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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. Week 13: 1/5 YTD: 27/65 five* Acrually, they are not. Due to additional Covid-19 restrictions, they cancelled the events. There were to be three dates, Dec. 5, 12, and 19. Reservations required and limited. If you get a chance to look at the historic area's wreaths and decorations, they are so good even in photographs. I went to Merchants Square this week for the first time in months. Streets are looking festive. I dropped in to Wythe Candy for some treats, and then stopped at the Christmas Shop, where I worked part-time before retirement. The person there, who I had worked with, said they of course hadn't been as busy, but still pretty steady since the end of October.
  2. I’ve been reading Moby Dick for several years now. I will finish someday, because then I have Ahab’s Wife to read! Tonight’s FJ was an instaget, mainly because I read both White Fang and Call of the Wild over the last year.
  3. Re: Stagg chili. A couple of decades ago, I worked for a really fun software company. (I was in finance there.) Anyway, we had Friday afternoons, where we chatted together and enjoyed refreshing alcoholic beverages, like wine coolers, as well as tons of junk food. The company also sponsored team-building group outings, which really were fun and helpful. One thing we did was a chili cook-off. For several Fridays, we signed up and brought chili, which was judged, and the winner each week also participated in the finals. One of my friends forgot his turn for chili, so he stopped at a supermarket and bought two varieties of Stagg chili for his entry. Mixed up in the crockpot, and told no one (until he told me later). His chili won that week! When it came time for the finals, he was agonizing over whether to bring the Stagg combo, or make his usual recipe. I don't remember which he did, but he placed second I think. @saber5055, I popped over to the Supermarket Sweep Forum. I don't watch the show so hadn't read the forum yet. Looks fun, thought!
  4. Feel like I was on a roller coaster with this episode! At the beginning of the leg, when W&J and possibly another team were talking about u-turning the NFL-team, I really wanted D&G to u-turn one of those teams. D&G were first and able to u-turn E&A, so I was pleased at that. While D was doing the tiles, I was beginning to think they deserved to come in last & be eliminated. Then when A was hassling D, I switched back, and hoped E&A would be eliminated. And they were!
  5. IIRC, Dan spent a couple of nights with Louise last season. The first time, he was embarrassed to bring the CPAP, but they talked about it, and he brought the machine to use the next time. I have a CPAP, and it’s pretty portable. If you’re self employed/own your own business, and properly file federal taxes, you do pay into the social security system. However, it’s partly based on net income, so possible that the SE tax remitted might be less than for an employed person. Self employed people are permitted to put money into retirement accounts, but making enough to have money to put aside is an issue. Harris was so disrespectful, but that seems to be how she was raised.
  6. I went to K-State in Manhattan KS freshman year lo these many years ago, so I was cheering for Fred. Relieved that he got FJ, but on the other hand, another asterisk would have been nice, too.
  7. Our cable went out at 7:21 last night, and didn’t come back until 7 something this morning, so no FJ for us. Also no Amazing Race, but I watched it on demand this afternoon. Our cable is also our internet, and it didn’t work last night either. Don’t like being without connectivity.
  8. Love doughnuts! My dad used to bring home a bag of Spudnuts every once in a while. So good! Krispy Kremes original, just the right ratio of fat & sugar. Love our Duck Donuts too. The maple icing is yummy. Also cinnamon sugar. I also like filled long Johns, with maple icing with the cream icing filling, not custard. Also like lemon filled doughnuts. The only doughnut I don’t like is chocolate, whether it’s frosted, glazed, or made with a chocolate dough. Just don’t like ‘em at all.
  9. That is one gorgeous pecan pie! We haven't been with family on Thanksgiving for twenty years, so this year isn't that different for us. We usually go out to a seafood restaurant, where they serve a very nice plated traditional Thanksgiving meal. DH is in the midst of having dental work for dentures, so he is currently toothless. I decided to cook, so we had a nice turkey breast, oyster dressing, mashed potatoes, gravy, green beans, rolls, and pumpkin pie for dessert. I took some shortcuts, so not as much work as usual. We enjoyed the meal. DD lives in England. We usually Skype on Sunday, so it was a nice surprise to have a Skype from her in the afternoon. They usually have Thanksgiving the weekend before the day, and have friends that come, but they're in second lockdown, so just DD, DSIL, and DGD for their feast last Saturday.
  10. I’ve had enough dental work done, that set of tasks didn’t bother me at all. Like most here, I thought the blond sisters had such good attitude, I would have liked them in the race longer. For finalists, I’d like to see Gary and DeAngelo, Hung & Chee, and ???
  11. When I was messaging my station re:the episode from Friday Nov. 6, I saw I’d sent a message to the station last December. I don’t think they ever showed that one either.
  12. All's well that ends well? Lots of tying up loose ends, mostly satisfactorily. Favorite bit was Peter dunking the reporter's phone in the coffee! As a stand-alone mini series, I enjoyed this. I don't think we need any more episodes/stories with these characters, though.
  13. I’m watching on Peacock, watching the episodes in order, one every few days. A few days ago in season 2, I watched the first one with Nicole Wallace, and remembered how tedious the NW episodes were. Intriguing at first, they did not improve over time.
  14. My thoughts exactly! Yesterday, if they’d used lightning instead of thunderbolt, I might have gotten it. 🙂
  15. I am glad they explained the "scandal." I certainly couldn't figure it out using the postings/pictures. But yes, not Jamie's fault at all. This recap is helpful, as well. https://interactive.wttw.com/playlist/2020/11/15/trouble-maggie-cole-recap-episode-5
  16. I missed recording the first episode, and would have to spend $2.99, so I read through this thread to figure out if I wanted to watch it. I’ve enjoyed shows such as Flesh & Blood that others didn’t, so I watched it. Worth it, and looking forward to the rest of this series.
  17. I’m still liking this. I asked up thread if Karen had a crush on Peter; clearly shown this episode, the answer is emphatically Yes! Jill certainly happened along at the wrong time, didn’t she? Now that I know where Alex got the money, I have more sympathy for him. The money burning is even more stupid than before! The conversation with the pub owner Brian and employee Sydney was good and provided more explanation. No rooms? Taken by the guys seeking Alex, I think. Lastly, Jill and Marcus are so cute together.
  18. I was largely unaware of Mandy Moore before this show. I recently got her CD, “Silver Landings,” and listened to it this afternoon. I liked it.
  19. Week 9: 1/5 YTD: 20/45 five* So pathetic! ETA - we are so hard on ourselves. I would never apply pathetic to any one else who got 1/5!
  20. Yes, Linda Lavin was in the second episode! I have misgivings over how Gina moving in will be handled with his daughter. Enjoyed meeting the dialysis “gang” though.
  21. I confidently said, TWA, for FJ. Here we go again. How is Caucasus pronounced? I didn’t notice the incorrect pronunciation, so that is probably what I would have said. I wonder if Laura Ingalls would have been accepted. As said, she used Wilder in her author name. Side note, I’ve been to the house near Independence Kansas, before it had been preserved, as well as to the Rocky Ridge house where she, Almanzo, and Rose lived.
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