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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I'm not a 20-30 something guy so I can't understand the "allure" of being a virginity Conquistatdor. Is it because the girl has nothing to compare the guy's performance? He thinks he will make a lasting impression that will forever spoil the girl for any other man's technique? Or because he's happy he's not exposing his junk to places where other junk has been? If I were in "Paradise", I could understand #3. Lots of well travelled road among that crowd of men & women.
  2. I missed the first half of this episode so when Blake won I just assume it was a "Bizarro World" challenge. His construction was awful. I know these guys get very little time for these challenges but several other designers' pieces looked finished. And non-puckered. And hemmed. That garment is going to take a lot of editing to show well in a magazine shoot. I don't care for the guy at all. His twee little persona is annoying and I don't think he's as talented as many of the others. Speaking of time allotted, what happened to 2 day challenges? I'd rather see fully designed and executed attempts over the sloppy stuff they are almost forced to deliver.
  3. I'm still baffled how that Austin jackhole was able to get away with NOT PAYING employees. There are State & Federal labor laws and that guy must have violated every one of them! I don't fully understand the laws as they relate to working for a restaurant/bar, but I believe they are paid something (very meager, but an hourly wage) and their tips are supposed to bring them up to or over minimum wage at least. I don't think it's legal to tell someone to work for "tips only". That idiot probably doesn't have enogh money to pay everyone back pay or to pay the fines for breaking the laws, but I would file as many complaints as possible and keep that jerk in court for the rest of his miserable life. Austin is a big city with lots of bars and night life so I hope those ex-non-employees land work in a legitimate business.
  4. Whimsey98 - I meant I don't say derogatory things in front of my kid (anyone's kid actually). I post some derogatory stuff on this site because it's a way to snark with a few like minded folks. I guess my sarcasm didn't come across re. using a p.o.s. reality show as a parenting tool. If I were that delusional, naive, or mentally diminished believe that, I'd be eligible to be a contestant on one of these shows myself!
  5. OK I only started watching this 2 weeks ago and I am hooked! It's like the biggest 30-car pile up on the freeway and I can not look away! Ashley I is one of the saddest humans on the planet. Amber is close in the lack of self esteem dept. McKenzie seems too stupid to breath involuntarily. I'm assuming her young son is the legal head of household? Jaclyn OMG!!! The level of hideousness of her face is here to fore unknown. She did THAT on purpose? And PAID for it?? Her profile "duck lip" reminded me of Sonja on RHONY. I think they are actually twins since there is NO WAY Jaclyn is 30. I know I should feel bad watching these women degrade themselves. As a mother to a young daughter I do my best to refrain from commenting on looks or weight or dress. However,maybe if I tell myself by watching these people I can take lessons on how to NOT raise my daughter? That will take away some of my shame!
  6. They aren't even trying to make this p.o.s. 1% "real, huh? These people are all so disgusting. I guess society should be glad these emotionally crippled people glom onto each other vs. dragging normal people into their idiocy. It's laughable that all the "tools" these tools learned mean nothing in the end. You are telling your "therapists", your significant other and the audience that you: don't trust your partner/have doubts about his or her fidelity/don't respect him or her/ haven't settled on kids or no kids future but then you hand over some Cracker Jacks ring to seal your commitment? What exactly are you "promising"? To ride this 15 minutes of reality famewhoredom together as long as possible? To split the profits from the Reddit/TMZ exclusives you sell? To hold hands while your self esteem diminishes and your chance to lead productive lives circles the drain? Kendra is one of the most ridiculous people on the planet. She is a universe sized vacuum of suck. I'm not familiar with Jeff's claim to fame other than Big Brother, so can someone explain what career he is so tied to in L.A.? I'm guessing it's pursuing acting or modeling (a.ka. "waiting tables/bar tending"). Apparently the tips aren't as lucrative in is fiancé's hometown.
  7. I went back to page 80 so I'm sorry if this has been discussed before. I can not stand that model Caridee English and her Stelara ad. Her manner of speaking is odd and her acting is odder. Her posture looks wonky for a model IMO. When she walks, she leads with her abdomen/ rib cage. Is that a side effect of the medicine? I turn the channel when this one comes on almost as fast as the creepy Col. Sanders ads.
