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Everything posted by BusyOctober

  1. When Sandra and Glenn were being mean and were kicking the nursing mom out, Sandra had the line that cracked me up the most. I can’t remember the exact phrasing now, but it was something like “Yeah, take your stuff...take your baby and your boobs and get out of here!” Just struck me as really funny for some reason. I don’t care whether a woman breastfeeds in a store or a park or a restaurant...baby gotta eat and momma shouldn’t be locked away from society until Jr. can make his own PB&J. However, there are some times when I think a little bit of public breast feeding and baby care etiquette is called for. Many many years ago when I managed a store in a very liberal, hippy dippy part of the city, a mom came in to the store with a toddler. He lifted her shirt and pulled on her to feed him. She sat down at one of the dining table displays in the front window, put him on her lap and yanked up her shirt. I went over and asked if she would like to use my office (not a dirty bathroom, not the cold stock room)to have more privacy. She said they were comfortable as is. Took off her shoes and propped her feet up on another chair. After he had had enough, she used one of the linen napkins on the display to wipe off her boob and the kid’s mouth, left it crumpled on the place setting. Then she pushed the table top display off to one side and proceeded to change his very full diaper on the table. She handed the un-bagged , barely folded up diaper to one of the girls at the register to dispose and left.
  2. I know it is mildly (or maybe “wildly”) racist, but I cackled like a loon when Raj & Penny walked in with the take out... Raj- ”I brought Chinese!” Penny - “And I brought Indian!”
  3. Aside from the WTF on the runway, I have bigger questions... How did Isaac get a hold of my grandma's 1980's couch upholstery and create my grandma's 1970's house coat for Alyssa's 'dress' at the museum? And why did the 'stylist' make her look like she put on 40 lbs since last episode by putting her in that thing? Someone in the building must have been able to get their hands on a more flattering, colorful Mizrahi design, no?
  4. I like Kyle. She isn't perfect, she can be as petty as any of these women. Kyle isn't necessarily "right" or "wrong" in this stupid BFF tug-of-war "plot". It's so stupid and everyone involved in it is stupid for carrying on over it for this amount of time. Putting on my arm chair psychologist's hat, I think Kyle is just hyper-sensitive about her friendship w/ LVP and threats (perceived or real) to bust it up. Kyle is an emotionally needy person and probably has her whack-a-do stage mother to thank/blame. She craves praise and doesn't want to disappoint people IMO. Now she & her family have wealth, success, fame and relatively scandal free lives. Her sister Kathy is holding a grudge about the real estate split w/ Mauricio. Kim was emotionally &financially dependent on Kyle for years. Now both sisters have distanced themselves from her and are pissed off at her for various reasons. I think Kyle feels alone and abandoned by her sisters who were supposedly brought up to look out for each other and support each other in a "us against the world" mentality imposed by their mother. If Kathy & Kim aren't there for Kyle, I think she is doubly insecure about "losing" her close friendship w/ LVP. And LVP is completely aware of Kyle's situation. I think LVP likes to hold her friendships over people's heads like a diamond & rose filled pinata. She enjoys sitting back & watching these women "prove" their love and fidelity by battling each other to bust open the big "prize".
  5. Mike & Paul were shady from the jump. They hid info in their first go with Marcus, and obviously were hiding a sh** ton more this episode. And the daughter's seemingly abrupt resignation with no explanation makes me think she's shady AF too. I hope the new joint venture takes off and explodes into millions of dollars for Marcus, Travis & Sweet Pete's. Mike & Paul were idiots who mismanaged at least 2 business ventures. They showed their idiocy on national TV...twice. I hope they siphoned off enough cash from "Parlor" or "Farrell's" to keep a roof over their heads because who would hire either of them? A simple Google search would cast a long shadow of doubt on either one of these dolts. I disagree with the whole toy store section as well. A few POS tchotchkes , OK. But to devote that much square footage to toys seems wrong. I also rolled my eyes at Marcus' reasoning for putting toys in. He wanted to capture sales from people who "forgot" to bring a gift to a b-day party/event being held at Farrell's. WTH? I'm a parent/aunt/cousin & have been to plenty of b-day parties for friends and family. I have never "forgotten" a gift. No one I know has ever shown up at the event and been like, "oops! No present for you! Sorry!" Who loads their kid(s) up into the car and drives off to attend another kid's party without a freakin' gift in hand??
