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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. I am glad I don’t have to hear Van whoopin’ and hollerin’ and yellin’ and SCREAM-talk through his TH’s. We get it...you’re a big ol’ southern galoot with “passion”. More like every “bro” I ever ran into at frat parties and tail gates when I visited my BF in Gainesville. WHOOO! BABY!! My ears will be even more grateful when The other screeching banshee, Elise, is sent packing. GR is only keeping Elise around for the drama and b/c she is so unliked. There is no way he’d allow that harpie run his kitchen. She will be gone before final 6 (good God! That’s still a lot of episodes to go). Honestly, other than Nick or maybe Dana, I don’t know if any of these All Stars would fit into that roll from a personality standpoint.
  2. OK, I am not a Robin fan, but someone needs to call an intervention. She is sooooo thin! Robin was always petite, but she has shriveled into a tiny withered waif! Is there an ingredient her her magical face creams that cause severe body mass loss? Her hands look like little bird claw skeletons. If Phil wasn’t standing right next to her during her potion pitch, I don’t think Robin could support her own almost non existent weight. She needs to stop worrying about getting moisture and emollients into her skin (along with the endless Botox and fillers) and start sitting down for a meal or ten. Stop talking about the evils of “gravity” on aging women! Gravity is the only thing keeping your bag of bones from blowing down the street!
  3. I know its wrong and mean to dislike a child, but MAN, did Maxine bug the sh** out of me! She was just too "ON" all the time. It's great for kids to be confident and proud of their abilities, but Maxine was just...a little too proud of herself?? IDK, her attitude just irked. Every kid matures differently I guess. She seemed poised and skilled at some points but then her TH's made me think she was 9 or 10, but she was 13. Anyway, bye! And I'm glad that Kenzie is still there.
  4. First hour... I know Great British Bake off. I love Great British Bake off. You, show, are no Great British Bake off! I am underwhelmed by 80% of these “bakers”. And I’m irritated by at least half of them. Did they mix up this cast with the dregs who couldn’t cut it on “Worst Cooks in America”? Some of those cakes looked like pre-schoolers made them. And even though the majority of what was presented looked amateurish, unappealing and sloppy, Johnny and Paul were very gentle in their critiques. I mean, overly generous with not calling out some of the complete failures offered up! Both judges have been much more harsh on their other shows (US and UK versions). No idea who either of the hosts are, but they are a HUUUGE improvement over last year’s hosts. Let’s see what the next hours has in store before I drop this from the DVR...
  5. The vacation rental seems like a profitable idea while the Tiny House fad is hot. I personally don't get the attraction, but I'm married with kids and pets and 15 years of stuff (hat isn't excessive for a normal sized home). Tiny living is not for us. I can't see it happening when we're empty nesters either. I like my personal space to relax or work on my hobbies, and so does my husband. A little itty bitty dwelling would incite divorce proceedings vs. bring us closer! As for the vacation rentals, the Tiny House village they showed was interesting, and I could see that being a fun short term get-away. It would be even better if you could rent a unit, hook it up and take it to another authorized property/RV Park. Then vacationers could move from a stationary village to the road. I've never rented a full size RV, so I don't know if there'd be a cost savings for a smaller mobile unit. But I think it would be cool to hook up and go where a huge Winnebago may not fit: Park & live by Grand Canyon for a week! Roll up to the foot of a volcano in Hawaii! I had a felling Austin would be made partner or at least get a promotion. I knew that new guy Lee wasn't going to last. He came off very "my way or the highway" and seemed to have what my grandmother called "Little Man Syndrome".
  6. So glad this came back! Colin Hanks is so good in these skits. I think one of my favorite scenes was George Washington raising a Red Solo Cup on the trip back across the Delaware. Now the long wait for the series to return in January!