  8. I went back to page 80 so I'm sorry if this has been discussed before. I can not stand that model Caridee English and her Stelara ad. Her manner of speaking is odd and her acting is odder. Her posture looks wonky for a model IMO. When she walks, she leads with her abdomen/ rib cage. Is that a side effect of the medicine? I turn the channel when this one comes on almost as fast those dumb Summer car sales event ads.
  9. So I need to find a bakery that has Arlettes, STAT! I'd never eat another biscuit/cookie again! I would try to make them myself, but there's very little return on investment. 8 biscuits? Really?? Plus, my past attempts with lamination did not end well. Pounds of butter & buckets of tears. I like Flora, Nadiya and Ian the most so far. I worry for all of the bakers when it's Bread Week. Paul H. Is always snooty but he's down right insufferable when he judges bread. He's like Joe Bastianich (Master Chef US) and Tom Colichio (Top Chef) with the "sniff and sneer" attitude.
  10. I'm a big fan of Sig and Edgar, but I'm perplexed at their attitude and.anger toward Jake. Yes they trained him and gave him his start in the industry. But Sig made it crystal clear Jake would not be next in line for the chair no matter how many years went by. He has Edgar and another brother and their kids as part of the business. Edgar has been fighting to get more time in the wheelhouse for several years. Sig is nowhere ready to retire, so Edgar gets to be captain when Sig doesn't want to be on the boat. For Sig to be indignant that Jake left to pursue the career he wants is crazy. Jake is supposed to wait around for Sig to not want a trip AND for Edgar to pass on it as well? Jake wants to run a boat, he went to school to get licensed to do it. Jake has had more fishing & engineering experience than Zach or Josh. He's capable but he's expected to work as a deck hand until the Hansens retire or die? I also don't get the Josh as a "fishing legend in the making" edit. He's a camera hog fame who're with little interest in the boat. I've said it many times on PTV and TWOP - I'm so tired of Disco and Josh and the CM crew dragging images of Dear Ol' Dead Dad out to make viewers root for Josh. Phil was a fun character to watch on his seasons. He may have been the greatest guy in the fleet, but just because Josh is his kid does not mean Josh = Phil. Stop insulting me as a viewer or as a fan. And Bill, Zach and Nick came off as bigger bullies than usual. I like those guys generally, but Bill can be so abusive. I wonder if his ex wives/GF's have PTSD.
  11. I'd like to know why Dani (non-EMT, non-mean girl) always looks so clean and neat while everyone else looks as if they've been rolling in mud? I don't think Dani has bought into the Lazy Survivor method. Dani looks like she emerged from an Herbal Essences shampoo ad while Her Royal Smirkiness, Perma-BitchFace, looks filthy. She is truly disgusting on the outside as well as inside.
  12. I wish the "rules" were spelled out for the contestants and for viewers. It's so arbitrary! - Did they have to use the Hallmanrk brand? Edmond is the only onw who did - Is fabric OK or not OK? Ashley and David got dinged for muslin showing, but Blake's entire skirt was muslin (I guess if a unicorn with diarrhea shits glitter across the muslin, it's cool?) - Piecing cut up cards in a pattern is good design or bad design? Kelly & Blake were praised for it, but David's was crap per Tim Blake needs to go ASAP. He is insufferable. Filter or no, you do not speak to others the way he spoke to Swapnil. And stop telling us how fabulous you are, because not really. I never get to see previews b/c my DVR has a mind of it's own despite being programmed to record "5 minutes late". So I don't know if they've showed any glimpses yet, but I predict pinata skirt girl will have a melt down soon. She seems...fragile. The hi-lo thing is beaten to death. Its still in stores and in magazines, but I'm over it. As a non-model sized, 5'2" person I just can't carry it off. The "lo" is too long most of the time. Same for maxi dresses. And most of the things I like have complex patterns on the bottom, so getting them shortened is a waste of money if I have lose the design by lopping off 6 inches. Swapnil's eyes are amazing. He's a good looking guy overall, but those eyes are magical!
