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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. Odd wasn't annoying as much as usual in this episode until she said the "werd" envisualize when talking about redoing their house/nursery. You can either 'envision' something OR 'visualize' something. These are 2 separate verbs that mean basically the same thing, but definitely not to bastardized by mashing them together. Then she bugged me again posing for multiple pics with Tori and Jackson. And again when she parked her butt in the path of the movers as they tried to shuttle boxes from the truck into the house. I get that pregnant women may be advised not to pick up heavy objects and to take it easy, but I think some women take it to extremes. Unless there is a physical danger to mom or baby, I know plenty of women who continued going to the gym, or did manual labor type jobs up until delivery date. Hell, our female ancestors were certainly of hardier stock and probably never heard the term 'bed rest'. My great grandfather's mother was the wife of a Maine fisherman. She spent most of her life either on the boat as cook and net mender and whatever else needed doing, or she was on the docks unloading and selling the catch. She had 14 children (all survived to adulthood), and I doubt there was a lot of sitting around with her feet up!
  2. More manufactured drah-ma from the hispsters...."Oh no! We can't get the keys! We'll be homeless!" Um? Not really a big deal for you 2 dolts. All your stuff is safely packed up. You have 2 sets of parents living close to your new house, so you could park the truck on one of their driveways, and sleepover 1-2 nights until everything clears. In the end (of course) they did get the keys, but it was dumb to think the audience would be in turmoil over their no-key plight. It isn't an uncommon or unique hiccup in the moving process. As for Odd planting herself in a chair in the new garage while the friends moved the boxes...I get that it was 1) common sense for a pregnant woman not to lift and lug 2) have someone direct where to put stuff & 3) setup by production. However, did Odd have to sit in the middle of the traffic flow, between the path from the truck to the house? They couldn't have put her chair a little more out of the way? And please Jerk & Odd- stop calling your baby "Baby Girl". That just irks. It's probably just me because I have a cousin who used to call his girlfriend/wife "Baby Girl" while grinding up on her and publicly mauling her at all the family events. Then they had a daughter and they called her "Baby Girl". Eeeww. I think baby Jackson is so damn cute! Oooh, that widdle face! I was squeeeing away with all his scenes, and I am not a sentimental sap. Question about the little mitts Jackson had on in almost every scene... I know they have mittens for infants so they don't scratch their faces with their nails. But I never saw that done to newborns before. Is that something new to help keep their hands warm? Or just to prevent scratching? How long are his nails anyway? Couldn't the hospital just trim them? I remember my daughter's nails at that stage were so soft and pliable, it was supper easy to trim them, even without a clipper (I was petrified that I'd cut her with the nail clips!). Anyway...ooh sooo cuuute!! Congrats again to Tori & Zach.
  3. My jaw hit the ground when Nutjob Mom said, "He's not a bad person." Well, excuse me, M'am, can you please give me your definition of a 'bad person' then? Killing (at least) 7 virtual strangers, and kidnapping & raping (at least) 3 women doesn't put him on the same level as Ted Bundy as far as statistics go. But Todd's heinous acts sure as fuck don't put him in Mother Theresa's Saint Squad either. And WTF with Todd's admission to the murders, but he wouldn't cop to the rapes??? He wants to pretend that those poor terrified women consented to being brutalized. His warped ego can own up to killing people because that's bad-ass and macho. But he needs to believe he can have consensual sex with the ladies at anytime because he is just oh-so desirable. The delusional DNA runs strong in that family.
  4. This "debate" over vaccinations is so ridiculous IMO. I worked with a woman years ago who was anti-vax. She had NO proof or sound argument to back up her claims that inoculating children was just an evil conspiracy between "Big Pharma" & the government. "The government has been working with vax manufacturers to poison our kids as a means of population control!" Um, actually just the opposite you dumb twit...YOU and other anti-vaxers are the ones choosing to 'cull the herd' by introducing deadly diseases back into the population. Thank goodness that idiot left my company after her maternity leave. I try not to engage in this argument any more because it is futile. Once the crazy sets in, it doesn't come off.
  5. Great episode and too many scenes to pick one as a favorite. Selina giving birth to Catherine and complaining about the mess & noise was awesome. Then Gary showing up as a candy striper (as a very mature looking 16 year old, BTW) killed me. "I'm going to get you a cookie." All the flashbacks were great, and I love that Selina orchestrated pretty much all of the madness to launch her run for President. Selina using her mother & daughter's "mental health" as a cover was so true to form. As was grabbing her biracial grand baby for a photo op. Pure evil genius. While the gang is seemingly back together, Mike needs to get back into the fold. It won't be the same without his stumbling around, trying not to be verbally abused by anyone. Tony Hale is one of the funniest actors ever! OMG! That "nursery" was sooo Catherine & Marjorie. Poor Little Richard is going to need therapy thanks to being raised in such a bi-polar environment; his moms are hyper vigilante to inclusion, political correctness and advocating for the underprivileged, and then his grandmother being...Selina.
