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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. What made the twins think they were hosts/emcees of this show? When everyone was walking into the garage welcome party, those two interviewed each person as if they were applying for a red carpet "reporter" for E! On top of their annoying personalities (or is it singular-personality?), we will be subjected to their annoying "designs" for several weeks. Some of you already called their so called style out as lacking. I know they are young and made something for Katy Perry, so I would expect some level of kooky concert costumes. But if that's all they've got, then please get rid of them sooner than later. If they are both around for a while, I will be wearing out the mute button on my remote. I wonder if the cheating that was previewed has something to do with the twins collaborating on a design? Batani was a favorite for me when I watched last week. Now, I feel disappointed. The color, style and appliques were just so far away from what she projects in her own style. And do not lie to the judges. They may have had more respect for you if you owned up to the mistake and told them, "yeah, I had a little hiccup and knew I couldn't send a dress with a hole down the runway. With time running out, I made a bad call and tacked that on to cover it." The overall design was still not great, but taking responsibility for your work is better than lying. As for Chacha...ooh boy. He should never have been let past the door for auditions. I know they want to get designers with varying p.o.v., but COME ON! My Little Pony- Rainbow Brite-Care Bear fabric festooned with unicorn poop and cotton candy accoutrements would have never survived long in this competition. All I could think of were the designers who got turned down for this season in favor of Chacha.
  2. I'd say I was closer to 98% with the FF button. Once Giana flashed those ginormous choppers, I sped thru up to the point where Corey got his thanks but no thanks send off, then just kept zooming to the 57.44 mark. Yay for Jason. I bet Corey &/or Rusty will be back on this network or its sister channel. I also wouldn't be surprised if Matthew pops up again like the world's most annoying Whack-a-Mole denizen. See you all around for the next reincarnation of Halloween Wars or Holiday Baking!
  3. I liked Batani immediately...she must have made an impression because she is the only one who's name I remember. Also liked the "modest" designer, the "short, fat, bald with glasses" woman. I want to be her friend. The Japanese man was sweet, and I liked the guy who moved from Chicago and is having a baby. As for some of the rest of them, I reserve my judgement until I see designs. I freely pre-judge the Twins, the Virgin, the Too Sexy/Slutty Fetishist and Butter Boy...their antics to be PROVOCATIVE! WILD! CUTTING EDGE! annoy and exhaust me. I am positive their friends and family will happily take advantage of their absences. Those folks will be able to breathe for a few weeks since these designers won't be sucking all the oxygen out of any room they enter.
  4. Why is there a plethora of ads using slow, mournful, off key and warbling "singing" ? There are too many to list but the ones I've heard have been for several different products...I think several belong to various online degree universities. One of them uses a horrible, ear assaulting rendition of the Cranberries' "Dreams". Then there's the pharma ad with sad grampa croaking about "Tomorrow". I could maybe understand the sorrowful wailing if these were ads for PETA or Save the Children, but shouldn't getting a diploma or taking another miracle drug make me feel happy vs. causing me to contemplate suicide?
  5. So...nothing has changed since we last saw these harpies?
  6. I need to find the 1st season and watch again...I do not remember LA Dogworks or the idiot Flower guy at all! I do remember the Florida meat head from the food delivery "business". And always nice to see the very dysfunctional ex-couple from GA , and the screen print shirt-ice cream- fast food-basketball court dolt for a laugh.
  7. Oh, there's that and so many other things that are BS on this show. One of my main gripes this week was the sloppy handling of travel time (or maybe I should say Time Travel). Unless the American Revolutionary soldiers fed their horses cocaine laced hay, I don't see how these characters moved between states so fast. I have driven from NY to VA and it took 6 hours. Did Amtrak offer an Acela Wagon between the Tri-State area and Virginia in the 1780's? Caleb (in NY) decides one afternoon to go look for Abe (in VA). Next day, he finds a group of American soldiers to hang with, and shows up in the exact spot Abe is fighting almost immediately. Good thing Abe had his Ye Olde GPS location device in his breeches, pinging his coordinates to Caleb! And I'm so glad Saint Mary of the Long Suffering Second Choice Spouses & her healing touch aided Caleb's sharpshooting skills so he could hit a moving target from so far away, when mere days (hours??) ago he couldn't hit an immobile tree target from 10 paces. I can't wait for Peggy to give birth in the next episode so her child will be old enough to spy &/or fight in the finale! There's tweaking history for the sake of drama, then there's farce.