  13. We know that editors are good at adding in "appropriate" shots to fit the story, but I don't doubt for one minute that the footage of Josh in the wheelhouse was accurate. He knew full well his boat had lost steering and was in real danger. It made sense for him to stay in the chair while the engneers worked below. However, he should have been alert and hyper-focused on his boat & crew. He should have been asking for updates, checking to see what's going on and ready to jump at the commands shouted up to him. Instead he was kicking back as if he were on a pleasure cruise. He showed his crew, his co-captain, his co-owners and his investers that he gives ZERO fucks about any of them. What was his reply to Casey? Something like "if I knew it would happen I wouldn't have done it". WTF? If you are asked to turn the wheel in a particular direction, the implied consequence of turning any way other than the direction requested is you do not achieve the desired outcome. Josh is too stupid to be on that boat. I'd equate his lack of knowledge or caring as dangerous as Eliot's drug use. I've never taken any boating courses but even I know when I'm told there's a dangerous situation on board, I turn off the music and I will be ready to react when the experienced person gives me orders. I also know 'port' means left.
  14. I haven't been a Bachelor/ette watcher in many years, but decided to watch this as a summer trashy palette cleanser since all my PBS shows ended. I missed Tenley's season and never saw her previous attempts on "Paradise". Is she related to Original Bachelorette Trista? They have the same "widdle baby" breathy voice. I'm having flash backs to Trista's kitten mewling " thank yeeeeeew" and "ooh! I wuv the color peeeeeenk!" Anyone over the age of 19 who still speaks like that needs to seek out a speech therapist. It is as annoying as that vocal fry BS. These 20-something's must be in complete shock that the decrepit 30+ year old women are able to get down to the beach without their walkers. Or can feed themselves without their assisted living aides. Or can put on high heels without those brittle old bones snapping. My God, I bet they can hear those baby making wombs shriveling through the hacienda walls. Those old hags must sound like maracas with their dried up eggs rattling around in their ancient ovaries when they shuffle off to the Early Bird buffet at 4:30 every night.
  15. thanks Human! I was hoping we wouldn't have to see her strung out or moving into the whorehouse to support her habit.
  16. This show isn't "must see TV" for any more so I finally got around to watching it this morning. Since I'm not fully paying attention every week, I had a couple of questions: Is Louise an addict now? What was with the longing looks outside the apothecary shop? She left the store with "something" as well. Were the guns packed in rice supposed to be the Swede's guns/rice? Or is that just how all the gun smugglers pack their crates? I did like the addition of Mary, but with this show's track record for interesting female characters, I"m not holding out much hope. Good to see the old Cheyenne now Laramie gang again. Hi Psalms! I'm happy Eva got a new dress but sad she's still tending to whores. The stereotypical Irish thug cousin can fall down a well anytime, thanks. I'm over him and his grossness.
  17. I'm not African American but I can appreciate Alfre Woodard's barefoot walk on her ancestor's land (as a slave and as a freeman). I didn't know about the "pouring libations" tradition, but I get it and it made me a little teary. Since I don't have any slaves or slave owners in my family tree I could never fully understand the experience. But I do empathize & I usually get goosebumps when I hear the stories of discovery that ancestors born as slaves were able to establish roots and grow after the Civil War. I know it's not the same thing as visiting land where your family was property, but when I went to Sicily to see where my grandmother was born, there were distant relative still living in the house. I scooped up some of the dirt from the yard and I took a stone from the barn's foundation (with the owner's OK!). It meant a lot to have something tactile to tie me to my grandmother's family.
  18. Sad situation all around. Those neighbors were trashy and egged the guy on once they found the buttons to push. Immature a-holes who ruin peaceful neighborhoods IMO. I'm sure they were noisy, rude, aggressive etc. but no one should have been dead at the end of the day. Mr. Woodward was wrong and should be held accountable for killing the neighbor. I don't see how Stand Your Ground could apply when he wasn't on his own property. I was also confused how he has PTSD if he didn't have battlefield experience. I know people can be diagnosed with it as result of abuse or trauma, but they didn't make it clear in this story what caused Billy's PTSD. The kicker in this story was the fact that everyone was moving out in a matter of days!
