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Everything posted by AryasMum

  1. Isn’t the trend an elective-section with a tummy tuck? Kind of like a twofer. Only people who’ve never had abdominal surgery would choose an elective section.
  2. I really don’t care how big a man’s dick is when he’s talking down to me, and I certainly don’t find Fake-Dr. Aaron attractive in any way, especially when he rolls into an event looking like an unbathed Billy Ray Cyrus. Let alone when I know he’s a paranoid witch doctor selling snake-oil and defrauding desperate cancer patients. I also do not drool over men in porn. 🤷‍♀️. The women’s fake wailing and screeching reveal that it’s not the size but what you do with it. I could be wrong, but I doubt anyone is envious that Denise has Aaron. I do think Denise drags Aaron around to be her defender, and she had to actually call him off when talking to Dorit so he wouldn’t talk for her.
  3. Certainly the same face shape. Since someone said James looked like Amy, it’s all I see now.
  4. It is my opinion that Big Kathy mind-fucked her daughters, and Kyle got it the worst because she was the youngest. Kyle absolutely worships her mother, and Big Kathy made Kyle responsible for Kim on her deathbed.
  5. I can hand wave the science of the train, because there’s a futuristic vibe to the show, and who knows where science will advance in the future. However, humans are still human, and will need sleep, will sicken, and even die. The train cannot run, which is necessary for its three thousand occupants to live, without them, yet there are only three engineers. They work 24/7/365. One contagious illness and they’re all gone. There are hundreds, if not thousands, in the night car dedicated to the hedonistic pleasure of first class, yet only two apparent doctors on board.* Of those two, only one knows about the science of maintaining the people in the drawers, and he’s not an overly healthy looking fellow. Likely, there are more prostitutes on board than engineers and doctors combined. There’s only one teacher, and instead of teaching things like survival, animal husbandry, science, etc., they seem to live in a fairy tale world where they are taught to worship Wilford. This whole train was set up to cater to every desire of the top 0.1%, than to ensure the survival of the species. *I’ve seen an occasional post referring to Jinju as a doctor, but her wiki says she is a scientist and chef.
  6. Those “innocent soldiers” are as “innocent” as any other soldiers of a tyrannical regime. No different than the soldiers in tanks in Tiananmen Square, or those terrorizing on behalf of Saddam Hussein. There is absolutely no consequences when they, or anyone in first class, murder. Melanie will face no consequences for Josie’s death. Plus, they just backed an illegal insurrection in first class, where they plan on killing Melanie. It’s not really a complicated concept when the oppressed, vulnerable, powerless people seek democracy. Typically, they are cheered on, not shamed for not accepting oppression. The symbolism is overpowering - they will not accept living at the back of the bus. It was made quite clear in episode one, that the very people who destroyed earth with their greed, are the very people who used their ill-gotten gains to buy their way on the train. The very train that contains the only survivors on earth. Sure they “allowed” a few experts in their field to board and take care of them (after all, first class can’t seem to wipe their own asses), otherwise, they allowed servants to join them as long as they stayed out of their way, worked until the day they died serving first class, and only had children when given permission by the Wizard of Oz himself. I wouldn’t call their places “earned” anymore than I think Russian plutocrats “earned” their power over the people of Russia. 🤷‍♀️
  7. I’ve said this before, but I would have sworn baby Grace was an Alyssa baby. The resemblance is uncanny.
  8. I think so. My impression has always been the label was first assigned by Josh.
  9. I used to love Carly back in the day, and still like her well enough. If GH has any longevity, I would love Nelle to be the new Carly.
  10. I’m sure all of the Duggar littles receive more food and better nutrition than their parents did as children.
  11. I don’t know why, I just want some redemption of the murdering. It wasn’t in the heat of the moment, it was pre-mediated (I think), which just adds to the impression of her being a psychopath. She’s my favorite character right now, but I don’t want Wiley to have a psychopath for a mom, regardless of Sonny’s own sins. 🤷‍♀️ The actress has the chops to pull it off. I remember originally thinking - there’s no way this girl will effectively portray a bad side. My favorite moment is when Sonny told her to turn off her fake tears, and Chloe did it in an instant. She’s head and shoulders above all of the other female characters in her age group right now.