  8. I am almost as baffled by Elena's career choice as I am by Rodrigo's melting candle face. So Elena was an EMT after her stint in the military. I assume she had to take a lot of classes and spent a lot of time training for the field. Her botched butt made it difficult to sit in an amblance, so....The only available alternative was to become a dominatrix?? What? I can think of a dozen other jobs that don't require long hours of sitting. Or strapping your body into pleather costumes. Maybe the money is too good or she had an affinity for that line of work, but the way it was presented on the show made it sound like she had no other options but to work on the fringes of the sex industry. As for Rodrigo, he won't ever be satisfied. He will end up permanently disfigured or dead because he can't stop mutilating his body. At this point any "doctor" who operates on him is only looking for a paycheck. No real doctor would ever touch him again. I feel bad that Sarah's relationship didn't work out, but if her ex was more interested in her bob size, then she's well rid of him. She definitely looked closer to 45 than 35 though. She should ask Terry and Paul for a good dermatologist and get a facial regimen going stat. I thought it was funny that in the reveal scene in the restaurant, he ordered a wine for her and a Diet Coke for himself...I guess he forgot his fake ID back at the frat house that day.
  9. OK, late to the Wack-A-Doo party, but WTF??? German Barbie was bizarre enough, but when her BF, Agustus Gloop showed up, I figured these two were production plants for provoking a reaction. I know I am a somewhat sheltered East Coast prude, so I don't run into women and men with these severe cases of body dysmorphia often. Apparently there must be quite a market for these women who self mutilate their breast in such extreme ways to make money. Now we have women (and some men) who want ginormous butts to match their clown town boobs? What went wrong in these people's psyches to cause such mental illness? Maybe it's me, but when Martina first showed up, I thought she was a man transitioning. She had a distinct mustache on her upper lip, and her facial features are very masculine. And I just can't even with the BF. I guess the only silver lining I seehere is that they found each other, so they are keeping the crazy contained in one household.
  10. Raw chicken and the handling of it makes me gag, but I wear disposable gloves when I prepare it. And I wash down my whole kitchen after I deal with the prep! Once it's cooked, I do like to eat chicken. I don't remember exactly what Amy made for Bobby & Boobies with her filthy, diseased, contaminated, unwashed, infectious chicken hands (insert eye roll here), but wouldn't the heat from cooking the chicken to the proper temp, eliminate the risk of potential Food Network Elite killing germs from Amy's dish, and thus allow the judges to taste it? It wasn't as if Amy served up chicken tartare or asked either of them to lick the cutting board for chrissake.
  11. I think I can finally say I only watch this for Brooke, her husband and her snooty airhead friends. Vanessa, Jill & especially Candace can disappear tomorrow, and I wouldn't miss them or their stories. Jill may be a good writer IRL (never read anything of hers), but she surely isn't a good actor. She is more aptly, an OVER-actor.
  12. Can someone with knowledge of the UES and their peculiar rankings of "scandal" explain this Tinsley is a Bad House Guest drama? Is being denounced as a "bad" house guest really Page 6 worthy? Is it more damaging to one's social status than, oh I don't know... being arrested? Why is Tinsley so upset that she's being labeled as an inconsiderate roomy? Is she planning on couch surfing her way across Manhattan for the rest of her life? Will her Craig's List or Yelp or Uber ratings be affected by this slanderous accusation? Will the ghost of Emily Post put a curse upon Tinsley and all her relatives for her transgressions? Lu and Bethenny (to name a few) have had much more deeply personal and emotionally traumatic items published over the years...and Tinsley Mortimor is now Tinsley Mortified because some jealous, drunken, Grey Gardens denizen is Norma Desmond-ing how one should behave in one's friend's moldy, plumbing challenged crumbling townhouse? And exactly what does Sonja expect from her house guests? A gift every day? Fresh flowers brought in thrice a week? Breakfast in bed for herself and whatever rando she dragged home from Boutique at 4am? I await your expertise and enlightenment, dear readers (but, full disclosure- please do not expect a new straw bag as a thank you present for your input)
  13. Now this ep is available OnDemand in my area, so I watched on my lunch hour. Wish I didn't. Not sure which was more nauseating...the display of large bread based dishes or Giada's large breast based get up. I guess there is no phrase for "less is more" in Italian? Dial down the boobage Giada! Is she auditioning for some new "Cooking After Dark" concept for Cinemax? Is Frederick's of Hollywood the sponsor? And Bobby seems more and more over this farce each week. I can't keep up with the number of eye rolls he's throwing at this group. Can't say I blame him. None of these cooks are standouts.