  7. LittleIggy, I think there's a typo in this statement...did you mean "put out of OUR misery"? Thank goodness she is finally out. I don't think anything she made looked good. Maybe if she were allowed to just bake from her repertoire of steadfast winning recipes, she could have shined more. But this stupid competition has to add the "look how cuckoo crazy banana pants we are!" "twist" to every challenge. Annoying. I know Aristo went last week, but I'm still amazed he was a hotel head chef (or whatever his title was). Yikes. Everything he presented looked like it came out of a little kids' baking workshop. He must have some talent if he was picked to be there, so maybe he falls into the same category as Andra...if allowed to show their best skills without the "hilarious" hi-jinks, he could have been more impressive? Josh, Stefany and Jennifer for final 3 is my prediction.
  8. Wasn’t it Gabby who’s 27x GG was Henry II? Tea’s brush with fame was that her slave owning 1700’s GG of Irish descent was Geo. Washington’s neighbor. But like shapeshifter and iMonrey posted, I am dubious of most of Tea’s ascribed lineage. Way too many unknowns (based on what was aired IMO) to determine anything certain.
  9. I thought the same thing...disgusting. I wonder if she could have opted for white chocolate instead? Or would she get dinged for not following the instructions? I know they probably intended for the bakers to go for milk/dark chocolate,but it could be seen as "creative" by not going with what was expected. Personally I don't love white chocolate, but it sure would have been more visually appealing. Then again, Andra hasn't impressed me (or the judges) with her desserts or her plating, so who knows what would have happened.
  10. Is it written in Sofia Vergara's contract that she; a) MUST wear tight, low cut tops in EVERY scene b) MUST jiggle her boobs and wiggle her butt in EVERY scene c) act or speak in an OTT manner in EVERY scene. Color me bored and over it. The only actor/character who I find amusing or enjoyable is Ty Burell/Phil.
  11. I think he may have been a German Shepherd puppy. They said it was a Pomeranian, but maybe a mix? Didn't look like the Pom's I knew growing up
  12. I am not a dog owner, but I enjoy other people's doggies. I never wanted to have a dog UNTI I SAW MOCHA!!!! OMG I have never sqeeed so much in my life (and I saw NKOTB when I was 8). Thank goodness JJ had the sense to put that adoreable puppy in Byrd's hands while she dealt with the litigants. Not only were they too stupid to be pet parents, I have serious concerns for Idiot Jr's ability to care for her 3 small human children. And was English a 2nd language for Idiot Sr.? Or made it was just a speech impediment? She was difficult to understand. And finally, "Terror"? Really? I wonder if her mom was still half unconcious when she had to fill out that birth certificate. Or illiterate and she meant to spell Tresor or Trenna or Torinna or Terri or Tenor or anything else starting with "T" that wouldn't get the kid bullied every damn day.
  13. I know the majority of the group didn’t witness Joe at the TC where he hooted and hollered how he KNEW!! how everyone was going to vote because he can “read faces”. But, oh how I wanted Desi or anyone to jump up, pumping their arms and swinging around like Magilla Gorilla shouting, “I KNEW IT! I just read your face, Baby Boy! I knew how you were gonna play, Yo!” I can’t stand Joe, and I was so entertained by his expression and gulping when he realized he played his idol for nuh-thing! All of his bragging and foolish jabbering is annoying. Can not wait for him to “get to getting” off my tv.
  14. I guess in the realm of reality tv these dolts could be considered "All Stars" since their claim to fame whore-dom is they once appeared on a reality show. However I do not see "star" in any of 'em. Not a star cook or personality among them. Most of them look and act as if they have a passing familiarity with "being in a kitchen" thanks to some midnight snack attack they satisfy by climbing the stairs out of Mom's basement. At best, some of them are COOKS. I am glad that Christina and a few other HK contestants have done well in their careers, but I don't see a Christina (or any other HK success story) here. I can't imagine Barbie, Robyn, Elise, Josh, Ben or Vance emerging as a Ramsey caliber winner. Robyn & Elise are abhorrent "personalities" IMO. I end up muting the tv or walking out of the room when either of them gets their screen time. God bless the friends and families or acquaintances who can spend more than 2 minutes their presence. They must walk around with oxygen tanks handy because these two temper tantrum prone toddlers suck all the air out the room.
