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Everything posted by zoey1996

  1. I also said Notre Dame. In 23 hours in Paris, I visited Notre Dame, the Mémorial des Martyrs de la Déportation, the Louvre, Sacre Coeur, had a Berthillon ice-cream. It was supposed to be two days, but flight delays cut it short.
  2. Not to mention, they have no money, so how does Jackie come up with the funds for re-interring Roseanne, moving her headstone (assuming she has one), buying a new plot, etc. Did she just sweet-talk to cemetery manager into doing it gratis? Kind of mean but funny that she's arranged for Bev to be buried there, though.
  3. What’s a bottle episode?
  4. I liked it, and Mr. Zoey, who likes the show but doesn’t always stay up to watch, watched it all. He commented that it was different, and he found it interesting to watch.
  5. I’m watching this now. Excited to see Braemar! I was fortunate to go the games at Braemar in 2013, so great to see it on the show. This is such a fun show. Agree, it could easily fill an hour.
  6. Week 24: 3/5, 0* YTD: 52/120 eight*
  7. Errr, week 23, isn’t it? @DXD526, congrats!
  8. Week 23: 1/5, 0* YTD: 49/115 eight*
  9. I watched maybe 3 full episodes of TBBT (including the wedding), but after The Middle ended, I was looking for another family sitcom to watch, and Young Sheldon filled the bill. I really enjoy YS. Give it a try, and if it doesn't work for you, you'll have wasted an hour or two figuring that out. Not only Annie Potts, but also Wallace Shawn, and Sheldon's mom is played by Laurie Metcalf's daughter. Cast overall is pretty good, IMHO.
  10. Looked like a yogurt parfait and maybe a latte? A latte made with skim milk and sugar free syrup isn’t too bad. Likewise, fat-free Greek yogurt with reduced sugar and with fruit isn’t too bad. I think the point is, if he (we) eats a healthy diet, exercises, and takes meds as prescribed, he/we can still keep blood sugar levels and weight under better control. But yeah, at first glance, it doesn’t look all that healthy.
  11. Billy Gardell is currently appearing in an Ozempic commercial. I first saw it during Monday night's broadcast, but I've seen it a time or two since. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/t84A/ozempic-my-zone-ft-billy-gardell
  12. My then husband was in the delivery room when our daughter was born (1971), and I still remember him saying that he was glad I didn’t see the needle. It was long and scary! Like some I was a little annoyed at the introduction of yet another unknown couple at the beginning, even though I thought we would eventually get an explanation, but at the end I was in tears of gratitude for this man and all the others that made video calls real!
  13. The final episode was gripping. Master Goodwin thought he had the upper hand, but made huge mistakes by underestimating the workers. He ended leaving as a failure, but still delusional in his righteousness. As they were leaving Amity, I wanted to slap that smug look off Mistress Caroline’s face. How they managed to take Emily from July was so devious and cruel. July was nearly broken by it all, but survived, struggling with life. When I watched the courtroom scene, I just knew that the young man was her son, and so happy that it was true, that she got her boy back after such a long separation. This was a moving story and one that should be told.
  14. I’ve seen the first two episodes. Intriguing story. Mistress Caroline is awful, but so oblivious to how awful she is. Robert Goodwin has his own twisted idea of what is moral. During the first episode, July being taken from her mother and given to Miss Caroline broke my heart. Marguerite/July took chances for her own little rebellions and got away with some of them. When she carelessly rinsed Miss Caroline’s hair as an example, it was one of those little rebellions, but nothing deliberate was provable. I haven’t read the book that inspired this series but I expect it to be worth reading.
  15. Week 22: 1/5, 0* YTD: 48/110 eight* Looking at some of the other results, I'd say this week's FJs were more difficult than they usually are. That's my story.
  16. I just saw the news about Brayden on Jeopardy!’s Facebook post. Very sad news indeed, and at such a young age too.
  17. Yes, me. I came up with Gitche Gumee; would that have counted? No?
  18. You got orange juice? We had Tang! After church on Sundays, we sometimes went to my grandma's house. Her fried chicken was a treat! Or at home, we'd have roast beef with veggies like carrots, celery, onion and potatoes cooked in with the roast. Sometimes we had fried chicken at home too. My dad was an elder in our (Presbyterian) church, where we had communion twice a year. Mom would have cut up white bread into cubes, and we had grape juice, no wine. There were always a lot of bread cubes left over, so we'd have fried chicken and gravy, and the gravy over bread cubes instead of mashed potatoes! Lindsborg Kansas was a little over an hour from us, and I remember having Swedish pancakes with lingonberry syrup at a restaurant there. Very good indeed!
  19. The coach likely didn't expect Kevin to tell his dad that the coach would belittle and call him stupid. Now that he knows, he'll be more careful with the boys he coaches. Kevin may have been the scapegoat, but it's likely he'd treated other boys badly too.
  20. I heard it as “whoa” and still had no idea. Totally missed FJ as well.
  21. Delphos Kansas Maroons! But when our school was consolidated in 1966, we lost our high school and had to go to Minneapolis Kansas. USD 239. They were, and are, the Lions. Another egg story. As Mom grew more forgetful in her 80s, after Dad died, she’d forget what was in her fridge and bought more eggs, but she never threw out the old ones. Once when my brother visited, he cleaned out her fridge; I don’t remember how many cartons of eggs she had, but it was a lot. He said some of the eggs were dried up inside.
  22. This Jeep commercial was one of the Super Bowl ads. I really liked it when I saw it, but I had no idea it was Springsteen! https://www.ign.com/videos/jeep-super-bowl-55-commercial-the-middle-ft-bruce-springsteen
  23. Welcome! I have some chicken experience. I grew up on a farm in Kansas. We had electricity, a furnace in the house, running water from a well with an electric pump, and a party line. We lived on a dirt/gravel road about 5 miles from town. Dad had crops like wheat, milo, corn, alfalfa, and soybeans, and also had at various times milk cows and beef cattle, hogs, and chickens. When I was 5, one of my chores was gathering the eggs. The chickens would peck at me, and sometimes I’d carry a stick to try to keep them away. One year, we had guinea hens. They turned out to be kind of stupid; they always roosted in the trees, and they all froze to death because they wouldn’t go in the chicken house.
  24. Never heard of Willie Geist. I too am looking forward to Cooper and Dr. Gupta. Yeah, Oz, seriously? What were they thinking? Though I'll watch for the game and the contestants, grudgingly. Al Franken intrigues me. I agree, don't get me started on that subject. Yep!
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