  19. Aubrey is not someone I like or follow, but I gave a cheer when she confronted Kendra. When they were all debriefing after the "therapy" session and Aubrey said something like "Don't you think it's ironic that the thing you dislike about yourself is what you are mad at Hank for?" Kendra got deer in headlights look on her stupid face and back tracked how it's different for her vs. Hank. Because in Kendra's world even her faults are better then anyone else's and she gets a pass for it. Where as her own husband & father of her kids is a pussy, a weakling, a punching bag who doesn't stand up for himself... I wish Hank would find his nerve to ask for his balls back and leave Kendra. But he won't go. I guess being on yet another4th tier basic cable network TV show must pay enough to give up dignity and self respect. And I cackled like a five year old hearing fart jokes when Jim got whacked with the paddle. Serves you right you dumb quack. Who stands in the line of fire after inciting rage in full grown physically fit men armed with a flimsy pine board from the local arts & crafts store?
  20. Lindsay rermnds me of Taylor Swift (looks-wise). Her runway look was pretty plain so maybe she will impress next week. Sorry to see Duncan go. I think his draping looked OK midway through, but he should've stopped there. Too many swoops and droops in the end. The color wasn't bad IMO bu it just ended up looking like a 1st year fashion student's attempt. Happy for Ashley and her look. Not loving the Goth Betty Page. Haitian Hat lady needs to watch out...she is risking her life with her constant chatter in a room full of people with scissors. Blake needs to sparkle way the eff down. And how tall is little Pistachi-Meow?? I thought there was a litle kid on the runway. Why would such a pette woman be focusing on over sized designs? I'm sure she had trouble finding things to fit without tailoring, but just because she grew up wearing giant clothes doesn't mean she is stuck with that look for life!
  21. What is the big rift between Wyatt & Jon some of you have mentioned? It's always sad when a favorite show ends and it's easy for some fans to be disappointed in the finale, but I think this send off hit all the right notes. I don't knw what could have been done differently. I figured we'd be treated to a look back to all the correspondents, but I was still smiling like a loon as each one came on camera. Loved seeing Bruce and I sobbed out loud when Max handed Jon the drum sticks. I also dropped a few tears seeing Jon dance with his kids. Bye and thanks Jon Stewart!
  22. My favorite parts were; 1) YNB telling George to "Get out!!" Get OUT!!" almost immediately when he sat down. She knew he was hopeless. 2) Zachary's obvious frustration at Gina's insistance of "the other one!" as decent clue-giving for "Costco". Curtis has been on this at least once before and has shown little to no interest in being there. There are other places he can plug his latest book, so why be a wet blanket on a show that requires a modicum of energy and participation? The kid that drew Benedict Cumberbatch needs glasses, stat. Unless the artist was looking at a photo of BC taking a selfie in a fun house mirror. It looked more like "Agustus Glup" from Willy Wonka to me.
  23. I haven't been blown away by anyone so far, but it's early and there's still a lot of chaff to be winnowed out. I am glad Hat Guy (Omar??) is gone b/c his nasally voice grated my nerves. People who sound like they need to blow their noses all the time is a major peeve. Yes, I know some people have adnoid or sinus issues and can't help it...just like I can't help that hearing that nasal musus filled voice makes me stabby. Most of these artists missed the mark on the "Beauty" aspect. And the definition of "Siren". I didn't see any of those creatures having the ability to lure anyone. Maybe the sea slug because its movement was interesting.
  24. I hate those Toilet paper Bears too but not nearly as much as the British git pouncing on people to ask about their "bums" and discussing whether they are clean enough to go commando. For Chrissake! I'm trying to eat dinner and unwind with some TV. Do I need to be concerned over a stranger's relations with his dingle berries right now?
  25. I saw a new ad last night for Dole frozen fruit dipped in chocolate...it features two cartoon-y female monkeys in lounge chairs talking about snacks. My first thought - "Wow I need those now" 2nd thought -"Yeesh, those are creepy looking monkeys!" 3rd thought- "Hey one of those monkeys looks just like Barbara Corcoran from Shark Tank!"
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