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Everything posted by AlleC17

  1. Totally agree! They replay what we just saw 5 minutes ago, but can't be bothered to show large parts of the home? Very irritating!
  2. That 'bird cage' room did nothing for me...the wall paper was too busy and too dark for my tastes. A little would have gone a long way. The gold painted 'fireplace' was tacky and the 'explorers room' looked like middle school children did it. And not very talented middle school children at that. However, the couple was happy and that is what really matters in the end. I was amazed that the designer chose a colored kitchen cabinet...I almost fell off my chair.
  3. I actually enjoyed the dancing...nice to see some ABDC groups...but I felt it was over produced and i am over the judges already. I think J-Lo has in her contract that they show her reactions to the dancers while the routine is going on since the camera panned to her all the time. This sucks for viewers who want to see the dancers. Don't care about how J-Lo reacts. Blech. Anyway, I fast forward through most of the nonsense and watch the dance routines.
  4. Preach! It's one of my soapboxes too. I have 10 (6 indoor, 4 outdoor in a large catio) and clean the boxes 2x a day. Once can have cats without allowing nasty odor from overtaking everything else. On topic, I really loved the recent episode where Byrd got a hug because he gave back some jewelry to the plaintiff. And love it more when he gives a good smack down!
  5. I loved the tone JJ took in her questioning. On her own show, she always stops the person testifying who is answering a question with 'just a minute' and then rephrases what they are saying. Here she just was rapid fire. lol
  6. Loved this season finale! The writing and acting all wonderful. A show that can go from the adorable (Dr. Trixie), to silly (I AM Dad's favorite), weird (duct tape really is good for anything) to heartfelt (the reaction to Dr. Linda), and do it so seamlessly, is a very special show. I resisted starting to watch it because Fox has such a great track record for cancelling shows, but I am SO glad my friend persuaded me to try it. This is the show I am looking forward to returning the most. I don't quite see how keeping Charlotte around would add anything, but I actually trust the writers on this show. I wouldn't have been sad to have had this be her last appearance though, either as real Charlotte or Mum.
  7. lol one of my favorite scenes in the episode. Love how the whole cast meshes together. And I am liking how much they have developed maze's character. I was meh about her in the first few episodes of season 1, and now she is a favorite. I did wonder why Lucifer didn't do a 'what is it you most desire' thing on the ethics dude. Doesn't matter though, maze will take care of things! lol Like many others, I think the first person to really *know* who Lucifer is will be Ella.
  8. This is so me as well, although I do give a little to a local foodbank, and to a friend who prepares meals for the homeless. The majority of what I give (including time) goes to the animals. nothing I see on court shows makes me want to reevaluate that either!
  9. And he is training his family as well: daughter was filming the encounter! I hate the ones leaving the poop for sure, but this dude was way over the top with his rage.
  10. This show has such an excellent ensemble...I so love all the interactions. Mum has always been the weak link for me, but she was really solid in this episode too. Timothy O was awesome...his inclusion felt seamless. I really hope that if the read God wants to make an appearance he is Timothy O. lol My favorite bit was that crazy 'date' with Amenadiel. He has grown on me so much over the two seasons. This episode was really strong!
  11. Don't forget loaning money out to someone you have just met. lol
  12. The character interactions on this show are awesome. Lucifer and Trixie, Chloe and Maze, the two brothers...even 'Mum' was fun and she is probably my least favorite character. Dan wasn't featured too much, but he did well with what he had, and i continue to enjoy him as well. Love the episode title quote...Lucifer and Trixie are hilarious together. I do wonder what is up with Mum...light leaking out from a hole in your wrist cannot be good, lol
  13. Understood. :-) It would drive me bonkers though. lol
  14. Yeah, and the other episode last night had 3 adult kids, one was married and the other engaged...parents also bought a 2 BR (may have been 3) but only 1 bathroom. That's sure going to be relaxing if everyone comes to visit at the same time! One room was stacked with bunk beds and the couple said how perfect it was for the kids....I am sure their spouses will especially like that! lol The views WERE beautiful and they said that they hoped to add extra bedroom/bath in time.
  15. Hawaii real estate is off the charts expensive and there is not that big a variety of house styles for people to argue over. On Oahu, you take what you can get. lol Less room for whining, which is a plus. There are neighborhoods (in the more 'country' areas) where you have a mansion next door to an old home that is falling apart. Although I am not in love with the house I have here, I am really glad I bought it over 20 years ago...I would never be able to afford to buy in my area now. I missed the Chattanooga episode, apparently, so will need to find in on rerun. Thanks laredhead for the heads up (hehe) on the Where are they Now episodes...I missed most of those, so reruns would be new for me. :-)
  16. I wish this had been an episode for HH Renovations. Looks like they did an awesome job and I would have liked to have seen more detail.
  17. It's a good point and I think the High Teen's mom could go after them, but she would have to admit there was a problem first. If he was perfectly fine, then he should have been able to negotiate his own way home since it was only 2 miles from his house. Sad case. Tuesday's case included a guy who shot a dog that was attacking his dog. there was something behind the scenes going on, as defendants kept calling him a 'dog killer' , and while he admitted to shooting his own dog (who he said had distemper) he also said it was years and years ago, so how come the defendants knew about it? I can't place what felt off, but something did. Another very sad case. I hate animal related cases, as the animals suffer mostly from having morons as owners.
  18. The case yesterday had a 17 year old high as a kite teenager jumping on the windshield of a strangers car. The Mom was in complete denial right to the end, and probably to this day. I did believe the plaintiff since she knew his gf's name was Amy and unless he was saying or yelling out that name, how would she know?
  19. I did not think Chuck was willing to go that far to get back at Axe. Damn. Of course, I don't think he realized that Daddy dearest beggared him by putting ALL of the trust into the IPO, did he? Poor Ira. Poor other, innocent investors, employees etc. Little did they know they were caught up in a huge pissing contest between two (three if your count Rhoades Sr.) despicable human beings. Will Wendy's actions on the short sell come back to bite Chuck in the ass? This was an awesome episode!
  20. lol I don't mind the hair at all, but she wears it that way all the time, and it looks somewhat complicated to get it that way. I braid my hair in different ways, but all are quick. i agree about Peter Krause. He is so bland smirky...no really depth of feeling gets conveyed at least to me. The best scene I thought, was when he was explaining the con to Alice in a matter of fact way...she was getting upset, and he did not change at all, but it worked in that scene for me.
  21. Yes, I am aware. I still don't buy her 'I just want to help people' bit. ymmv
  22. He is lucky to have had the chance to delete those voicemails: had Lara listened to some of them, Axe would never be able to sleep soundly again for fear of her stabbing him in the back. lol However, I really hope she finds out about him deleting them somehow. None of these people are very good, and deserve some pain. Can't wait for Chuck's dad to have something bad happen as well...smug bastard. Connerty really can't get a good read on Taylor. Like at all. It makes me roll my eyes some whenever Wendy goes on her 'I want to help people' speech when the people she helps at Axe Capital are quite often, pretty despicable. The hedge fund boys are arrogant assholes...why is she so worried about helping them?
  23. She was annoying prior to that comment because she was so dismissive of him, but that sealed the deal. I'll be glad to see her depart. Too bad he and Sara can't team up and dump their partners by the wayside. Although Sara's stubborn insistence on the Royal Doors wasted a few hours? Seemed like she should have switched detours earlier, as they sure weren't getting that one.
  24. At first I was yelling at her too, but concluded she was frozen. The darting eyes of Reynard was creepy but hilarious at the same time. I think Ember has a magic bullet heading his way.
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