  6. Josh is just unlikeable IMO. He does the same theme every week... “Welcome to the Frederick’s of Hollywood XXX Bargain Basement Bondage Clearance Sale!” Then he has the audacity to critique others in his TH about repeating the same shtick? Josh, please pack your spray tan gun and your bag of tackiness and go (wrong show, I know). I love Anthony but I so do not understand how that giant paper plate passed with minimal scrutiny. Spin-art indeed. It reminded me of something a 2nd grader would make for her Science Project. Sorry to see Kimberly go. As Ms. Blue Jay noted, they didn’t give her enough screen time. She is definitely more talented than Josh.
  7. I am enjoying this series so much. I have investigated some of the events and characters on occasion, and I am OK with the creative license taken in most instances. I am a history buff, and Anglophile so any show fiction or nonfiction with the UK or royals as the subject is usually high on my watch list. Sometimes I forget that not everyone ‘knows’ what I consider historical common knowledge. While in a waiting room recently, a women who looked 50-55 years old was watching “Victoria” on her iPad. She caught me looking, and smiled and said how much she liked the show. I said me too, and we started chatting about the show. She was really taken by the love story between V & A. I agreed and said it’s easy to see why Victoria was so devastated when Albert died at a relatively young age...Well, she looked like I had just sucker punched her in the throat. “What?!? He dies? When? How? OMG! No! Don’t tell me!” She was truly surprised by this “spoiler”. I felt bad, but, come on, really? Part of me felt like telling her, “By the way, Lincoln gets shot & the Titanic sinks.”
  8. I’m glad you brought that up. I live in a town of around 2,500 and the only armored trucks I’ve seen are at the bank, or one of our larger grocery stores. As you say, everyone else has someone in the business who goes to the bank to make deposits, etc. Oh, and Harrah’s. :) THIS! I worked for a national retail chain for over 10 years. I was an asst mgr, then manager for most of that time. Every morning before opening, a mgr or asst mgr walked to the bank down the street to get change for the day. At closing we walked in pairs back to the bank with the night deposit. Never once did the Wells Fargo truck back up & dump a load of $10's & $20's on my delivery dock.
  9. So Erica was “just a girl from Atlanta with a dream”....to find an octogenarian sugar daddy? Those DACA kids need to get a hold of Erica’s book stat and start studying. All they want is to live without fear of parental deportation and freedom to pursue a better life in the only country they have ever known. Those short sighted Dreamers are dreaming too small (snerk). Whenever Dorit starts her shit stirring, I just keep yelling “please shut up please shut up” which in turn makes me think of Eminem.. Dorit is so shady, yeah she’s so shady. All you other ladies are just irritating, but Dorit just needs to please shut up, please shut up, please shut up.
  10. Small business may be getting swallowed up by big chains, but for the “mom n pop” shops still hanging in there, many of them like cash better. Credit/debit card companies already charge them for processing transactions. Will they want to spend an additional $20/mo plus 3% to Mr. I Hate Coins? They are struggling enough to stay above water. As for cash going away, I don’t think it will be as soon as he thinks. For example, people have been talking about getting rid of the penny since I was a kid in the 70’s. They are still in circulation.
  11. I think he said that because he grew up poor, and saw his own parents eating the crusts b/c maybe they couldn’t afford groceries. He didn’t want his kids to see that scenario with him so he is trying to make a better life for his family.
  12. Haaaated the Sisters & their shtick. I couldn't stop wondering if the straight-hair sis was wearing a wig or not...that bob looked fake to me. As for their deal, I don't get it. The got $100k to walk away from the company? No involvement in their father's legacy? No royalty? No spot on the board? No stock options? Just seems like they were happy to dump the biz and be able to say "OK Dad, your dream lives on, but we OUT!" I think I missed a few minutes of the scooter suitcase pitch. What was the problem about being allowed to use it in airports? I have seen other kinds of scooters in use at the International airport near me; handicapped type and motorized, rid on suitcases. I even saw someone with a ride on cooler once. Personally I thought the suitcase was rather small. And after you detach the scooter from the suitcase, then what? Are you supposed to leave room in the carry on to stuff the folder scooter inside? I don't know if storing the lose folded device in an overhead would be allowed. Am I supposed to hold the thing in my lap (not that it would be allowed either)? The car looked cool though. The egg thing looked cool, but like madpsych 78 mentioned "STRIPES!" would get boring, even if you varied the width of them. If I see it in a store for a reasonable price (i.e.- not $25), I might pick one up this year. Last guy should have stayed in Corporate Law...very assertive and he had a knack for arguing. I don't get the appeal of his app, but I use a debit card mostly. If I'm somewhere when the purchase is under $10 or $20, I do use cash, but the loose change goes into a jar when I get home. My husband & I save all the coins and all $5 bills we get as change for our vacation fund from Jan-July. Last two years we saved over $2000 & paid for our August week at the beach!