  15. That hot mess of a blueberry dessert should have gotten that guy the boot right then and there. What an abomination. Go straight to jail, do not pass go. What the hell did he do to make something so unappealing, so inedible and so awful? Yeesh I did like the younger guy with glasses who did the champagne dessert. He may be a strong contender this season. I didn’t like Stephanie in this episode, but maybe she will grow on me. She reminded me of Patty from last year, personality wise. I think her desserts looked better than Scattered Patty’s.
  16. I remember Andy from other FN shows. He is definitely talented, but his attitude seemed dialed up to 11 in these last few episodes. Some viewers have commented they find Thiago obnoxious/arrogant. I actually liked him over Andy! Andy seemed very pissy toward Thiago IMO. But whatever...neither of them won, so yay Dwayne I guess. All of those final cakes looked awesome. All 3 of these bakers are true artists. I wonder since the majority of this show's contestants were repeat FN folks if we will start seeing Thiago pop up all over the place now...Beat Bobby Flay, or Chopped? More likely one of Guy's 800 iterations of "watch/listen as the big loud white dude stuffs his face" shows.
  17. It’s the quinine in the tonic water that is fluorescent. I remember my 9th grade science teacher showed us a few tricks with it and black light. In college I had a professor (not science dot) insist it was the carbonated water that glowed. But then I called him out on it and said the experiment he was talking about wouldn’t work if he substituted soda water. He was not pleased with me. Anyway, all three finalists had good showings. I’m just not a fan of all the goofy “gotchas” thrown in to this (and other) FN competitions. To quote Mel & Sue, can’t we just “on your marks...get set...BAyy-ke!” already?
  18. I have a question for dog/pet owners...when you take a dog/cat/rabbit into your home and make it part of the family, do you do so with plans in mind for what to do with the pet(s) if you need to be out of town? Whether it's an illness or a vacation, do most responsible pet parents have friends or family or a service lined up to take care of the animals? Or opt to only travel to pet-friendly places? I'm not being snarky, I'm truly curious. I don't have pets, but I know a lot of people treat their pets as if they were their children. I am a parent, and I would never plan an absence without making arrangements for my daughter if she weren't able to come on the trip. I'd assume this would be true of anyone who professes to love their precious puppies/furry family members. So, I have ZERO sympathy for the lady w/ 4 dogs who decided putting them in a kennel was "too expensive", but didn't cancel her extended holiday. Instead she begged her former friend to care for them...for FREE! And in the most inconvenient way too! She wanted her friend to schlep to the 4 dogs, cooped up in an apartment alone, twice a day to feed, water and walk (and I assume scoop poop/pee from accidents in the home). She said she never wanted her 4 dogs to leave her home to go to friend's house. Well, you have just shown me that you are too stupid to breath, and definitely too irresponsible to have animals or children. She could have spent a few dollars to get professional dog care. She could have found someone more willing to make the doggie commute since this friend wasn't so enthusiastic. She could have cancelled her trip. She could have returned home to her little dogs if she had an inkling they were not being cared for as she expected. And I think the friend was as shady and irresponsible as Ms. Doggie Do-Wrong. The smirk on her face, and her story of the "lost" cell phone sealed the deal. (Note to any future JJ litigants: DO NOT tell her you recently lost your phone or it "got broke". Your case will get tossed out faster than the phone you lobbed out your car window on the way to the show!) JJ is not a forum for Rhodes scholars. We don't expect to see too many Mensa members on this show. But the sheer idiocy parading across her bench is scary.