  12. Exactly. I hate that Jill still gets labeled as the “snitch”. Josh was one smugly pronounced her so, and now we all know why.
  13. I don’t even hate Carly, but I get such a kick out of Nelle. They’re going to need to hardcore redeem her before I want her getting custody of her son. They need to recon her murder of her fiancé at least. I want to see her soften up with the presumed Nina reveal. I did love the scene where Nelle became very emotional and told Carly that they had met, and she felt Carly abandoned her to her father.
  14. I’m beginning to think Wilford was another Bernie Madoff. Using people’s money for nefarious purposes, and Melanie actually created the entire train system. She once said that she would have done things more equitably, so Wildord is the one who created the caste system. At least this is my impression so far. I also think that all three engineers made the decision to either drawer or de-train Wilford, and Javi was just trying to cover his ass. Javi has shown signs of jealousy that Melanie and the other guy get to have sex, and he also voiced his displeasure at Melanie being in charge. I was hoping Melanie and Layton would end up on the same team. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. I hate that Layton trusted sadistic murderer LJ, and that he allowed LJ to interact with innocent Miles. I wish they had chosen to make that character (LJ) the run of the mill asshole rich kid, but I guess she was Layton’s only connection into first class. Plus, he knew she and her parents were amoral people who only care about their own welfare, so more easily manipulated with no concern about a bloodbath.
  15. The stripes just confuse me because they seem so random. Courtney received her second to punish Simone, while Simone, a rather incompetent second stew, already had two. So why is Kate superior with her three, over the bosun and chef?
  16. Yes that confused me, because I remember Ben climbing on his high horse and telling Hannah he was her superior. She didn’t contradict him.
  17. I prefer watermelon never enter my house. Regardless of how careful the handler, my kitchen floor always ends up sticky. Keep that shit outside!
  18. I immediately see the resemblance!
  19. Since Layton and Josie are using Miles for the inside, why in the world would Josie have outed to Melanie that she’s basically his mom? Perhaps we’re supposed to believe there’s a solid spy network informing from the tail? Otherwise, how will Miles now be effective?
  20. This show is based in a post-apocalyptic world, and class warfare. It has nothing to do with law and order in the real world, or kicking mom and pop out on the streets when they retire. It would be more along the lines of the French Revolution if one would even try to bring it into the real world.
  21. It was very odd. It almost seemed like she had nipple covers. You certainly can. And what recourse do the first class members have? They use far more than their share of resources, they treat people like shit, they’re harboring a murderer, and the law seems to live primarily in third class. What good do their riches serve the current, post-apocalyptic world? They’re soft, lazy, selfish, and entirely useless. Melanie runs this train with an iron fist, but the rich are in the extreme minority. I guess Lilah could file a lawsuit from her new home in the tail. 🤷‍♀️
  22. Sunny makes the tragic mistake of not blending when contouring. Plus, women who have nose jobs often continue extreme contouring, and it makes the nose look overly pared down. She’s gorgeous. She doesn’t need to cake it on.
  23. I did not like when Adam snapped at Hazel for laughing during his sky is falling convo with Crystal. But I was doubly pissed when Crystal joined in and told Hazel she didn’t even know what she was laughing at. I thought I was judging them a little harshly, so I rewound that part. Assholes. If they need to have a solemn conversation, send the kids out of the room.
  24. The woman lost an entire dress in a tiny cubby. Can you imagine the shit that’s nesting under her covers? Oh, I definitely believe there are second and third choices cast for back up. I also believe they deliberately choose one or two shitty people for number one. It’s no accident that the person who comes in to replace the fired member is almost always far more qualified.
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