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Everything posted by Loandbehold

  1. How can male vampires get an erection if they don't have blood flow. And how come they bleed? Also, how come Angel ... <pant> ... <gasp> ... <pant> ... can't give Buffy CPR b/c he has no breath?
  2. So, John was not going to give away his ... spot. No he wasn't going to give away his ... spot. I always wondered what Lin-Manuel Miranda's inspiration was for that song. Sure, he changed a word or two, but the sentiment's the same.
  3. I think Angel, who is a pretty large fellow, fell from a great height and flattened the ring. He then used it for spackle to fix a hole in the mansion (a lot of damage was done during the fight.
  4. Don't forget more important than the location of the dogs or is caring for Vesco's cat. I love reading the snark, but when this show started it was a lot of fun. Spader still chews as much scenery as he can gobble up*, but aside from Dembe the other characters have lost what made them fun. It's very sad. I'm sticking with the show until the end, but the expiration date on this show was about five years ago. *T-Day reference.
  5. The entire time Liz was with Dembe, I expected him to let her go, as he has done before. He didn't because he didn't want Liz to get suspicious that he would in the end choose her over Red, but that can't happen until the finale (which may be seven years from now b/c NBC doesn't have any other shows). Your explanation works better. saber5055, your entire post was like a great opera, building, building, building to that crescendo - before the denoument., Bravo! Bravisimo!
  6. Aram: [Also whispering] It gives you twice as many chances for a dating match. Ressler: You mean that both dating sites have the exact same number of members? Aram: Uh, yes. That's exactly what I mean. [turns away and under his breath says] What a maroon.
  7. The New Bat Cave? Well, they did say changes would be made to the show.
  8. Agreed. Ryan and Colin kept looking at each other and even saying those were pretty good so they had almost no snarky asides they could make.
  9. A(nother) article arguing that it's time to either reboot or continue the series. This sums it up best:
  10. Not just helping others, but doing so for them and not to prove something to her parents or her sister, or to get on magazine covers. It really did show how much she had grown. Me too.
  11. I knew he was related to Alan, but couldn't remember how. My guess is that Alan's sister asked that Alan hire Mel and he resented the nepotism but felt compelled to it. So, he took out his resentment by treating Mel like crap. He might have felt that he had to hire him, but that didn't mean he had to treat him nicely.
  12. Although obviously not as often, Alan also was mean to Mel in most of the scenes they were both in.
  13. I like when we see more than two "Scenes From a Hat" scenes. So, this was a lot of fun. And Jeff as lead on Doo W** with Ryan and Colin! Pure Gold!
  14. The article says that all of the series regulars were paid in full for season 4. I hope the crew was also paid.
  15. Wow. I saw the show with the original case and remember it was Len Cariou and Angela Lansbury, but I had no idea Victor Garber was in it. Of course, I was only 13 and for me Garber didn't become famous until Alias, but still, quite the surprise to learn about it now.
  16. Regarding filming, the L&O shows aren't really known for their high speed chases or fight scenes, so it's probably easier to film in this COVID era. Also, while I believe the rate of infection has come down in California, it's probably still higher than it is in NY. Whether that can have some additional impact on filming, I don't know. But, I'd think the L&O shows could pare down their casts much easier than The Rookie can.
  17. I went to see Network as well, but didn't sit on stage. But I know what you mean about needing to see TM in whatever she's doing.
  18. No need to apologize. I appreciate being informed when I'm wrong. It often results in me rewatching to repair the gaps in the swiss cheese that is what passes for my memory. And, it's certainly not a chore to watch the Becoming episodes.
  19. But, at the time Xander tells Buffy to "kick his ass" neither one knows Angel has already pulled the sword from Acathla. So, I maintain he had good reasons when he sees her to give her that message rather than tell Buffy that Willow's trying the spell again.
  20. On top of this, Buffy, in just the prior episode had tried to fight Angelus in a delaying action to give Willow time to complete the re-ensoulment spell. That resulted in Kendra being killed, Giles being kidnapped, Willow almost being killed, and Xander having his arm broken. He doesn't want Buffy to do the same thing and risk Acathala sending the world into hell since he has no idea when or even if Willow will successfully complete the spell. Even if being jealous of Angel also played a role in his decision Xander's action was justified in my book.
  21. Juliet Landau has directed and stars in a feature film (her first directorial gig of a feature) which will have a virtual premiere screening by Starfury on October 30. It's called "Halloween Among the Dead". Info on purchasing tickets to just watch the film and also tickets to various interviews with stars and others are available here: Halloween Among the Dead ticket info.
  22. I liked Simmons with Tripp and would have liked to see that explored more. As for Fitz/Simmons, besides the actors believing it was just a platonic relationship, they had Fitz pining for Skye the entire first season until they were underwater. It was then that Fitz sacrificed himself and declared how it was always Simmons. It wasn't. Or at least, it didn't come across that way to me. So, I resisted the pairing for quite a while. I must admit that the writers and the actors did win me over with the relationship as the series went on.
  23. I was one of those who stopped watching at that point. Don't recall if there was something else on or if I just was annoyed with MOTW nature. It wasn't until years later that I watched the entire series from the start. I'm a big fan of these types of stories as well.
  24. With 136 episodes, it's a little more than 2-1/2 years.
  25. True. He's a lot taller and looks like he's been working out.
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