  14. So, everyone in York City, Setauket and whatever town George Washington/Abe/Arnold/Simcoe show up in becomes a spy of some sort? Hard to believe there were enough non-spy people left to do the actual fighting. Anna, Mary, Peggy, Judge Woodhull, Robert Townsend, Hewitt, Abigail, Cicero...they all get sucked into duplicity after a couple of conversations? What's next? Little Master Thomas sneaks over enemy lines with a cypher in his diaper? This gets dumber each episode IMO. I'm only sticking it out to see how this show handles much hated Simcoe character...
  15. This ep didn't air in my neck of the woods! My DVR shows it recording on 7/27 instead??? So happy to hear the huge food shows are off the schedule. Not that I ever watched them, but the ads for them gross me out. There is no need for burgers as large as a swimming pool. I do not need to see an ice cream sundae with 50 scoops and 2 gallons of toppings. I get that some of these concoctions re done as marketing stunts, or fundraising, etc. But if a restaurant's claim to fame is serving quesadillas with a 4 foot diameter, I'm never going there.
  16. After the big bday bash "finale" next week, this show is done, right?? TLC can't be renewing this shrew and her 8 7 hostages children. What is left to learn about this horrible person? She is an egomaniacal attention whore. She has anger and control issues. She alienates most adults from her kids. She shrieks her way through even the most innocuous task as if she's been asked to trek across the Andes, barefoot, while carrying the kids, their gear and the 7 llamas booked for the journey. If presented with a challenge (i.e.- party planning, bungy jumping, swimming, skiing, petting a wild animal, tubing...), she moans and whines and blubbers, "I can't...I can't! I CAN'T!!!!". Once prepped for the challenge, the tears begin, "Why are you making me do this??? Who will take care of my kids if I'm in a body cast??? WHY???". Then it's time for the challenge to happen and she berates the instructors, her kids and the production crew. When the challenge is attempted/finished, we get angry relief or overly dramatic thanks be to God for letting her survive, and her avowal that she will never do that again. Lather, rinse, repeat ad nauseum. Maddy is just like her mother, and via some kind of Stockholm syndrome, I don't think she'll be the one to write the tell-all book. I'm betting on Cara or one of the boys. And because it can't be said enough, poor lost boy Colin. More vacations and birthdays he is left out of as if he never existed. She'd never do it, but if there was a normal, loving, sane, therapeutic person willing to be his parent, I wish Kate would just formally give up parental rights and let Colin receive the love and attention he needs.
  17. Decided to watch this season via OnDemand and even though I can FF thru the ads, I find myself FF'g thru the show too. None of these people interest me enough to watch a 30 min show every week. Jason is my favorite, but I still wouldn't tune in to hear his folksy witticisms every week. Rusty may be a great guy and a very good cook, but does FN really need another doughy &/or loud mouthed "personality"dude with a show? Isn't Guy hogging that demographic (and most of the time slots) already? Jeff Mauro isn't enough "personality" for the general public? And aren't there a couple of big mouth bass guys showing ridiculously oversized foods and jamming them in their gapping maws? None of those shows capture my attention now (in fact, they are the very reason I don't watch much FN anymore). Another jolly Paul Bunyan sized man hollerin' "How y'all doooin, Y'ALLL?!?!" at me won't get me to tune in. Matthew needs to go far far away from the cameras. But he won't. He will keep popping up on FN for several more months/shows, and then he'll be sent to the Cooking Channel to linger in FN "Star" losers lounge limbo. Cory will be a finalist, if not the winner. He is talented and experienced, and he is good looking and southern, so FN can finally cut all ties with the Deen Bros.
  18. I don't like the new "Rosa". I watched 1 episode of Kevin Can Wait and I didn't like Erinn Hayes there either. Bring back Eliza Coupe!!! Her mania is funnier.
  19. OK, Kate has officially gone around the bend. Her "woe is me, I do it all by myself, no one helps me" hysteria has reached clinical levels now. Maybe poor Colin isn't the one who needs to be institutionalized? What a psycho maniac. If John or any other relative of these kids cared enough to do something about this effing bitch, all they'd need to do is watch any episode with Kate "planning" an event or trip or party. She is abusive, unstable and unhinged. Those kids can't get away fast enough.
  20. I will finish out this season because I am in too deep to just quit now, but MAN! This show and the dumb-ass spy plot feels like it's lasting longer than the actual Revolutionary War. Despite all the historical inaccuracies,TURN is just not that compelling IMO. I don't find Abe's character intriguing or even sympathetic. He may be the lead character, but he is the least interesting (and most inept) "spy" ever. If any of Abe & Company's bungling were factual depictions of what happened within Washington's circle of influence, then I would have to assume the American rebels only won independence because the Brits were too busy laughing their asses off watching these "Keystone Kops" forerunners. Whether the real Simcoe died as a result of a run in with an American spy or not, I just need this TV Simcoe to die. Quickly and without ceremony. I kind of feel bad for the actor playing Simcoe because if I were a casting director I'd forever associate him with this role...and not in a good way. I'm sure the high pitch voice for Simcoe is an acting/directorial choice but I find it annoying and distracting. In fact, I've been using the mute button for almost every scene he's in so I don't have to hear it.