  6. Glad I wasn't the only one who thought Selah was long gone. I may be partly to blame since I only half watched last season. And I have been FF'g through any Simcoe scenes, so I am sure I have missed details and plot points.
  7. I posted this when I first saw the story in November. Her passing doesn't change my mind one bit. She was bat shit crazy to compare her "hurt" with that of the multiple victims' families her son destroyed. I know there's no legal basis for it, but I wish she could have been charged with something as well. "Wow...Todd is not only a monster, but Todd's mom is a monster maker. Todd did something crazy and has off the charts violent reactions to life's slings and arrows? Gotta be everyone's else's fault for provoking him! He was upset at mom? Of course he had to claw hammer all his bedroom furniture! I shouldn't have bought pine when he likes maple better! A teenage girl walked by him when he was 15? Of course he had to kidnap and rape her! The little hussy probably smiled at him once! He had to gun down those 4 people! Don't you know they laughed at him? Of course Todd had to murder that other man for smart mouthing to him! And what was he supposed to do with smart mouth's girlfriend after she saw him killed? Let her go?!? Of course that little tattletale had to be chained up in the dark for 2 months! He made her comfortable. He fed her, brought her food and drink! Just...wow."
  8. OMG! What in the holy hell was up with Theresa Barksdale's "look" on today's rerun?? I missed this one on the first run. She was rockin' a weird mashup of Bride of Frankenstein and Pinhead. How does she get through metal detectors with all that facial gear? I don't have any tattoos myself, but my understanding is they are not cheap. How do all these homeless, unemployed, SSI benefit receiving folks can't pay rent or repay loans, but they can pay for that many tats and piercings? Add on the fancy coiffures and nail art that parade across JJ's bench...it really isn't hard to understand why many tax paying citizens are disgusted by the system. I don't deny anyone getting a haircut or a manicure or a piercing (or 20 in Ms. Barksdale's case), but when all these nonessential extras are paid for via EBT cards, I think the money could be spent in wiser, more useful ways.
  9. Just as I finished enjoying a wonderful 2nd day of summer vacation with my daughter, and rejoicing in all things beachy, poolrific, sun and fun, I was reminded why I actually hate summer. Turned on the TV to hear these two ads back to back... "TOY-OH-TAH DAAAAWWGGG DAYZZZ" and "Its gonna be a Subaru Summer!" My remote's mute button will be worn out by 4th of July.
  10. OMG! I forgot about the 'chicken salad- cooked chicken' comment! I thought it was Odd who asked, but not sure. Do you think whoever asked meant to ask if it was 'organic' vs. cooked? Or is "Chicken Salad Tartare" a hip new thing in the Portland foodie scene? Poultry sushi anyone?
  11. I fell asleep and missed the last few minutes. Did Zach ever go to the hospital? Why was everyone just standing around, wringing their hands and saying "oh wow. this sucks. poor Zach. this could be serious." WTF?!?! Get him to the ER STAT! I'm no hypochondriac, and I have a high pain tolerance, but if I had any inkling that the tube INSIDE MY BRAIN may be failing, I would ask to be taken to the hospital. What kind of wacko quacko doctor did Zach go to? A couple of shots and sent him on his way home? Zach reports to his doctor that these episodes have been on going and getting worse, but the doctor threw his hands up & shrugged (before this episode) because he "didn't witness" the event? How about drawing some labs? An MRI? Odd is beyond weird. Who sits in the car while her brother in law is experiencing a medical crisis? I can understand that she may not want to be around Zach if he was throwing up. Some people can't handle that. But how about going into the clinic as a show of support to your doofus husband if not for Zach? Was she just pissed off that Zach getting sick ruined her chance to show off her new house? I think TLC may want to spend some cash on getting Odd & Jerk an acting coach if they want to continue with these two posers next season. They can't muster any emotion. They have no affect when they speak. There is no light in their eyes. In any TH, they deliver their lines in the same flat manner. There's a party coming up? "Yah. we are so [insert situation appropriate adjective here]." Something has gone wrong or given them cause for concern? "Yah. we are so [insert situation appropriate adjective here]." Odd looked so detached from the (sad) spa day Amy planned. I agree she would rather be anywhere else but in Amy's presence.