  13. From yesterday- As soon as Phil crows "Imma Man-DATED Reporter!" I knew those kids would not be getting any help from Phil or any of his pay-to-play "specialists". I hope the girl's family recorded the episode and will find good legal help to get their grandchildren away from the whack a doodle parents. They have enough evidence from the tapes and the actual show to get an emergency injunction IMO. Today - I feel bad for Sheila. I hope her delusions are due to medication side effects and if seen by a real, board certified medical doctor, she gets the help she needs. I missed "Mrs. Tyler Perry", but it is heartbreaking to me to see people so deluded. They truly are living in their own world, and just as we on the outside can't fathom how these folks can believe their crazy stories, they can't comprehend why we don't see "the truth".
  14. Ha! I thought they all looked like they were in a play! Like a spoof on an old movie or something...Gail’s little fluffy wrap reminded me of one of those fancy feathery bed jackets from the 1930’s. The “most famous British Chef” dude looked like a Bond villain. As for Padma’s dress, I loved it! Even though I could never carry it off no matter what color it was! Scenery was gorgeous though!
  15. Another season of just half-assed watching for me. I never learned any teams' names or distinguished one from another. All I do know is there is a couple who went to Yale. They graduated from Yale. They were on the debate team...at Yale. They became a couple while at Yale. They know how to be methodical and do math-y stuff so much better than the rest of the racers because, you know. YALE. After all these years of people rolling eyes at Harvard students/alum for name-dropping, this duo as done their share to catch up in the braggadocios bloviating. And, oh yeah...YALE. The other annoying racer is apparently named Jessica. She is not as bad as dear old Flo from so long ago, but she is certainly in the same unlikable category. Her comment about karma was so typical of an entitled spoiled brat. It was 'just game play" when she & her partner used the U-Turn. But how dare another team use it! On her! I was hoping a frog would pee on her, or a scorpion would give her a good nip. I do not like her "I'm just a poor, pretty damsel in constant state of distress! Thank goodness my big, strong fellow fame whore of a BF is at the ready to do all the heavy lifting!"
  16. Ditto. I'm not enjoying it as much as previous seasons. Not ready to give it up completely, but I find myself watching it several days later on DVR vs. right away. I already gave up on "The Detour", so this one is circling the drain for me.
  17. So obvious to me that Erika & Dodo left their Sham Glam Squads behind for the beach house trip. Both of them looked soooo much better at Teddi’s. Dodo’s wigs and fish net jumpsuit aside, her face looked less...trowled on. And the smokey, coke-infused raccoon in a bar fight black eye was dialed back to “tolerable”. I also think Kyle looked great during the sunset scene. Her face looked just lovely IMO. I agree that this season feels blah and less interesting. I do not need to spend any time at all ever with Rinna’s children. They are insufferable. They are young, so by definition, self involved. Hopefully they will mature into more likeable young women. But until then, I don’t have any interest in either one of those kids. I have never watched the Kardashian Klan for a lot of reasons. I certainly do not want to watch a 3rd rate version of them on RHOBH either. I guess if PK has to be on this show, it’s better to have him in the first scene and get it over with. It’s worse when he just pops up randomly in the middle of the show. It’s like finding a hair in your best ever up-til-now meal you ever ate.
  18. Sigh, Merline makes it to another round. Her designs are not very memorable or exciting or well-tailored. She is a lovely person, I am sure. But I am really looking forward to NOT having to hear Alyssa overly Frenchify & pronounce “Merline” as “MARE-leeeen”. I think Josh’s self tanner and bronzer have caused permanent brain damage. He has such high opinions of himself. He should rebrand his label as “Dee-Loo-Chanel” if he thinks that Fredick’s of Hollywood Bondage Bride get up had any business in the top 3.
  19. I can't find the ep but that lead me to think it so don't want to spoil it. Just from what we know about her job which was sharpening pencils so I was basing it on a lot of things based on lack of knowledge about Penny. I forgot to add in my original post...Joel didn't have any money. His father told everyone the couple was broke. So, did Joel setup the love nest earlier and run the well dry trying to keep 2 houses going? Or if he had no money of his own, then Penny must have had that apartment already. I know it's a moot point and silly thing to get stuck on, but the time lines of this show throw me. Everything happened so fast. Was ASP afraid she'd only get one season of this thing, so she rushed everything?
