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Everything posted by AryasMum

  1. All Grub Hub deliveries I’ve received have been contained in an insulated bag, and the deliverer pulls out the order from the sealed bag. I don’t think the order is in any way compromised by multiple people in the car. 🤷‍♀️ Plus, orders are pre-paid, and it’s common for orders to be left at door to limit contact.
  2. Baby Grace looks like she could be an Alyssa Bates daughter.
  3. It makes me wonder if they were receiving social security on J.J., and that’s why he was “light” at this time. I hate to be so cynical, but if they weren’t white people with money, they would have been in jail the next day.
  4. Maybe Brianna has read Les Miserables? Although promising to come back didn’t help Jean Valjean either. The 80’s romance was known as Love at First Rape.
  5. But blood rushing south could have been deadly.
  6. She strangely injected into the wound instead of a vein, so I think she was safe that time.
  7. To be fair, Mormons are already following all kinds of “revelations” by a charlatan. It wouldn’t be so odd to latch onto another.
  8. That niece, with the five layers of false eyelashes, can kick rocks. She knows exactly what happened, and Keith should have known better than to indulge her with an interview.
  9. I’m over women who drag their children from man to man to man, exposing them to any and all abuse, and then walk away, or let them be killed, to keep said man.
  10. Maybe not as scary as it seems. My cousin went into labor Sunday night with twins. When I dropped her off at the hospital early Monday morning, she was immediately met by a nurse in full gown, mask, gloves, and shield, and whisked up to L&D. She had a c-section because both babies were breech, and she is allowed only one visitor, the same visitor, for her entire stay. This is the Atlanta suburbs.
  11. The highlight of Madison’s nights off seem to be having fun with Georgia. Maybe that’s what ultimately set her off - Georgia was too busy fake flirting with Chris, while continuing to flirt with Paget. And who wants to be stuck with Byron’s sly bitch comments? It was immature, but I sort of got it.
  12. For bible beating Christians, it’s shocking how Old Testament they are. They totally miss what Jesus’s messages are.
  13. And David gives her about fifteen minutes before she has to pull herself together and make a video.
  14. I wonder if Jane Seymour wore tinted contact lenses while acting. I never noticed her eyes until I saw her on the cover of a magazine.
  15. I don’t know if whale rash is a typo, but I plan on working it into a sentence very soon. I can use it in place of a lot or too many. I can also use it to describe those who are hoarding essentials: “I just went to the store, and there was a whale rash of selfish assholes buying 100 rolls of toilet paper, even though the sign says limit two!”
  16. And if Anna were to flunk out of her first year, like Jonah, does she get to come back home and have mom cater to her and make excuses for her? Why does Elizabeth, one of five, get her own personal puppy?
  17. He mocks Madison, yet Georgia’s running around with her ass hanging out, bending over and mooning the camera.
  18. Black women have been the backbone of the Democratic for years. I imagine Sunny knows that there are tons of black women who fulfill all of your listed criteria.
  19. There’s a loon who commented - calling Sunny a wind bag and wishing she’d caught Covid. Also, gawd save the president and I think perhaps damning Sunny. How disturbing.
  20. Has she said, “As the only pregnant conservative woman at the table - “, yet? How about, “My father is smiling down at his pregnant daughter, who’s carrying his favorite grandchild”?
  21. Ah, thank you. My DVR caught off right when Sonya was discussing her pubic situation.
  22. Good to hear the baby is healthy and safe.
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