  19. I still watch this, but it's kinda like watching a beloved pet age. This show was once so sharp, funny and relate-able (mostly). Now it's a sad, shell of what it was. The sharpness is blurry now. The gags that were funny once are now expected, so instead of lol'g, I feel like I'm giving a half-hearted half smirk to these familiar and repeated "jokes". You know when the vet tells you to consider the "quality of life" your senior pet is experiencing? You know he is telling you it's time to let "Buddy" go off to the big farm in the sky. I think it's time for Modern Family to cross over. I am happier picturing Phil, Cam & Luke eternally chasing rabbits than seeing another season of them limping around, retelling the same jokes from 2010.
  20. The kids are definitely adorable and very charming. I love their expressions. However, aside from the occasional behavior issues (encourage and re-enforced by the adults in their lives IMO), one thing really bugs me. Bill's step-mom is constantly carrying Zoe and cuddling her like a baby. Maybe Zoe gets tired or her little legs wear out, but she's 5 years old. Carrying a tired child is one thing, but step mom cradles Zoe like an infant. Just because she is super small now doesn't mean they shouldn't treat Zoe (& Will) in more age appropriate ways. Bill's mom is definitely not a camera hog. She is so low key and hardly speaks on camera. Bill's dad is always ready for his close up! As for their check ups, I'm glad things are going well for the kids now. I'm guessing Will's legs will need surgery at some point due to the bowing. It is never a happy thing to see a child suffer or go through painful procedures, but both kids are very fortunate to have parents with first hand experience of what they may have to endure. And supportive grandparents who "get" the whole ordeal too.
  21. I have only been half watching this season, so I never learned who is on each team. Did the team with the dark haired woman with the egregious stoner vocal fry get bounced? Were they also the team with the weak rhymes to describe their creations? If so, then YAY!!! My mute button was getting worn out. Its really too bad on these shows they only give the contestants such short turnaround times. I know the show is only an hour long, and they couldn’t hold the average viewer’s attention for a 2 hour show. But I would love to see what these talented artists could do if given a full day vs. 4 hours. I feel the same about Project Runway. The challenge time allotments are too short on these competitions.
  22. No kidding! Those things would have been tossed to the curb on the next trash day. Even if I really enjoyed something or collected something before the tragedy, I still think I'd get rid of those items if they were so closely tied to the death of a loved one. I would always associate that object with the death/murder. I knew a co-worker who loved Harley's. He owned a few, fixed them, rode with a few clubs, and had a Harley Davidson themed bar in his basement. On one road trip, a good buddy of his & that guy's 22 yr old son had a fatal accident. The son died on scene & the dad was paralyzed. He died within a year or so from his injuries. My co-worker was devastated. After the accident, he stopped ridding and slowly gave away anything to do with motorcycles. Personally, I have always found clowns creepy. When they showed that "circus room" I shuddered. Even as a kid, at the circus I asked my grandmother why people thought the clown was funny. I remember thinking "he's really very sad and just pretending he's having fun." It freaked me out when I was 5, and almost 45 years later, I still see nothing fun, silly or entertaining about clowns.