  12. If there will only be 10 episodes, Ep 8 or 9 should be Simcoe's death. And it doesn't need to be the whole episode...shoot him at the start and then we can all enjoy the rest of the story. I'm so tired of hearing that high pitched helium balloon voice. I don't find him menacing or scary. Anytime he shows up on screen I'm like, "Oh again with this fuckin' guy." I ff'd through most of his cartoonish torture scene. I like Caleb, but I couldn't with Simcoe's voice. Peggy needs a smack down too. I don't really care that she conspired against the actress. I just think her character and the actress are so boring. Any military history buffs out there? I know the camp followers were mostly wives or female family members, and they did laundry and cooking and provided other "comforts", but when did the US Army ban them from hanging around? I believe women still followed the troops in the Civil War, so maybe once American troops were deployed overseas for the Spanish American war or WW I just made it logistically impossible for the ladies to follow the men?
  13. Matt was trying to talk Amy into it by insisting that it was really for her, so she could watch the kids play from her windows and so could he so its really about *the family*, and not really about Matt getting a project where he can ride his mechanical penis, make faces to the camera and screech "And AWAY we GO! LETS GET A MOVE ON!" So he needs Amy to pry open her check book to build a sandbox NOW for children who won't realistically use it for 2 years? I don't get need to position in within window's view of their houses either. Do they plan to send the toddlers out to the giant cat/chicken/dog poop infested sandbox alone? Wouldn't one of them accompany the kids to play? I'm not a helicopter parent, but I wouldn't let my child play outside - on a farm, with animals, employees, equipment coming & going- without me (or another adult to supervise). "Off you go, Sweetie! Head straight for the big litter box in between Nana & Papa's houses...I'll be in here standing at my window, ready to call 911 in case your little legs aren't quick enough to dodge the tractors or if you tumble into one of Papa's abandoned project pits!"
  14. This excerpt from Brian Moylan's recap on Vulture reminded me of something I thought I'd imagined/hallucinated. I was watching live so I couldn't rewind/re-look, but that was one freaky-deeky apparition looming in the background! "This episode had a bunch of celebrations that reminded me more of the Donner Party than anything else. One was Ramona’s charity event, which was so insignificant we don’t even get a segment on it. We know that a shindig is the equivalent of toilet paper on the bottom of a shoe when we only see it in flashbacks. That means the cameras were there, but it was more of a snooze than taking two Ambiens with a Nyquil chaser while watching an episode of Nova. But that does not mean there was not a great moment. There was! It is so brief you barely see it, but it happens when Tinsley shows up at the party to greet Ramona with another guest who can only properly be described as the Babadook dressed as a funeral director. He was the scariest, creepiest man that I have ever seen on camera, so much so that I had to rewind the scene three times to make sure I was watching The Real Housewives of New York City and not the video tape from The Ring. I asked my boyfriend, “Why did someone disinter the body of Alice Cooper and prop him up at a Housewives party? He’s not even dead!” I have so many questions. Who is this man and why did Tinsley bring Nosferatu to Ramona’s party? I need to know!"
  15. I couldn't agree more that grandparents are enormous sources of help & support for many couples. They should be thanked more for what they do, but the shower idea is just icky IMO. Especially when Amy has the resources to pick up a few extra outfits and essential baby gear. Whether it was TLC's idea or Amy's, it looked tacky that it came from Amy. If the producers wanted to stretch out this (very boring) season with another party, they should have approached the friend (with the age in-appropriate hair color and length) to be the one to come up with the idea on camera. Amy looked like a gift grabber by asking for it herself. Better yet, it could have been shown as a "surprise" for Amy, all arranged by the friends "behind the scenes". I don't think it would be as off putting then. But I still think we as a society have made Every.Damn. life event a reason for making people pony up cash or gifts. People today think that from their time as a fetus in the womb, they need to be celebrated. Look at how many parties some people subject their friends and family to: Gender Reveal - Baby Shower(s)- Meet the Baby/Homecoming - Infant's Religious ceremony (bris, Baptism) - 1st B-day - EVERY B-day - Preschool / Kindergarten 'graduation' - Recitals/Sports banquets - 1st Communion/Bar Mitzvah/Confirmation - 8th Grade graduation -Sweet 16 - High School graduation - College acceptance - Going Off to College - College graduation - Engagement - Bridal Shower(s) - Wedding (a second local party if the "big day" is a 'destination wedding') - Housewarming - 2nd Gender Reveal - 2nd Baby Shower...Now let's throw in Divorce is Final parties & Grandparent Showers. Good Lord! Yes, these are milestones in a person's life, but not every one of them needs to be a public plea for presents.
