that's a bigger betrayal then Hakeem having Mommy issues. You cannot have flashback memories of your mother being there for you always and then juxtapose that with Lucious literally throwing him in the trash and say "Yeah, I'm in Lucious' corner." NO! JUST NO! I haven't really minded the pace of this season. It was refreshing that nothing really stayed a secret for long. I hate it when shows do that but I really do think next season they're going to have to slow it down a notch. And actually finish a scene or two before jumping into the next moment.
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