  23. I'm reeeeeally trying to stick with this series, but it is difficult. So. Slow. At least the body was discovered so the "suspense" has been dialed up a notch...from "0" to ".50". In addition to the slow pacing, the other thing that bugs me the most is the photographer's horrific accent. I haven't looked, but I'd guess the actor is NOT american, and had adopted the worst "actor-y" affectation of a NY/Brooklynese accent. When he speaks, it sounds as if American English is not his first language. No kidding! Question abound. * Why can't Claude be named the designer, or co-designer if "Monsieur" needs to keep his face in front? Is it b/c Claude is gay? That hardly seems enough to keep him in the literal & figurative closet. * What's up with Mommy Dearest flouncing around in pearls and fur stoles in every scene, even during "domestic" scenes. What is her back story? * Didn't Coyle's character (can't even remember the lead's character's name!) say in the 1st ep that he rose from the dirty, poor streets of Paris? I know all the heavy handed hinting is telling us he must have collaborated with the Nazis, so he must've made his money and fame from selling out his country. * The little girl in the country knew for DAYS about the dead body in her "castle"??? I guess if she were raised in a concentration camp, she'd be numb to death and decomposing bodies on the premises, but I don't get how she'd be so blase about a half rotting body in her playground. * Could none of the audience smell the burnt silk wafting off the wedding gown? Claude cut off & hid the burnt portions, but I'd guess the smoke smell would linger, no? Maybe they doused her in the designer perfume they are developing? * Is it me or did the quickie between Monsieur & the secretary come out of no where this ep? Is he womanizer? Did they have a thing in the past? * Why is silent partner such a pill? The launch looked to be a success, and the clothes were "new and fresh" as he wanted. He's still all pouty faced at the end...is he secretly hoping to bring down Coyle and his House? I may try one more episode but I'm just as likely to forget this is even on next week.
  24. I thought the curtain rod hangers were genius and I would have bought dozens of sets if I had known they were around 10-15 years ago. But I've been on a "no curtain" kick for the past few years. I have roman shades, cordless accordion blinds & wood blinds for privacy, but I got rid of curtains/drapes as we have renovated each room. I hated the chore of taking them down to wash then rehang 2-4 times a year, or dragging out the vacuum attachments to dust them in between. Plus, it makes my rooms look bigger & brighter. But, if my style sense changes in another 5 years, I will remember this product. And I agree that QVC would have sold a sh** ton of these! Solves a huge problem for folks who can't handle drills/levels/screwdrivers! I don't do any water sports besides the occasional canoe/kayak trip, so I do not get the upside down life vest thing. It looked like a water proof diaper. Friends of mine do a family camping trip where one day is spent floating down the Saco River in tubes. They wear traditional life vests and plop their butts in a tube. They tie up several together especially the smaller kids, & even float their coolers along. I don't know how this vest would make this kind of trip more fun...they would just loose the tubes & float on their butts in the diaper vest? Do not understand.
  25. The right look was sent home. That was hideous. Sorry Michael. However, I am O-V-E-R Brandon and his regurgitated "silhouette". If he is trying to create a portfolio to become the lead designer for the Star Wars franchise, then great. Mission accomplished. Rey and her fellow Rebels and Jedis will look fabulous in your beige dolmen sleeved caftans. The strappy appendages will come in handy if the characters need to tether themselves together on the next Death Star or to pull R2 out of a sand pit. Why the judges are enamored with his one way monkey ability, I don't know. But, this is the same panel that awarded Erin the win last year, so... Margarita is really starting to bug me more every week. She isn't as insufferable as some of the past seasons' overly confident, smug designers, but she's pushing the envelope. Her looks have been meh overall. Up until this challenge, her stuff has been wearable, but not so memorable (to me anyway). Her model last night looked as if she made a Super Hero costume after shopping at the Dollar Store. Yes, the materials were unconventional, but everyone (minus Michael) made "clothes" versus costume out of their collected materials. One thing I noticed and liked in this version of UC is they didn't supply muslin as a foundation fabric. Or maybe it was there, but no one took the easy way out? Either way, I applaud the choice. In the past I think too many designers did themselves in by relying on the muslin. I would like to see Kenya, Ayana & Kentaro in the finals. I know it won't happen, but these are the people I like best based on personality first & ability second. Ayana has a unique perspective re. "modest" designs, so I think she will get in. I have a feeling it will be Brandon who joins her since the judges are experiencing some kind of Stockholm Syndrome. 3rd spot is a toss up, but realistically it'll probably be Kentaro, Brandon and Ayana. No spoilers, just guessing. If I were at Fashion Week and knew Brandon were showing, I'd try to get a front row seat and bring my scissors to snip off all the trailing belts and straps as they parade by.
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