  21. Even if he turns out to be a normal guy, I can't see Cath's husband without thinking of Bob the Battering Bastard on "Home Fires".
  22. Ramona does know her real age, right? She understands that she is old enough biologically to be Tinsley's MOM, right? Ramona is just so desperate and sad when it comes to flirting. And hair styling. And dressing herself. As for her treatment of "staff", not only is she embarrassing, but she is so disrespectful. It isn't as if she were raised as lady of the manor a la "Downton Abbey" and has been waited on all her life. She was from humble beginnings like everyone else in the cast (except Tinsley). It bugs me to no end how she orders staff around with such an air of expectation that her every whim is to be fulfilled. I'm shocked we didn't get our usually scene of Ramona asking the driver/chef/property manager/ski instructor to not only carry her bags, but unpack them for her. And for God sake, do not put your bare feet on the table or the couch! Gross! I don't care if she just had a $300 pedicure, you do not whip off your shoes and socks in a bar/restaurant/lounge. I think the rest of the women were tone deaf in their treatment of the chef and servers at dinner. I don't care that they played Truth or Dare or got raunchy in their sex talk. I just don't think the guys cooking and serving them dinner needed to be subjected to it. It was horrifying when B dared Sonja to "French" the server. It got laughs because it was a bunch of hormonal, drunk "cougars" on a Girls Weekend. If we watched a group of college frat boys on Spring Break drug a girl's drink, or a couple of corporate douches at a sales conference pawing a waitress, or wasted hicks in a bar cornering a woman for "a little kiss", wouldn't most of us be outraged at blatant sexual assault? Boy, Dorinda just keeps winning every episode for me. Of any of these NY women, Dorinda is the one I'd want to hang out with on a regular basis (without John and his alleged cucumber. Or Hannah). I have skied only 3 times in my life, and never in Aspen or Stratton, so maybe things are done differently on "fancy" mountains. Do women really play "dress up" as much as Bethenny when they sit around their rentals or in the lodge? What was with all the ski-themed sweaters and wool beanies and furry boots...at breakfast?
  23. How the Hell is Abe going to fly under the radar if he is enlisted in Simcoe's line of sight? They already have bad history between them, what with all the attempted murdering, but now Abe is going to convince Simcoe that he's a true Loyalist? Maybe he can pull the wool over Arnold's eyes, but not Simcoe. This is a dumb plot device in my opinion.
  24. Re. Tree names...In the 80's, I had a college friend who's brother was a 70's style, commune living hippie. This guy and his wife were in their early 20's at the time and lived on a compound in VT. Made their own butter, kept bees, no electricity- the whole back to nature thing. They had 3 kids...Birch (boy), Aspen (girl), Maple (boy). At a reunion a few years ago I asked my old buddy how his family was. His brother and his wife still lived in VT (in a house by now, own a goat farm, making cheese, soap and wool), but the kids totally abandoned their parents' lifestyle. They all changed their names. Two work in investment banking and the other became a lawyer who's firm represents an oil company.
  25. Obviously the parents have limited mental capacity and passed whatever strange scrambled egg DNA onto the daughter. It is very sad that there isn't support or resources enough to help these disadvantaged people. Yes, they all receive disability payments but without giving them life skills training, or parenting skills or job training, those checks mean next to nothing. We will continue to see a parade of unfortunate souls. First lesson I'd offer low functioning couples is "Just because your IQ is 50, and his IQ is 50 does not guarantee your offspring will have an IQ of 100." Not to get too deep into politics, but if these various assistance systems actually managed the funds properly and kept a better watch on who is receiving it, where is it being spent, etc, those agencies could potentially do more for more people in need. I agree with JJ that if you are in jail, your personal disability or welfare funds or housing allowances stop until you get out. If your child or spouse needs the SSI/SDI income, they should be able to file on their own account. I know it's a very complex issue that can't be solved on a forum, but I think most reasonable people agree that 1) there are people who need assistance (housing/food/training whatever) & 2) the current system has been broken for decades & over many administrations (R & D). Forgot to add - yet for all the lack of IQ, Mom & Dad (and their kid) were savvy enough to have figured out a way to get free utilities via opening different user accounts. So smart enough to take advantage of the system, but not smart enough to find a job mopping & sweeping outside of jail....or to stay the hell out of jail?
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