  16. Amy is kind of tacky. And definitely suggesting one's friends throw a party for one's self is beyond tacky. If I were invited to that greedy grandma gift grab, I would have rolled my eyes so hard. Isn't Amy rolling in pumpkin money as well as TLC cash? Buy your own damn baby gear! Sure, I would buy a baby gift once it's born, but why am I beholden to fund your part time nursery? You know what most grandmas do? They buy their own damn supplies! My mom and MIL each went out to get a high chair for their houses, some blankets & a few outfits. I brought my baby's 'pack 'n play' to them if they were babysitting for several hours or overnight. I also brought a fully stocked diaper bag...diapers, lotions, bath stuff, clothes, bottles and toys. Did I understand that Amy wanted Zack's baby to wear his 26 year old, stained onesie?? It could have been a sweet gesture had the little garment been CLEAN for chrissakes! Zack called out the "crusty" stuff on the thing. Eeewwww! Who packs and stores dirty baby clothes? Oh yeah, the woman who lets cats walk all over her kitchen counters, that's who. I got the impression Odd was trying to hide her face in this episode. She did her typical "look adoringly at Jerk" in her TH's, but she also hid most of her face under a hat. And while sitting on Jerk's lap (blurg), she turned and twisted away from the camera. Maybe she is self conscious about her looks as the pregnancy advances? I didn't think she looked any different...same dead eyes and lack of affect as usual. And Matt is showing his true colors in this episode ( I believe those colors are misogynistic magenta and ashes of asshole, by Benjamin Moore's new 'Dickhead' designer collection). From making Amy sit in on fake farm business meetings with Caryn present to his precious sandbox plans to his clown town portrayal of Tori in labor...what a fucking tool he is. And really, Caryn? A pumpkin shaped sandbox? So the pumpkin pickin' tourists just might be able to get a glimpse of it? She has been drinking Matt's BS Kool Aid too long.
  17. This one reran last night...still so satisfying to watch those two nut bags implode. Even on my 4th or 5th watch. I hope her cat children filed for emancipation. Or just ran away and became feral. Anything is better than living with either of those lunatics.
  18. I love Niecey Nash and I'm really happy I liked the pilot as much as I did! I'm just disappointed this isn't on Netflix so I can watch more episodes. (OT-Speaking of Netflix series...now that "Bloodline" ended, and since it takes place in the Florida Keys, is there anyway Kyle Chandler could get a role on this show? He can even stay in character as a (very flawed but oh so hawt) detective! ) I am looking forward to getting more of the background stories on these other ladies...especially Polly. How old was she when she wore that frothy prom dress to Reagan's 2nd Inaugural Ball?? That was 32 years ago! Nothing had better happen to Desi's brother.
  19. So, if Box 2 shipment was incinerated (along with the driver -"thoughts and prayers, of course"- Jack ), how does partnering with Keenan help him meet the delivery date faster? Jack's team said Box 2 launch would be late by "two quarters", but HooliCon is in a week. What kind of magic can Keenan do to fix that? I just really want to see "Jack in the Box" descend from on high.
  20. The correct 2 were eliminated. The network already has the "grumpy granny" demographic covered. Coincidentally, it is covered by the same person satisfying the "we have enough Nancys" demographic. Toya's hair was just too big for me to ignore. Yes, she kept it piled high and not loose while cooking, but I kept worrying about the strands of hair falling from the front of that magnificent hair structure. Toya has beautiful hair, and I liked it better when she had it loose...it wasn't as distracting. Matthew needs to calm the eff down with the self satisfied smuggy smirking. I would never watch his show. I also don't think I'd watch a show led by Rusty. All his hootin' and hollerin' and huffing and snorting through the kitchen made me think there was a bull let loose in there. Suzanne is Penny-lite and I would happily buy her a ticket back to Detroit so I don't have to hear her whining about being ganged up on, and bullied and overruled. BTW, I think the adjective she was looking for to describe her combo of Mediterranean & French cuisine is fusion. Not 'compound'. I loved Jason on the Holiday Baking show, so I hope he sticks around for a long time.
  21. I couldn't finish this article because the egregious grammar errors were making me feel stabby. Holy smokes, what an imbecile.
  22. Any goodwill and "give it a second chance" I felt were wiped out irrevocably by GR spending one nano second with that inane bridal party. Those "girls" looked too old for that shtick. The bride to be was probably early 30's, but in her attempt to relive her boozy early 20's, with all the make up troweled on, she ended up looking closer to early 40's. And outside of Vegas, do women still dress up in costume for bachelorette parties? I thought that shit went out with the last case of Zima.
  23. This! I found that I had to wait until it was dark outside to watch this series (since S1Ep1) because the interiors were all so dark. If there was a glimmer of sun in my living room, even with shades drawn, I could barely make out who was doing what unless they were flashing back to sunny days on the beach/in the water. But, as far as setting mood and tone, the dark interiors of everyone's houses did reflect who the Rayburns were as people. Dark homes, dark souls and plenty of dark brown liquor to keep the light from creeping in!
  24. Odd's lack of expression and emotion and affect reminds me of this... "Sometimes [Odd] looks right into ya, right into your eyes. And you know the thing about [Odd]. She has lifeless eyes. Black eyes. Like a doll's eyes.
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