  20. I just assumed Joel’s new apartment was actually Penny’s. It looked very nice and completely furnished. However, even if it wasn’t as big as Joel & Midge’s place, it still looked pricey to me. So maybe Penny has rich parents that got her setup in her own place? Or maybe her rent wasn’t too high and she could afford it? But I never thought Joel found and furnished a whole new place, and got Penny moved in so soon after leaving Midge.
  21. Aw, I cried! Not through the whole thing, but when the Long Lost-ees were reunited with their old friends. I like Ann Curry, and I am so glad she is back on tv even if it’s to spite that egotistical, arrogant, misogynistic, unemployed a-hole Matt Lauer. How’s it feel to be blindsided with a surprise firing, Jerk Face? I will keep watching for now.
  22. I felt like I was experiencing motion sickness and vertigo at the same time with that bunch. Dog lady was annoying (sorry Barb, I didn't think fire kit guy was annoying at all). I am not a dog owner, so I don't know anything about what enhancement dogs need for their hydration routine. I would think giving your dog access to a water bowl at home, and bringing along water on your dog + human outings would be enough. A lot of dog parks have water spouts for the animals. Around where I am, almost every shop & restaurants in downtown areas put out water dishes for dogs. I don't get it. Plus, as mentioned, she was annoying. What was her deal with trying to shame Robert into making a deal? Just b/c he loves dogs he's supposed to put up his cash for your broth water? Bye FUR-licia. I liked the fire tin idea. I wouldn't pay for the crazy shipping cost (due to the weight of the tin), but I would pick up one or two in a store if I were having people over. And 6 hours is plenty of time to sit around on my deck or at the beach. How much time does Lori have to just sit in front of a giant candle?? Six hours would give most people two uses per tin I think.
  23. So during the final the chefs usually pick a brigade from previous contestants. I know Elise will show up in the group, but I hope with all my heart she is the last one picked (of course that will only be b/c the other chefs fear her awesomeness). I like Nick or Michelle for the win. I just don’t get Benjamin. He is so....blah. I guess he is a really good cook, and his family is adorable but he just doesn’t have a spark IMO. I don’t think a good chef has to have “personality” like Elise or Robyn or Vance’s brand of loud mouth show boating. But to lead a staff at a restaurant I think there needs to be a twinkle, a spark an aura of passion about what he/she is doing. I don’t get any of that from Ben
  24. I watched both eps back to back. So, is the theme of this show “Entitlled Brats & the Interloping 2nd Wives They Are Afraid Will Get All Our Daddy’s Love Money”? The pizza kids were selfish, especially the mouthy “DJ”. I bet once their new family plan gets up and running, and the stores are run more efficiently, Mouthy and her Rocker hubby will seek out investors. Only at that point, her investor will include her in the multi million dollar buy out. I also wondered where the other 2 daughter’s were. Joe said he had a son & daughter by his high school sweetheart. We saw the son briefly. He had 4 girls with his wife who died, and we saw 3 of them. Also haaaated the manufactured drama of Joe’s recorded “Final Message”. I didn't like Aida at the jewelry store. She was kind of jerky for not letting the sons have some of their dad’s belongings....until cameras were rolling to capture the “emotionally healing” moment. And she will never stop making excuses for the son who thought he was soooo smart and better than the first set of sons. He is a pouty brat. The older, bald brother made a concise, clean, clear presentation for a business plan. Mamma’s Boy tried to use the 7 fancy business school phrases he read in Marketing 101 in his flop of a presentation. Those fluffy run on sentences lifted from your professor’s text book may get you a good grade in school. But when the rubber meets the road in the real world, your “education” will not fool or impress anyone who has worked in the industry and has acquired skills and experience. This show doesn’t seem to have the same edge as Tabitha’s Takeover. Her TH’s have some snarky comments, but she hasn’t been as confrontational with the family as she was with the salon owners.
  25. Most of here who have read excerpts of Odd's blog would never mistake her 'writing' for Alice Walker, or a Bronte sister, or Mary Higgins Clark. Her grammar and phrasing is so wrong "Always More" than half the time. Maybe if she wants to be taken seriously, she should try "Beating 50%" of egregious blathering, and read a style guide? A simple Google search could provide several sources. I looked at the link above and aside from the typical Odd ramblings, one thing jumped out at me: Adventure is defined as, “an exciting or remarkable experience; the exploration of unknown territory, often involving risk.” I had a college professor who told us on Day 1 of Freshmen English if she ever read "Webster defines <fill in the blank> as ______" or "<blank> is defined as ______", in any assignments she would immediately stop reading and give it a "D". And if anyone used it as an opening statement, it would receive an "F". She said that is a lazy and unimaginative device employed by lazy and unimaginative writers.
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