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Everything posted by AryasMum

  1. I was starting to buy into the theory that the Swan was Sarah Michelle Gellar, even though she’s extremely private and reality shows are definitely not her style. I originally knew her as the youngest daughter of Barb and Bill on Big Love. She’s also had supporting roles in movies with Jennifer Gardner, Steve Carroll, Drew Barrymore, etc.
  2. I don’t know how to word this without insulting LDS, which isn’t my intention, but there’s a reason that polygamist Mormons tend to seek LDS if they decide not to live plural marriage. Outside of polygamy, there’s really no difference between the two. They share a very limited, some would say bizarre belief in the man who created the religion, and the fabled stories he weaved. Any other Christian church thinks Joseph Smith was a charlatan, and Brigham Young followed his abusive path. I think it would be very difficult to have to confront all of this outside their Mormon bubble. It would be a slap in the face to the parents, in their minds at least.
  3. I don’t think anyone went outside for any type of exercise in Las Vegas. Every adult and child, with the exception of Christine, gained a significant amount of weight when they left Utah. It seemed they all were outdoors a lot in Utah. Janelle made that comment to Gabe about leaving Las Vegas because the heat was so extreme Savannah couldn’t even go out to play. Truely was probably never taught to ride a bike.
  4. Okay, elsewhere I read he’s 5’10 1/2”, which is usually code for 5’8”. You’re probably right but I just am not getting that vibe yet. Plus, it sounded like he had married relatively recently and Henry hasn’t had a new wife since 2009. Also, weren’t there a lot of football references? Did Henry play? Having said all that, I never guess right, besides the moment Taco sang his first note. So obviously Tom Bergeron. Also, T-Rex inspires the same immediate annoyance of Jo Jo with the bow bow.
  5. Henry isn’t very tall, so I don’t think it’s him. Wynonna has struggled with her weight for decades, so I don’t think it’s her. I thought it was Taylor Dante, but the empire is throwing me off.
  6. I saw Janelle’s mom, so Janelle probably didn’t trust Gabe or Kody to supervise Savannah. I did not see Kody’s mom, but I watched slightly distracted. Truely is obese??
  7. That is definitely fascinating. But as arranged marriages tend to occur in very traditional cultures, then wouldn’t it be very frowned upon to divorce? Staying married through a miserable marriage is not a successful marriage, at least for me.
  8. Oh please, no need to feel bad. I honestly get it. Kody sucks almost always. Lol.
  9. Oh, I have no intention of blocking you or reporting you! Just venting from my own experience. I appreciate your response.
  10. Okay. As an adopted person I may be over sensitive. But when a man adopts children, he is their father.
  11. Aurora is Kody’s daughter, not his step-daughter. He legally adopted all three.
  12. This is the second Friday in a row. I look forward to Fridays for a reason . . .
  13. I’ve refrained from commenting on Jennifer’s children, but with all of her bragging about the importance of SAHMs (I don’t disagree), and her utter devotion to raising her children with minimal help, I just have to say . . . you yourself have named them savages. Great job! Jennifer attacked Melissa because she is Tre’s attack dog. And can you EVEN imagine if someone had slandered Tre, and Melissa had simply shrugged and murmured, “that’s her opinion”? Tre is nothing if not a hypocrite.
  14. How they couldn’t figure out to put Janelle and Christine in the connecting apartments, knowing that Christine would have Janelle’s kids every day, is beyond me. They really can’t grasp the fundamentals - even Janelle.
  15. “Held their teeth”??? Is that what she said?
  16. He may or may not have carried Mykelti when she was thrown from the horse. It’s a little foggy.
  17. Janelle is obsessed with that pond and access to it. Is it that difficult to realize she should take that plot? Kody makes everything worse. The wives should get together without him and sort it all out, then tell Kody their decision.
  18. I think Michael’s ignorant decision is more a reflection of the age of the writers. Twenty years ago the recommendation was to let the child cry it out. My cousin got it straight from her pediatrician’s lips.
  19. Me too. I always enjoy Radha Mitchell and it was nice seeing Samantha Mathis as well.
  20. I agree about Elizabeth. I think she should have been the next generations Laura and it actually looked like the show felt the same way at one time. Lucas’s loss is a huge tragedy, but the silver lining is he will be permanently free from the sniveling coward he’s married to.
  21. I wonder if what Meghan really means is that grief is taboo in her family. The McCain’s are a generational military family, where traditionally, there is often a culture of stoicism with loss. Cry privately in your bedroom, put on a smile for the rest of the world, keep your grief to yourself, and move on. Her siblings, mother, and even grandmother may be more in line with this culture, and the one person who always encouraged Meghan’s drama is now gone and she’s reeling. Maybe her family shuts her down on this topic.
  22. I’m way out of the loop on this situation, but if Justin did just abruptly leave, there’s been a history of how Shonda writes off actors who piss her off.
  23. I have a soft for Chris - he even interrupts himself half the time. I think he has significant ADD.
  24. I was raised on the story that my mom’s great-grandma was full blooded Cherokee, and she had walked The Trail of Tears. A few years ago, I read that a lot of white people, particularly in the south, claim to have Native grandmas who are Cherokee. I tried to gently tell my mom that since her nephew’s DNA test showed no Native ancestry, then she cannot have any Anyway, we sent in her DNA, and she has zilch. She said to me - I met my great-grandmother, I knew her. It was all oral history and sadly it was wrong. My guess is that the great grandmother may have had AA lineage and was “passing” as NA.
  25. Just how much must the staff hate her? I’m used to her scolding the audience and treating her co-hosts like shit, but today she shocked even me. She called out a worker back stage, twice!, and then snidely sneered at the producer’s correction. Who is beholden to her? Did mommy buy her the show for her birthday? Is Meghan now senior producer? She is in control, at least figuratively, and it’s obvious that the IIC have let it be known that she’s untouchable.
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